10 research outputs found

    Features of the frequency of occurrence of T-330G <i>IL2</i> gene polymorphism in patients with COVID-19

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    SARS-CoV-2 infection is the etiopathogenetic factor of the new coronavirus infection. Susceptibility to the virus and, accordingly, the incidence differs in children and adults. On the one hand, this reflects the age-related features of the immune response. On the other hand, it is realized through the production of a number of cytokines, including IL-2, and reflects the genetically determined features of cytokine production. The aim of the study was to analyze the frequency of occurrence of T-330G polymorphic variants of the IL2 gene in patients with a new coronavirus infection. A total of 145 patients were examined, including 31.0% of children (n = 45) and 69.0% of adults (n = 100). The diagnosis of a new coronavirus infection was verified by RT-PCR confirming the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and identifying clinical symptoms of an upper respiratory tract infection. The control group consisted of 50 healthy volunteer donors. Allele-specific PCR with electrophoretic detection in 3% agarose gel (Litech, Russia) was used to analyze the T-330G polymorphism of the IL2 gene. To compare the frequencies of allele combinations, the χ2 test and the odds ratio OR and (95% CI) were used.The dominant genotype in patients with COVID-19 was the heterozygous GT genotype of the T-330G polymorphism of the IL2 gene. In the group of children at risk of developing a new coronavirus infection, the GG genotype of the T-330G polymorphism of the IL2 gene was associated (31.1% in children and 18.0% in the control group, p &lt; 0.05, OR = 2.047). While the homozygous TT genotype of the T-330G polymorphism of the IL2 gene was a protective genotype (its occurrence rate was 26.7% in patients, 54.0% in the control group, p &lt; 0.05, OR = 0.315). In adults, the heterozygous GT genotype of the T-330G polymorphism of the IL2 gene was associated with the risk of developing a new coronavirus infection (in the group of patients – 44.0% versus control – 28.0%, p = 0.028, OR = 2.020). A low risk of developing the disease was associated with the homozygous TT variant of the T-330G polymorphism of the IL2 gene (in the group of patients 37.0% versus control – 54.0%, p = 0.024, OR = 0.500).The T-330G polymorphism of the promoter zone of the IL2 gene differently affects its production. The direction of the immune response and its effectiveness depend on the level of IL-2. Understanding the individual factors that determine the features of the immune response can help in understanding the mechanisms of development of COVID-19-associated diseases and the selection of approaches to personalized methods of their treatment


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    The article presents the results of the analysis of clinical and morphological characteristics and a number of indicators of peripheral blood in children with a new coronavirus infection. The purpose of the study is to give clinical and laboratory characteristics of the immune response in children with a new coronavirus infection. Materials and methods. 102 children with a new coronavirus infection were examined. Evaluation of peripheral blood parameters and lymphocyte subpopulations in children of three age groups 0-4 years, 5-9 years and 10-14 years. Results. In children with a new coronavirus infection, an imbalance of the granulocytic and lymphocytic link is observed, which is most pronounced for children of the younger (0-4 years) and middle (5-9 years) age groups. The general trend of changes is characterized by an increase in lymphocytes and granulocytes at the onset of the disease and a decrease after 2 weeks. The ratio of neutrophils to lymphocytes shows the predominance of neutrophils. Conclusion. The established changes are characterized as specific for most viral infections, but at the same time reflect the pathogenetic specifics of SARS-CoV-2 infection, as a combination of age-related features of the functioning of the immune system and the etiotropic effect of the virus

    Ecotoxicity Study of New Composite Materials Based on Epoxy Matrix DER-331 Filled with Biocides Used for Industrial Applications

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    The impact of fillers in the epoxy oligomer on the test culture of the marine ecosystem was investigated. The content of additive—biocides—was selected based on the complex research using STAT-GRAPHICS® Centurion XVI. The ecotoxicity of composite surfaces was determined in model systems using methods which are standard in eco-microbiology. The microorganism was identified by studying morphological, cultural, biochemical, and antigenic properties. Studies of the structure and the microrelief of the surfaces of composite materials were conducted using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy. Based on comprehensive research, it was established that the composition of oxytetracycline with content of q = 1.5 wt% and nanosilver with a content of q = 0.075 wt% per 100 wt% of the DER-331 oligomer and 10 parts by the mass of the TETA hardener ensures the formation of a porous nano-heterogeneous structure of the coating, which leads to the acceleration of the release of silver ions from the surface of the polymer. The rational content of the complex additives of biocides ensures adhesion to the cell wall of bacteria with subsequent penetration into it and subsequent change to the cell membrane, its death, and, therefore, the suppression of the fouling process of metal structures

    Optimal Management in the Operation of Complex Technical Systems

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    Developing a cost management system for a complex technical system (CTS) at the stages of its life cycle is a modern trend aimed at creating sustainable cooperation ties based on requirements, including those of manufacturers and consumers. The article explores the concept of a complex technical system. The principles and properties of a complex technical system were described. A model of a procedure for checking the operability of a complex technical system with an arbitrary distribution of the time of independent manifestation of a failure was proposed for the example of compressor station equipment. Models of operation of complex technical systems based on information about their state were considered. It was also shown how to optimize maintenance decisions for these systems in terms of the minimum average unit cost and how reliable this ensures. Additionally, proof of the existence of an optimal verification strategy was given. An algorithm for determining the moments of verification was developed to ensure the minimum cost. The methods of collecting, processing, and effectively using information for making decisions about the technical condition of complex products and the possibility of further exploitation were improved based on selecting informative diagnostic features and constructing models that comprehensively consider the maximum and current level of their parameters. This allowed for the quality of the final products to be ensured. The practical use of the proposed methods of diagnosis and forecasting made it possible to increase the actual CTS resource by 1.5–2.0 times. This also increased the productivity of the technological process by 1.6 times due to the reduction of the number of stops for maintenance for replacement, adjustments, and sub-adjustments. As a result, the value of the lack of basic production was reduced from 1.2 % to 0.8 %, and the cost of manufacturing products was decreased by 1.2–2.0 times

    Adaptive multicomponent nanocomposite coatings in surface engineering

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    Стала надійність транспортування: вивчення повзучості екологічно чистих полімерних нанокомпозитів

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    У роботі наведено результати дослідження повзучості полімерних композитів, що містять органічні тканини. Наведено технологію формування функціональних полімерних композитів і захисних покриттів на їх основі з підвищеними експлуатаційними характеристиками для захисту засобів транспорту. Для формування полімерних матеріалів використовували епоксидну смолу ЕД-20, яку полімеризували твердником поліетиленполіаміном PEPA у співвідношенні: епоксидний олігомер ЕД-20 – 100 %, твердник PEPA – 10 %. Додатково для поліпшення властивостей епоксидних композитів і захисних покриттів у зв’язувач вводили нанонаповнювач у вигляді диаміноазобензол карбонової кислоти. Також вводили мікродисперний наповнювач та органічні тканини. Як мікродисперсний наповнювач для експериментальних досліджень використано синтезовану порошкову титано-алюмінієву шихту. Формування наповнювача проводили високовольтним електророзрядним синтезом. У результаті такої обробки отримали високомодульні сполуки Ti, Al3Ti і Ti3AlC2. У вигляді наповнювача додатково використано тканини на основі волокон органічного походження. У роботі використано бавовняні тканини товщиною h = 1.5…2.0 мм, а лляні тканини товщиною h = 1.5…1.7 мм. Доведено, що формування модифікованих «гібридних» матеріалів, які містять у комплексі дисперсний наповнювач і бавовняну чи лляну тканини забезпечує суттєве зменшення повзучості матеріалів в умовах статичного навантаження. Встановлено, що використання таких композитів (за наступного співвідношення компонентів – епоксидний зв’язувач : нанонаповнювач : мікродисперсний наповнювач і бавовняна чи лляна тканини (два шари) забезпечує покращення порівняно з епоксидною матрицею наступних показників повзучості матеріалів: зменшення максимального прогину композитів у 3.3…6.6 разів, зменшення швидкості повзучості у 1.6…2.0 разів, підвищення показника відновлення після повзучості у 3.1…3.5 разів.The paper presents research results on the creep of polymer composites containing organic tissues. It discusses the technology of forming functional polymer composites and protective coatings based on them, which exhibit enhanced operational characteristics for protecting means of transport. To create polymer materials, epoxy resin ED-20 was polymerized with the polyethylene polyamine (PEPA) hardener in the following ratio: ED-20 epoxy oligomer – 100 % and PEPA hardener – 10 %. In addition, to enhance the properties of epoxy composites and protective coatings, a nanofiller in the form of diaminoazobenzene carboxylic acid was incorporated into the binder. Micro-disperse fillers and organic tissues were also introduced. A synthesized powder titanium-aluminum charge was utilized as a microdispersion filler for experimental studies. The formation of the filler was achieved through high-voltage electric discharge synthesis, resulting in the production of high-modulus compounds such as Ti, Al3Ti, and Ti3AlC2. Fabrics based on organic fibers were additionally used as fillers. Cotton fabrics with a thickness of h = 1.5...2.0 mm and linen fabrics with a thickness of h = 1.5...1.7 mm were employed in this study

    A new family of pneumatic punches

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