1 research outputs found

    MSL Entry, Descent and Landing Performance and Environments

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    A viewgraph presentation on the MARS Science Laboratory (MSL) Entry, Descent and Landing (EDL) performance and environments is shown. The topics include: 1) High Altitude and Precision Landing; 2) Guided, Lifting, Ballistic Trade; 3) Supersonic Chute Deploy Altitude; 4) Guided, Lifting, Ballistic Landing Footprint Video; 5) Transition Indicator at Peak Heating Point on Trajectory; 6) Aeroheating at Peak Heating Point on Trajectory Nominal, No Uncertainty Included; 7) Comparison to Previous Missions; 8) Pork Chop Plots - EDL Performance for Mission Design; 9) Max Heat Rate Est (CBE+Uncert) W/cm2; 10) Nominal Super Chute Deploy Alt Above MOLA (km); 11) Monte Carlo; 12) MSL Option M2 Entry, Descent and Landing; 13) Entry Performance; 14) Entry Aeroheating and Entry g's; 15) Terminal Descent; and 16) How An Ideal Chute Deployment Altitude Varies with Time of Year and Latitude (JSC Chart)