2 research outputs found

    Sandiwara Sunda sebagai Bentuk Transmisi Nilai Bagi Generasi Muda

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    Â Pendidikan karakter kini tengah digalakkan dalam sistem pendidikan nasional karena dapat meningkatkan mutu karakter generasi sekarang dan masa datang. Kita tidak mung- kin membangun karakter terlepas dari budayanya. Padepokan Seni Ringkang Gumiwang (PSRG) peduli pada pendidikan karakter dengan mengenalkan kembali bahasa ibu(Sunda) sebagai upaya membangun budaya sendiri. Rekonstruksi Sandiwara Sunda dilakukan se- bagai upaya pemertahanan eksistensi budaya Sunda. Pertunjukan sandiwara Sunda men- jadi media pemertahanan bahasa dan seni kepada generasi muda. Metode Pewarisan kese- nian digunakan untuk menggali dan mengaplikasikan keberlangsungan sebuah kesenian di masyarakat. Pemahaman nilai-nilai yang terkandung di dalam pertunjukan diharapkan dapat diaplikasi dalam kehidupan siswa (generasi muda). Oleh karena itu, apresiasi per- tunjukan yang dilakukan oleh PSRG dapat menjadi model dalam transmisi nilai pada ma- syarakat. Sandiwara menjadi wahana tepat dalam peningkatan apresiasidi kalangan ge- nerasi muda.


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    Tri Hita Karana is the philosophy of life from Hindu (Majapahit) people in Bali taking three angle points of harmony life concept. It has meaning to keep the harmony as well as balance between human-to-God, human-to-human and human-to-environment. This concept raised in the Museum of Geopark Batur exhibition, especially in cultural-diversity exhibition area which presents the diversity of the form of cultural expression of society in Batur Geopark region based on Tri Hita Karana concept. This concept in exhibition needs to be interpreted from museum collections and artefacts and transformed into signs that can be read and understood by various museum visitors, so that its values and meanings can be lived and run in the context of modern society today. This paper describes the process of semiosis to prove that Tri Hita Karana's concept symbolically has been represented in the museum exhibition. This research is a descriptive research with qualitative approach focusing Tri Hita Karana’s semiosis process inside the setra ari-ari (placenta graveyard) of Bayung Gede traditional village diorama which was examined using Charles Sanders Peirce's modern semiotics theory in pragmatism viewpoint. In this research, the researcher positioned itself as a distant interpretant with indigenous village of Bayung Gede, therefore the research was done from ethical point of view. Data collection was done by observation, documentation and study of literature. The signs inside the setra ari-ari diorama are collected and grouped into three, namely sign-sign, sign-object and sign-interpretan as they mentioned in the Peirce’s semiotics triadic model. These data are then analyzed by using ten interpretation signs alternative according to Peirce’s. The results showed that Tri Hita Karana’s concept inside the setra ari-ari of Bayung Gede traditional village diorama is a cosmological representation of God, man and nature as a part of form of cultural expression of Geopark Batur society. Keywords: Symbolic; Representation; Tri Hita Karana; Museum Geopark Batur