21 research outputs found


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    By the time students get to upper intermediate level or beyond, we can be sure that some of them will know some of the words we are asking them to focus on. The more the students master the vocabulary the better they performances in all aspect of English language. Having a limited vocabulary is also a barrier that prevents students from learning a foreign language. Vocabulary is the stock of words used in language. Vocabulary as a means of thought, expression, interpretation and communication. Vocabulary also basic to communication, when someone wants to follow in the conversation, so he or she must understand the words used by the speakers. As language teachers, we must arouse our students’ interest in words, especially in the early stages of learning, is a prerequisite for later proficiency in the language.Keywords: Vocabulary and teaching


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    Listening is much more complex than the thought of human as tape recorders; they took in a bit of information, held it in a sort of medium-term memory, and used it. Listeners are actively payingattention and working on understanding and interpreting what they hear. When listening is considered as a difficult skill, it is all because of the characteristics of the message, the delivery, the listener, and the environment. Teaching listening skills is one of the most difficult tasks for any ESL teacher. This is because successful listening skills are acquired over time and with lots of practice. The key point about techniques is that some of them are teachable. Another point about the techniques is the teacher must be able to exemplify the techniques and show that it is effective. Finally, the techniques need to be repeatable; that is to say, it can be incorporated into the student’s skill for dealing with such problems whenever they arise in the future.Keywords: Listening, teaching, and technique


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    This research is aimed as follows : To get emperical data and analyze the effects of vocabulary mastery and logical reasoning towards student’s listening skill at Senior Private School in South Jakarta. This research is done by Kolmogorov-Smirnov method, ANOVA Table, Proportional Correct for testing the item difficulties, by biserial coefficient, and by Kuder Richarsson testing. The research was held at Private Senior High School in South Jakarta. Data collective done by giving test for listening skill (yes/no or true false / 37 items), test for vocabulary mastery (multiplechoice/ 20 items), and test for logical reasoning (multiplechoice/20 items) given to class at SMA Kharismawita, SMA Bunda Kandung and SMA 28 Oktober.The result of study identifies; 1. there is an effect of Vocabulary Mastery towards Student’s Listening skill. 2. There is an effect of logical reasoning towards student’s listening skill. And 3.There are effect of vocabulary mastery and logical reasoning towards student’s listening skill.Keywords: Vocabulary Mastery, Logical reasoning, Listening Skil


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    AbstractThis paper aims to explain about various reading tests through Bloom’s Taxonomy. Reading test must  involve  three aspects, ; cognitive, affective and psychomotor. Cognitive task is about cognitive activity in understanding the text precisely and critically. Affective task is about the student’s willing and attitudes in reading, while psychomotor is about their activity in reading. The cognitive domain is divided into categories, begins from the lowest until the highest. Here they are the categories: firsty, remembering; Secondly, understanding; thirdly, applying;  fourthly, analyzing; fifthly evaluating and sixthly creating. The test materials for reading skills should be considered by the degrees of difficulty, it is measured by its complexity vocabularies and structure;  long – short text, the text given to students had better not too long; content, based on the student’s mental development, will, needs, or which attracts them and the genres.   So,  giving the reading test to the students is important to measure the student’s ability in understanding a text.Key words : reading test, Bloom’s Taxonomy, the reading materials test,AbstrakTulisan ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan tentang macam-macam  ujian membaca dengan menggunakan taxonomi Bloom . naskah bacaan meliputi  tiga aspek yaitu kognitif, afektif, and pikomotor.Tugas kognitif adalah  kegiatan kognitif dalam memahami naskah dengan tepat dan ktitis atau tentang kemampuan membaca mereka. Tugas afektif adalah  keinginan siswa dalam menyikapi sebuah bacaan. Psikomotor adalah  kegiatan mereka ketika sedang membaca. Pada domain kognitif dibagi menjadi beberapa  tingkatan dimulai pada tingkat terendah sampai tertinggi, pertama mengingat, kedua memahami, ketiga menerapkan, keempat menganalisis, kelima mengevaluasi keenam menciptakan. Materi-materi ujian keterampilan membaca seharusnya ditinjau dari tingkat kesulitan diukur dengan kosakata dan struktur yang rumit; naskah panjang-pendek, diberikan kepada siswa  tidak terlalu panjang; isi, mengenai perkembangan mental siswa, keinginan, keperluan; dan macam- macam jenis bacaan. Dengan demikian, memberikan ujian membaca kepada siswa sangat penting dilakukan untuk mengukur kemampuan siswa dalam memahami sebuah naskah.Kata Kunci: ujian membaca, Taxonomi Bloom, ujian materi- materi membac

    Learning Local Wisdom for Character Education: an Insight from Choblong Sundanese Village in Indonesia

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    The purpose of this study is to describe the various local wisdom and describe the diverse character education, which contain in local wisdom in the Sundanese society of Choblong, Cisarua village located in Bogor, West Java, Indonesia. Observation method is the best way to collect information and understand local culture in a society. The local wisdom of these Choblong villagers is believed to have a useful contribution to the values of character education that must always be taught and preserved for the benefit of subsequent regeneration. The local wisdom of the Choblong village can be penetrated to school curriculum for preparing their next generations and the cultural preservation. Although there are many adjustments required when immersion between local culture and school curriculum, but it is possible if the applications of carefully selected local culture are given in their local environmental settings

    The Correlation Between Students’ Habit In Listening Song And Students’ English Listening Skill

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    The purpose of this research is to find out The Correlation between Students’ Habit in Listening Song and Student’s English Listening Skill. The research conducted at the senior high school of Trampil for the twelve grade students. The school is located in East Jakarta. The method used is a survey with correlational analysis. The result of the research are there is positive and significant correlation between students’ habit in listening song and English listening skill. It is shown in the score of Fobserved is 39.286 and Sig is 0.000. The score of Fobserved is more than Ftable (> 3.25), and the score of Sig is less than 0.05 (<0.05). Based on that, we can conclude that the better of students’ habit in listening song, the better students’ listening skill.  Keywords: Correlation, Listening Song, English Listening skill

    Error Analysis of the Use of Question Words in English Sentences

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     The research aims to analyze the error in using questions word on second grade students of MTs. Hidayatussalafiyah. Question is one of important aspect that students need to master not only in writing but also speaking. There are several types of questions that students need to learn. The types of questions that discuss in this research are “Yes/No-Questions” and “Wh-Questions”. The data are collected through observation, discussion, books and also documentation. By the data, the research finds the most error the students made in each category. The research findings also prove the students need more explanation in forming questions especially in writing. Based on the result, the student faced more difficult in forming “Yes/No-Questions” than in “Wh-Questions” category. They made mistake for 298 or 65.07% in “Yes/No-Questions and 160 or 34.93% in “Wh-Questions” from the total mistakes. The most difficult question for them in “Yes/No-Questions” is to form “are you studying your grammar book?” or using “be (is/am/are) in present progressive tense”. The total number of mistakes for this questions are 26 or 8.4%. And, for the “Wh-Questions”, they made more mistake to form “what time did you eat lunch?” or using “what time” to ask about the time. Key words: error, analysis, question word


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    Abstract Total Physical Response (TPR) is an effective method that applied in learning English for kindergarten students. This method involves the students’ activity, which is related activity on their physical and movement. Based on the survey and observation in Darul Kirom Islamic Kindergarten, the team can say that the English learning is not in good achievement. This problem come because the lack competence of teacher that is not an English teacher. Moreover, the learning process is teacher’s oriented. In result, there must an effort to solve this problem, one of the ways is the use of  Total Physical Response (TPR)method in teaching English to children.Because of the importance of the good achievement in learning prosess, the team gives training to the teachers in order to improve their competence in teaching English which can boost the students’ achievement in English skills. This training followed by five teachers and twenty students, the result, this method is effective in teaching and learning English in Islamic Darul Kirom Kindergarten.Key Words: English, method, active, creative, and learning AbstrakMetode Total Physical Response (TPR) adalah metode pembelajaran yang  efektif diterapkan dalam proses pembelajaran bahasa Inggris terutama untuk siswa setingkat PAUD/TK. Metode pembelajaran ini lebih menekankan pada keaktifan siswa, yakni kegiatan langsung yang berhubungan dengan kegiatan fisik (physical) dan gerakan (movement). Berdasarkan survey dan pengamatan yang dilakukan oleh tim bahwa pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris di  TK Islam Darul Kirom belum optimal karena guru yang mengajar bukan berasal dari lulusan sarjana bahasa. Selain itu proses pembelajarannya masih berorientasi pada keaktifan guru sebagai pengajar, dengan demikian harus ada upaya yang harus mengarah kepada pencapaian kompetensi materi pembelajaran yang diperlukan untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut diantaranya dengan menerapkan metode pembelajaran TPR (Total Physical Response) dalam proses pembelajaran bahasa Inggris.  Karena pentingnya pencapaian hasil belajar pada siswa, tim melaksanakan pelatihan penggunaan metode TPR (Total Physical Response) untuk meningkatkan kemampuan guru dalam mengajar dan memperoleh pencapaian hasil belajar yang optimal bagi siswa.  Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh 5 orang guru TK Islam Darul Kirom dan 20 siswa. hasilnya menunjukkan kompetensi guru dapat memaksimalkan proses pembelajaran di sekolah TK ini, maka pelatihan ini dapat dikatakan berhasil meningkatkan kompetensi guru TK. Hal ini dibuktikan pada pemahaman siswa dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris dapat meningkat dari sebelumnya. Dengan demikian penggunaan metode Total Physical Response (TPR) dikatakan efektif dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di TK Islam Darul Kirom.Kata Kunci: bahasa Inggris, metode, aktif, kreatif, dan pembelajara

    Pendidikan Karakter dalam Kearifan Lokal Masyarakat Cisarua

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    Di Cisarua, Bogor dapat kita temukan turis-turis asing yang berasal dari Timur Tengah yang tinggal sementara maupun menetap. Kehadiran mereka di desa Choblong membuat masyarakat khawatir, karena para turis tersebut juga membawa budaya asli mereka yang mungkin dapat memengaruhi budaya lokal masyarakat. Ternyata masyarakat Choblong yang beragama Islam telah menerapkan kekuatan karakter pada masyarakatnya walaupun mereka tidak menyadari kondisi, hal ini dapat dilihat pada aktivitas keagamaan rutin dan tertentu, seperti pengkajian Al Qur’an. Berdasarkan situasi ini, tujuan artikel ini ditulis adalah untuk mendeskripsikan kearifan lokal yang dimiliki masyarakat dan pendidikan karakter yang mewakili setiap aktivitas.Kata kunci: Pendidikan Karakter, Kearifan Loka

    Manajemen Emosi pada Anak Usia Dini

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    Saat melakukan manajemen emosi pada anak usia dini, orangtua harus dalam kondisi tenang dan terkendali. Bukannya meneriaki balik si anak, menceramahinya panjang-lebar, atau bahkan menekannya dengan tujuan ia sadar terhadap kesalahannya. Semua itu akan sia-sia ketika kondisi si anak, juga kita, masih panas. Jadi, pertama-tama, tenangkan diri sendiri dulu, baru setelah itu tenangkan si anak. Kunci keberhasilan anak mengendalikan diri dimulai dari orangtua yang mampu berbuat demikian lebih dulu. Hal ini tidak akan tercapai apabila ayah atau ibunya masih mudah marah dalam menyelesaikan masalah. Setelah tenang, berikut hal-hal yang hendaknya orangtua lakukan saat si anak sedang emosi yaitu mengetahui penyebabnya, mengalihkan perhatiannya, bersikap tenang, memberikan perhatian dan pelukan, dan membiarkan anak tenang terlebih dahulu sebelum diajak berdiskusi