128 research outputs found

    Keabsahan sebagai Reviewer Dr.Dwi Murtiastutik

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    Certificate of Excelience in Reviewing Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International

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    Rapid test HIV/AIDS: Diagnosis & Treatment

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    AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) is a set of symptoms that arise due to decreased immune system acquired, caused by infection of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). This virus attacks and damages CD4 + T lymphocytes cells so that the immunity of the patient is damaged and susceptible to various infections. AIDS is not a disease only, but is a symptom of disease caused by infection of various types of microorganisms such as bacterial, viral, fungal, and even malignant infections due to decreased immunity of the patient

    Folikulitis Eosinofilik Pada Pasien HIV/AIDS

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    Folikulitis Eosinofilik (FE) adalah penyakit pada folikel rambut yang ditandai dengan rasa gatal, kambuhan, penyebabnya belum diketahui, sering dihubungkan dengan infeksi HIV, terutama pada CD4+ kurang dari 300 sel/ul. Tempat predileksi biasanya pada tubuh bagian atas, perut, dan kaki

    Penelitian Retrospektif: Gambaran Klinis Herpes Simpleks Genitalis (A Retrospective Study: Clinical Manifestation of Genital Herpes Infection)

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    Background: Genital herpes infection was sexual transmitted disease, caused by Herpes simplex virus (HSV) especially type 2. The characteristic of clinical sign is group of vesicles, based on eritematous macule, and often recurrent. Purpose: To evaluate the pattern of genital herpes patients at Sexual Transmitted Infection (STI) Division, Dermatology and Venereology Outpatient Clinic Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya, since January 2011 until December 2015. Methods: A retrospective study took, data were obtained medical record of herpes simplex genitalis patients at STI Division, Dermatology and Venereology Outpatient Clinic Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya, since January 2011 until December 2015. Results: The number of genital herpes infection cases decreased, 1.8% of patients who came to STI division Outpatient Clinic. Mostly women who were 25–34 years of age. Most common main complaints were pain. Erosion was the most clinical manifestation. The patients mostly got oral acyclovir and analgesic as the treatment. The majority of patient had counseling for about 55.9%. They came to be followed up at least once. Conclusion: The number of genital herpes cases decreased. The most of age affected were sexually active group

    A Retrospective Study: Clinical Manifestation of Genital Herpes Infection

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    Background: Genital herpes infection was sexual transmitted disease, caused by Herpes simplex virus (HSV) especially type 2. The characteristic of clinical sign is group of vesicles, based on eritematous macule, and often recurrent. Purpose: To evaluate the pattern of genital herpes patients at Sexual Transmitted Infection (STI) Division, Dermatology and Venereology Outpatient Clinic Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya, since January 2011 until December 2015. Methods: A retrospective study took, data were obtained medical record of herpes simplex genitalis patients at STI Division, Dermatology and Venereology Outpatient Clinic Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya, since January 2011 until December 2015. Results: The number of genital herpes infection cases decreased, 1.8% of patients who came to STI division Outpatient Clinic. Mostly women who were 25–34 years of age. Most common main complaints were pain. Erosion was the most clinical manifestation. The patients mostly got oral acyclovir and analgesic as the treatment. The majority of patient had counseling for about 55.9%. They came to be followed up at least once. Conclusion: The number of genital herpes cases decreased. The most of age affected were sexually active group

    Studi Retrospektif: Karakteristik Papular Pruritic Eruption (PPE) pada Pasien HIV/ AIDS

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    Background: Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome(AIDS) is a symptoms caused by infection of Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) that may cause the decreasing of immune system. Skin disorder that can occurin patients with AIDS are papular pruriticeruption (PPE), which often lead toimpaired quality of lifein patients. Purpose: To evaluate the general overview and management of PPE, hence better management can be provided. Methods: Retrospective study of PPE patien in UPIPI (Unit Perawatan Intermediate Penyakit Infeksi) Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya during 2014. Results: The number of PPE patients was 15.4% of hospitalized patients. The largest age group was 25-44 years (56.9%), sex most were male (65.5%). Patients mostly from Surabaya (72.4%). Most of the patients worked asprivate sector workers (43.1%), and 73.2% of those with high school education. The main complaints include itching (83.62%), the location is in the limbs (55.2%). The most effloresensi is +multiplepapuleshyperpigmentation sharply marginated (58.6%). Mosttypes oftransmissionarefree sex (78%), CD4 highest 3value is 1-100 cells/mm (32.7%), 56.9% of patients received ARV treatment. Skin treatment is topical steroids (73.3 %). Conclusion: PPE is a skin disorderthat often arises in patients with HIV/AIDS

    Studi Retrospektif: Kandidiasis Vulvovaginalis pada Pasien Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) dan Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)

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    Background: Candidiasis vulvovaginal is an opportunistic fungal infection. The case of candidiasis vulvovaginalis increases in women with Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection mainly with moderate to severe immunocompromised state. Purpose: To evaluate general feature of candidiasis vulvovaginalis in HIV and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) patient in Outpatient Clinic of Intermediate Care of Infection Disease, Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya. Methods: Retrospective study of candidiasis vulvovaginalis in HIV and AIDS patients on outpatient UPIPI Instalation Dr. Soetomo General ndthHospital Surabaya during January 2 2009 until Desember 30 2011. Data was taken from medical records. Results: The highest number of new candidiasis vulvovaginalis patient visit was in 2011. Seven patients underwent wet mount and gram examination, all showed positive results. The highest CD4+ examination results are < 200. All patients received ketoconazole treatment. Three patients came back for follow up and having complete healing. Conclusions: Number of candidiasis vulvovaginalis in HIV and AIDS infection cases per year were 5-7 patients. Diagnosis of candidiasis vulvovaginalis was based on patient complaints, physical, and laboratory examinations

    A Retrospective Study: Trichomoniasis

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    Background: Trichomoniasis is sexually transmitted infection caused by Trichomonas vaginalis. It caused urethritis on male and vaginitis on female. Purpose: To find out the general description of new patient of Trichomoniasis in Sexually Transmitted Infection Division, Departement of Dermato-veneorology of Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya from Januari 2008 to December 2012. Methods: Retrospective study method was performed by evaluating medical record of Trichomoniasis patient including the patient's visitation, age, gender, marital status, occupation, patient's complain, periode of illness, coitus suspectus, sexual partner, the history of previous treatment, the description of genital discharge, laboratory examination, management, and follow up. Results: There were 31 patients with Trichomoniasis. The majority of age was 25-44 years old. The most complained is itching genital discharge, and the most characteristic is purulent. Trichomonas vaginalis was found in all patients on wet preparation. 12 patients did not return to the hospital anymore. Conclusions: Based on 5 years data in medical record, most of patient complained about itchy genital discharge, and the most characteristic is purulent. In all patient's found Trichomonas vaginalis in wet preparation and the main therapy of trichomoniasis is metronidazole

    Studi Retrospektif: Vaginosis Bakterial

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    Latar belakang: Vaginosis bakterial (VB) adalah sindrom klinis akibat pergantian Lactobacillus spp. penghasil hidrogen peroksidase (HO) dalam vagina normal dengan bakteri anaerob konsentrasi tinggi, Gardnerella vaginalis dan Mycoplasma 22hominis. VB merupakan penyebab keluhan duh tubuh vagina dan keputihan berbau, namun 50% pasien VB tidak memberikan gejala apapun. Tujuan: Mengevaluasi gambaran umum kasus baru VB di Divisi Infeksi Menular Seksual (IMS) Unit Rawat Jalan (URJ) Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya periode tahun 2007-2011. Metode: Penelitian dilakukan secara retrospektif dengan melihat catatan medik kasus baru VB yang meliputi data dasar, anamesis, pemeriksaan fisik dan pemeriksaan penunjang. Hasil: Jumlah kasus baru VB adalah 35 pasien dari 33.201 (0,1%) kunjungan baru URJ Kesehatan Kulit dan kelamin RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya, dengan kelompok usia terbanyak 25-44 tahun sebesar 26 (74,3%) pasien dan 31 pasien (88,6%) sudah menikah. Keluhan utama terbanyak berupa duh tubuh vagina tanpa keluhan subjektif yaitu sebanyak 16 (45,7%) pasien. Duh tubuh vagina terbanyak berbentuk serosa pada 25 (71,4%) pasien. Pada pemeriksaan laboratorium ditemukan clue cell pada 100% kasus. Obat yang paling banyak diberikan berupa metronidazol. Simpulan: Gambaran umum kasus baru VB di RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya menunjukkan insidensi kecil, sebagian besar pada kelompok usia seksual aktif dan keluhan utama terbanyak yaitu duh tubuh vagina tanpa disertai keluhan subjektif lainnya
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