39 research outputs found

    Pulsirajući vodeni mlaz dobiven multiplikacijom impulsa

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    First theoretical papers, summarizing the high mechanical energy cumulation when high-speed drops impact on the solid surface as a result of the water hammer effect, have been known since 1960’s. Heymann has demonstrated that pressure maximum during the impact of a spherical drop of a liquid is several times higher than the presupposed maximum for the classical waterhammer effect. The mentioned maximum pressure exceeds the stagnation pressure of the continuous jet several times over. When developing devices for pulsed jet generation, a new generalization of the classical water hammer theory for high pressures has been introduced. Based on this a new patented principle of "pulse multiplication" has been formulated. The pulse multiplier is the source of high-pressure pulses with 100 % depth of modulation of discharge velocity of a liquid jet. It enables to significantly increase the jet disintegration effect without addition of abrasives.Prvi teorijski radovi, koji su opisivali stvaranje velike količine mehaničke energije kad kapljice velike brzine udare u čvrstu površinu kao rezultat hidrauličkog udara, poznati su još od 1960-tih. Heymann je pokazao da je maksimalni tlak kod udara loptaste kapljice tekučine nekoliko puta veći od pretpostavljenog maksimalnog u slučaju klasičnog hidrauličkog udara. Spomenuti maksimalni tlak nekoliko je puta veći od tlaka kontinuiranog mlaza u stanju mirovanja. Kod stvaranja uređaja za generiranje pulsirajućeg mlaza, za visoke je tlakove uvedena nova generalizacija klasične teorije hidrauličkog udara. Na tom je temelju zasnovan novi patentirani princip "multiplikacije impulsa". Multiplikator impulsa je izvor visokotlačnih impulsa sa 100 % dubinom modulacije izlazne brzine tekućeg mlaza. Omogućuje značajno povećanje dezintegracijskog učinka mlaza bez dodavanja abraziva.Web of Science23496795

    Model of synthesis of ZnS nanoparticles stabilized by cetyltrimethylammonium bromide

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    A mathematical model of synthesis and stabilization of ZnS nanoparticles in aqueous solutions of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) is presented. ZnS nanoparticles precipitated by the reaction of sodium sulphide and zinc acetate are significantly influenced by CTAB both in a stage of nucleation and in a stage of growth and stabilization. The suggested model assumes a dominating influence of the nucleation stage on future properties of emerging ZnS nanoparticles. On the basis of a calculated nucleation rate depending on a degree of the ZnS supersaturation, the model adopts an approximate assumption that ZnS nuclei are formed all at one moment.Mathematical formulation of the nucleation model attempts to explain a recently observed relationship between ZnS nanoparticles radii and the CTAB concentration. The dependence of a surface tension of zinc acetate and CTAB aqueous solutions on the CTAB concentration was measured and further applied to obtain the relation between the CTAB monomer concentration and the CTAB total concentration. The nucleation model assumed a key role of CTAB monomers, which were considered as nucleation centres. The predicted radiiWeb of Science101039238

    Agglomeration of ZnS nanoparticles without capping additives at different temperatures

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    ZnS nanoparticles were precipitated in diluted aqueous solutions of zinc and sulphide ions without capping additives at a temperature interval of 0.5–20°C. ZnS nanoparticles were arranged in large flocs that were disaggregated into smaller agglomerates with hydrodynamic sizes of 70–150 nm depending on temperature. A linear relationship between hydrodynamic radius (R a ) and temperature (T) was theoretically derived as R a =652 - 2.11 T. The radii of 1.9–2.2 nm of individual ZnS nanoparticles were calculated on the basis of gap energies estimated from their UV absorption spectra. Low zeta potentials of these dispersions of −5.0 mV to −6.3 mV did not depend on temperature. Interactions between individual ZnS nanoparticles were modelled in the Material Studio environment. Water molecules were found to stabilize ZnS nanoparticles via electrostatic interactions.Web of Science12331731

    Типовая учебная программа по учебной дисциплине для специальности 1-23 01 07 Информация и коммуникация

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    ZnS nanoparticles stabilized by cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) were modelled in the Materials Studio environment. Four types of models with different distances between ZnS nanoparticles and different amounts of CTA cations without water and in water environment were built and characterized by calculated sublimation energies. The results of molecular modelling without water showed that the most favourable model consisted of two ZnS nanoparticles with a distance of 8-9 nm separated without immersing of CTAs. On the contrary, the most favourable model in water environment was composed of ZnS nanoparticles that nearly touched each other. CTA cations exhibited tendency to be located on the ZnS surface forming sparse covers. Size distributions of ZnS-CTA particles obtained by TEM measurements well agreed with molecular modelling results.Web of Science79121559154

    Design and performance of novel self-cleaning g-C3N4/PMMA/PUR membranes

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    In the majority of photocatalytic applications, the photocatalyst is dispersed as a suspension of nanoparticles. The suspension provides a higher surface for the photocatalytic reaction in respect to immobilized photocatalysts. However, this implies that recovery of the particles by filtration or centrifugation is needed to collect and regenerate the photocatalyst. This complicates the regeneration process and, at the same time, leads to material loss and potential toxicity. In this work, a new nanofibrous membrane, g-C3N4/PMMA/PUR, was prepared by the fixation of exfoliated g-C3N4 to polyurethane nanofibers using thin layers of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA). The optimal amount of PMMA was determined by measuring the adsorption and photocatalytic properties of g-C3N4/PMMA/PUR membranes (with a different PMMA content) in an aqueous solution of methylene blue. It was found that the prepared membranes were able to effectively adsorb and decompose methylene blue. On top of that, the membranes evinced a self-cleaning behavior, showing no coloration on their surfaces after contact with methylene blue, unlike in the case of unmodified fabric. After further treatment with H2O2, no decrease in photocatalytic activity was observed, indicating that the prepared membrane can also be easily regenerated. This study promises possibilities for the production of photocatalytic membranes and fabrics for both chemical and biological contaminant control.Web of Science124art. no. 85

    Analysis and modelling of single domain core-shell (αFeNi/chromite) nanoparticles emitted during selective laser melting, and their magnetic remanence

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    Despite recent intense implementation of increasingly eco-friendly additive manufacturing, the properties of nanoparticulate pollutants emitted during Laser Powder Bed Fusion are still not fully understood, and have generally been overlooked. This study aims to fill this gap in current research by providing new insights into distinct metal/oxide core-shell nanoparticles (3–36 nm) that are produced during 3D printing using stainless steel. It also suggests possible ways for the removal of these potentially harmful by-products. Further, this research also provides a newly developed kinetic model that predicts a metal core growth time of below 200 μs and confirms the predicted theory for the formation of these by-products. In the current study it was found that the cores produced during this process are purely metallic and consist of meteoroid phase kamacite (αFeNi). Within this study there was found to be a complete dominance of single-domain cores of kamacite with prevailing particles below the superparamagnetic threshold showing strong magnetic response and remanence. This new knowledge can be used to minimize potential health risks and reduce contamination of raw materials by this nanoparticulate pollutant, which can adversely affect the quality of printed metal parts, the environment, and the health of the operator. These findings also provide a new possibility of targeted efficient production of superparamagnetic core-shell nanoparticles with a metallic kamacite core during laser powder bed fusion of austenitic steel 316L powder, which can be used in the production of sensors.Web of Science400art. no. 13668

    Příprava nanočástic metodami top-down a bottom-up a jejich formace do funkčních nanokompozitů

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    Import 04/06/2013PrezenčníNeuvedenoNeuveden

    Příprava směsných nanočástic aplikací vysokoenergetického kapalinového paprsku

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    Import 04/10/2010Prezenční516 - Institut fyzikyNeuveden

    Optical properties of ZnS nanoparticles precipitated at various molar ratios of sulphide and zinc ions and stabilized by CTAB

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    ZnS nanoparticles were precipitated by the reaction of zinc and sulphide ions in aqueous media and stabilized by cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB). The nanoparticles size (diameter) was calculated using the relationship between band-gap energy and radius as a result of the quantum size effect. Depending on the molar ratio of precursors S2-/Zn2+ = 0.25–2.0 and time elapsed from their preparation t = 0–5 h, nanoparticles with sizes of 3.5–4.8 nm were obtained. The absorption of UV radiation and photoluminescence (PL) of the nanoparticles dispersions were studied. The nanoparticles growth dependent on time and the S2-/Zn2+ ratio were indicated by changes in UV absorption and PL spectra. The stabilization effect of CTAB was observed for all S2-/Zn2+ ratios up to 5 hours. At longer time intervals (3 a 4 days) flocs of ZnS nanoparticles and CTAB were observed.Web of Science91041941

    Pomiar powierzchni właściwej proszku przy użyciu metody kapilarnego wzniesienia

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    This contribution presents a neglected method of measuring powder surface area that uses the capillary elevation phenomenon. Such measurement has a potential to distinguish a fine surface texture of measured powder materials. The method has been verified experimentally on smooth steel spheres with diameters of 0.5 mm, 1.0 mm, 1.2 mm, and 1.6 mm, for which the theoretical values of specific surface area can be calculated and compared with the measurement results. The deviation of these experimentally determined values from the reference theoretical ones was less than 1%. New alternative experimental arrangements and related theoretical relations and simulations are presented.Artykuł poświęcony jest zaniedbanej metodzie pomiaru powierzchni właściwej proszku przy użyciu zjawiska kapilarnego wzniesienia. Taki pomiar jest w stanie rozróżnić miałką teksturę badanego proszku. Metoda została sprawdzona przez przeprowadzenie eksperymentu na gładkich stalowych kulach o średnicach 0,5 mm, 1,0 mm, 1,2 mm, oraz 1,6 mm, dla których można wyliczyć teoretyczne wartości powierzchni właściwej i porównać z wynikami pomiaru. Odchylenie wartości uzyskanych podczas eksperymentu w relacji do wartości teoretycznych wyniosło mniej niż 1%. Praca prezentuje nowe alternatywne metody eksperymentalne wraz z powiązaną teorią i symulacją.Web of Science117917