26 research outputs found

    Two-dimensional semimetal in a wide HgTe quantum well: magnetotransport and energy spectrum

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    The results of experimental study of the magnetoresistivity, the Hall and Shubnikov-de Haas effects for the heterostructure with HgTe quantum well of 20.2 nm width are reported. The measurements were performed on the gated samples over the wide range of electron and hole densities including vicinity of a charge neutrality point. Analyzing the data we conclude that the energy spectrum is drastically different from that calculated in framework of kPkP-model. So, the hole effective mass is equal to approximately 0.2m00.2 m_0 and practically independent of the quasimomentum (kk) up to k20.7×1012k^2\gtrsim 0.7\times 10^{12} cm2^{-2}, while the theory predicts negative (electron-like) effective mass up to k2=6×1012k^2=6\times 10^{12} cm2^{-2}. The experimental effective mass near k=0, where the hole energy spectrum is electron-like, is close to 0.005m0-0.005 m_0, whereas the theoretical value is about 0.1m0-0.1 m_0

    The valence band energy spectrum of HgTe quantum wells with inverted band structures

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    The energy spectrum of the valence band in HgTe/Cdx_xHg1x_{1-x}Te quantum wells with a width (820)(8-20)~nm has been studied experimentally by magnetotransport effects and theoretically in framework 44-bands kPkP-method. Comparison of the Hall density with the density found from period of the Shubnikov-de Haas (SdH) oscillations clearly shows that the degeneracy of states of the top of the valence band is equal to 2 at the hole density p<5.5×1011p< 5.5\times 10^{11}~cm2^{-2}. Such degeneracy does not agree with the calculations of the spectrum performed within the framework of the 44-bands kPkP-method for symmetric quantum wells. These calculations show that the top of the valence band consists of four spin-degenerate extremes located at k0k\neq 0 (valleys) which gives the total degeneracy K=8K=8. It is shown that taking into account the "mixing of states" at the interfaces leads to the removal of the spin degeneracy that reduces the degeneracy to K=4K=4. Accounting for any additional asymmetry, for example, due to the difference in the mixing parameters at the interfaces, the different broadening of the boundaries of the well, etc, leads to reduction of the valleys degeneracy, making K=2K=2. It is noteworthy that for our case two-fold degeneracy occurs due to degeneracy of two single-spin valleys. The hole effective mass (mhm_h) determined from analysis of the temperature dependence of the amplitude of the SdH oscillations show that mhm_h is equal to (0.25±0.02)m0(0.25\pm0.02)\,m_0 and weakly increases with the hole density. Such a value of mhm_h and its dependence on the hole density are in a good agreement with the calculated effective mass.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figure

    Spin-orbit splitting of valence and conduction bands in HgTe quantum wells near the Dirac point

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    Energy spectra both of the conduction and valence bands of the HgTe quantum wells with a width close to the Dirac point were studied experimentally. Simultaneous analysis of the Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations and Hall effect over a wide range of electron and hole densities gives surprising result: the top of the valence band is strongly split by spin-orbit interaction while the splitting of the conduction band is absent, within experimental accuracy. Astonishingly, but such a ratio of the splitting values is observed as for structures with normal spectrum so for structures with inverted one. These results do not consistent with the results of kP calculations, in which the smooth electric filed across the quantum well is only reckoned in. It is shown that taking into account the asymmetry of the quantum well interfaces within a tight-binding method gives reasonable agreement with the experimental data.Comment: 10 pages, 16 figure

    Weak antilocalization of holes in HgTe quantum wells with a normal energy spectrum

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    The results of experimental study of interference induced magnetoconductivity in narrow HgTe quantum wells of hole-type conductivity with a normal energy spectrum are presented. Interpretation of the data is performed with taking into account the strong spin-orbit splitting of the energy spectrum of the two-dimensional hole subband. It is shown that the phase relaxation time found from the analysis of the shape of magnetoconductivity curves for the relatively low conductivity when the Fermi level lies in the monotonic part of the energy spectrum of the valence band behaves itself analogously to that observed in narrow HgTe quantum wells of electron-type conductivity. It increases in magnitude with the increasing conductivity and decreasing temperature following the 1/T1/T law. Such a behavior corresponds to the inelasticity of electron-electron interaction as the main mechanism of the phase relaxation and agrees well with the theoretical predictions. For the higher conductivity, despite the fact that the dephasing time remains inversely proportional to the temperature, it strongly decreases with the increasing conductivity. It is presumed that a nonmonotonic character of the hole energy spectrum could be the reason for such a peculiarity. An additional channel of the inelastic interaction between the carriers in the main and secondary maxima occurs when the Fermi level arrives the secondary maxima in the depth of the valence.Comment: 9 pages including 3 pages of Supplemental Material, 9 figure

    Energy spectrum of valence band in HgTe quantum wells on the way from a two to the three dimensional topological insulator

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    The magnetic field, temperature dependence and the Hall effect have been measured in order to determine the energy spectrum of the valence band in HgTe quantum wells with the width (20-200)nm. The comparison of hole densities determined from the period Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations and the Hall effect shows that states at the top of valence band are double degenerate in teh entry quantum wells width the width range. The cyclotron mass determined from temperature dependence of SdH oscillations increases monotonically from (0.2-0.3) mass of the free electron, with increasing hole density from 2e11 to 6e11 cm^-2. The determined dependence has been compared to theoretical one calculate within the four band kp model. The experimental dependence was found to be strongly inconsistent with this predictions. It has been shown that the inclusion of additional factors (electric field, strain) does not remove the contradiction between experiment and theory. Consequently it is doubtful that the mentioned kp calculations adequately describe the valence band for any width of quantum well.Comment: 7 pages 8 figure

    Hole transport and valence band dispersion law in a HgTe quantum well with normal energy spectrum

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    The results of an experimental study of the energy spectrum of the valence band in a HgTe quantum well of width d<6.3 nm with normal spectrum in the presence of a strong spin-orbit splitting are reported. The analysis of the temperature, magnetic field and gate voltage dependences of the Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations allows us to restore the energy spectrum of the two valence band branches, which are split by the spin-orbit interaction. The comparison with the theoretical calculation shows that a six-band kP theory well describes all the experimental data in the vicinity of the top of the valence band.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Nonlocal resistance and its fluctuations in microstructures of band-inverted HgTe/(Hg,Cd)Te quantum wells

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    We investigate experimentally transport in gated microsctructures containing a band-inverted HgTe/Hg_{0.3}Cd_{0.7}Te quantum well. Measurements of nonlocal resistances using many contacts prove that in the depletion regime the current is carried by the edge channels, as expected for a two-dimensional topological insulator. However, high and non-quantized values of channel resistances show that the topological protection length (i.e. the distance on which the carriers in helical edge channels propagate without backscattering) is much shorter than the channel length, which is ~100 micrometers. The weak temperature dependence of the resistance and the presence of temperature dependent reproducible quasi-periodic resistance fluctuations can be qualitatively explained by the presence of charge puddles in the well, to which the electrons from the edge channels are tunnel-coupled.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, published versio

    Anisotropic conductivity and weak localization in HgTe quantum wells with a normal energy spectrum

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    The results of experimental study of interference induced magnetoconductivity in narrow quantum well HgTe with a normal energy spectrum are presented. Analysis is performed by taking into account the conductivity anisotropy. It is shown that the fitting parameter τφ corresponding to the phase relaxation time increases in magnitude with the increasing conductivity (σ) and decreasing temperature following the 1/T law. Such a behavior is analogous to that observed in the usual two-dimensional systems with a simple energy spectrum and corresponds to the inelasticity of electron-electron interaction as the main mechanism of the phase relaxation. However, it drastically differs from that observed in the wide HgTe quantum wells with the inverted spectrum, in which τφ, being obtained by the same way, is practically independent of σ. It is presumed that a different structure of the electron multicomponent wave function for the inverted and normal quantum wells could be the reason for such a discrepancy. © 2013 American Physical Society

    Renormalization of the conduction band spectrum in HgTe quantum wells by electron-electron interaction

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    The energy spectrum of the conduction band in HgTe/Cdx_xHg1x_{1-x}Te quantum wells of a width d=(4.620.2)d=(4.6-20.2) nm has been experimentally studied in a wide range of electron density. For this purpose, the electron density dependence of the effective mass was measured by two methods: by analyzing the temperature dependence of the Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations and by means of the quantum capacitance measurements. There was shown that the effective mass obtained for the structures with d<dcd<d_c, where dc6.3d_c\simeq6.3 nm is a critical width of quantum well corresponding to the Dirac-like energy spectrum, is close to the calculated values over the whole electron density range; with increasing width, at d>(78)d>(7-8) nm, the experimental effective mass becomes noticeably less than the calculated ones. This difference increases with the electron density decrease, i.e., with lowering the Fermi energy; the maximal difference between the theory and experiment is achieved at d=(1518)d = (15-18) nm, where the ratio between the calculated and experimental masses reaches the value of two and begins to decrease with a further dd increase. We assume that observed behavior of the electron effective mass results from the spectrum renormalization due to electron-electron interaction.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure

    Spin-orbit splitting of the conduction band in HgTe quantum wells: role of different mechanisms

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    Spin-orbit splitting of conduction band in HgTe quantum wells was studied experimentally. In order to recognize the role of different mechanisms, we carried out detailed measurements of the Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations in gated structures with a quantum well widths from 88 to 1818 nm over a wide range of electron density. With increasing electron density controlled by the gate voltage, splitting of the maximum of the Fourier spectrum f0f_0 into two components f1f_1 and f2f_2 and the appearance of the low-frequency component f3f_3 was observed. Analysis of these results shows that the components f1f_1 and f2f_2 give the electron densities n1n_1 and n2n_2 in spin-orbit split subbands while the f3f_3 component results from magneto-intersubband oscillations so that f3=f1f2f_3=f_1 - f_2. Comparison of these data with results of self-consistent calculations carried out within the framework of four-band \emph{kP}-model shows that a main contribution to spin-orbit splitting comes from the Bychkov-Rashba effect. Contribution of the interface inversion asymmetry to the splitting of the conduction band turns out to be four-to-five times less than that for the valence band in the same structures.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure