657 research outputs found

    Institutional Profiles and Entrepreneurship Orientation: A Case of Turkish Graduate Students

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    In this study I aimed to describe and explain which factors affect entrepreneurship orientation. I expect that proactivity and entrepreneurial behavior is directly related, and country’s institutional factors play very important role on the entrepreneurship orientation. Therefore, I defined institutional profiles and entrepreneurship's characteristics. Institutional profiles are classified into three main dimensions which are based on Kostava’s (1997) research; cognitive, regulatory and, normative dimensions. On the other hand, following Kostova, I modified questionnaire to adopt Turkish culture and I articulated and measured these dimensions. To define operationally the perceived institutional profiles for entrepreneurship, I generated a large pool of items, as well. The institutional profile dimensions include thirty-four items; eleven for regulatory dimension, eight for cognitive dimension and fifteen items for normative dimension. On the other hand, my focus in this study is on the measurement and correlation of proactive behavior as a personal disposition relative to the stable behavioral tendency. Proactive person searches for opportunities, takes initiative, acts, but the proactive dimension of behavior is essentially rooted in people's needs to manipulate and control the environment. At the same time, the prospective entrepreneur's interpretation of the environment is also moderated by his/her beliefs about the environment. From this point of view, I selected my research sample among graduate students who are included 170 person, accepting them as potential investors. For the proactive personality measurement, which includes seventeen items, Bateman and Crant's (1993) questionnaire was used. Furthermore, data reliability was tested before the analysis has begun. To conclude, the findings of the research were discussed.Entrepreneurship orientation, institutional profiles, culture

    FAME: Face Association through Model Evolution

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    We attack the problem of learning face models for public faces from weakly-labelled images collected from web through querying a name. The data is very noisy even after face detection, with several irrelevant faces corresponding to other people. We propose a novel method, Face Association through Model Evolution (FAME), that is able to prune the data in an iterative way, for the face models associated to a name to evolve. The idea is based on capturing discriminativeness and representativeness of each instance and eliminating the outliers. The final models are used to classify faces on novel datasets with possibly different characteristics. On benchmark datasets, our results are comparable to or better than state-of-the-art studies for the task of face identification.Comment: Draft version of the stud

    Team Effectiveness and Leadership Roles

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    In this study we aim to explain the patterns of leadership roles for team effectiveness in non economic organizations compared to economic organizations. For this purpose, we studied three successful organization types, i.e the amateur sports clubs (football, basketball), theater companies and, regional folk groups. Our basic hypothesis is that the relationship between the type of organization (specially teams) and the role of leadership is not random. Therefore, we believe that an empirical approach is necessary to test the assumptions about leadership and team effectiveness. Also these empirical results are supposed to lead to professional managers in economic organizations. First, we constructed thirteen key dimension variables for leadership behavior as follows: coaching, effective communication, encouraging teamwork, establishing high standards and getting results, effective delegation, rewarding performance, developing and releasing employees, building consensus, supporting reasonable risk- taking, forecast thinking, improving the organization, managing diversity, and overall effectiveness . Second, we defined team standards and effectiveness in twenty items. And finally, we tried to emphasize factors affecting leadership roles and team effectiveness. In this study, Natemeyer and Babko (1992) Management Practices Survey data are used. Data reliability are tested before the analysis and results are discussed at the end of the study.Team effectiveness, Leadership; Roles

    A new pose-based representation for recognizing actions from multiple cameras

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.We address the problem of recognizing actions from arbitrary views for a multi-camera system. We argue that poses are important for understanding human actions and the strength of the pose representation affects the overall performance of the action recognition system. Based on this idea, we present a new view-independent representation for human poses. Assuming that the data is initially provided in the form of volumetric data, the volume of the human body is first divided into a sequence of horizontal layers, and then the intersections of the body segments with each layer are coded with enclosing circles. The circular features in all layers (i) the number of circles, (ii) the area of the outer circle, and (iii) the area of the inner circle are then used to generate a pose descriptor. The pose descriptors of all frames in an action sequence are further combined to generate corresponding motion descriptors. Action recognition is then performed with a simple nearest neighbor classifier. Experiments performed on the benchmark IXMAS multi-view dataset demonstrate that the performance of our method is comparable to the other methods in the literature. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Interesting faces: A graph-based approach for finding people in news

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.In this study, we propose a method for finding people in large news photograph and video collections. Our method exploits the multi-modal nature of these data sets to recognize people and does not require any supervisory input. It first uses the name of the person to populate an initial set of candidate faces. From this set, which is likely to include the faces of other people, it selects the group of most similar faces corresponding to the queried person in a variety of conditions. Our main contribution is to transform the problem of recognizing the faces of the queried person in a set of candidate faces to the problem of finding the highly connected sub-graph (the densest component) in a graph representing the similarities of faces. We also propose a novel technique for finding the similarities of faces by matching interest points extracted from the faces. The proposed method further allows the classification of new faces without needing to re-build the graph. The experiments are performed on two data sets: thousands of news photographs from Yahoo! news and over 200 news videos from TRECVid2004. The results show that the proposed method provides significant improvements over textbased methods. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserve

    Avrupalılaşma, Avrupa'dan uzaklaşma ve işlemselcilik arasında Romanların sosyal içermesi

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    The European Union (EU) has been developing a framework for Roma inclusion, equality and participation since the 1990s, and it has been urging the accession countries to follow these policies. While the EU accession process has been instrumental in prioritising Roma inclusion on the political agenda in Turkey, the broader changes in Turkey-EU relations have contributed to the limited progress the Roma inclusion initiatives have made over time. This article argues that rather than approaching it as an isolated event, reading it through the lenses of de-Europeanisation and the rise of transactionalism in Turkey’s foreign policy helps us understand the stalemate that the Roma inclusion policies have reached.Avrupa Birliği (AB), 1990'lardan bu yana Romanların eşitlik, katılım ve sosyal içermesine ilişkin bir çerçeve geliştirmekte ve katılım sürecindeki ülkeleri bu politikalara uymaya çağırmaktadır. AB'ye katılım süreci, Türkiye’de Romanların sosyal içermesine siyasi gündemde öncelik verilmesinde katkı sağlamakla birlikte Türkiye-AB ilişkilerindeki dönüşüm, bu girişimlerinin zaman içinde kaydettiği sınırlı ilerlemede etkili olmuştur. Bu makale, münferit bir olay olarak yaklaşmak yerine, ilgili gelişmeleri Avrupa'dan uzaklaşma ve Türkiye'nin dış politikasında artan işlemselcilik merceklerinden okumanın, Romanlara yönelik sosyal içerme politikalarının içine girdiği çıkmazı anlamamızda yardımcı olacağını savunmaktadır

    Histogram of oriented rectangles: A new pose descriptor for human action recognition

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Most of the approaches to human action recognition tend to form complex models which require lots of parameter estimation and computation time. In this study, we show that, human actions can be simply represented by pose without dealing with the complex representation of dynamics. Based on this idea, we propose a novel pose descriptor which we name as Histogram-of-Oriented-Rectangles (HOR) for representing and recognizing human actions in videos. We represent each human pose in an action sequence by oriented rectangular patches extracted over the human silhouette. We then form spatial oriented histograms to represent the distribution of these rectangular patches. We make use of several matching strategies to carry the information from the spatial domain described by the HOR descriptor to temporal domain. These are (i) nearest neighbor classification, which recognizes the actions by matching the descriptors of each frame, (ii) global histogramming, which extends the idea of Motion Energy Image proposed by Bobick and Davis to rectangular patches, (iii) a classifier-based approach using Support Vector Machines, and (iv) adaptation of Dynamic Time Warping on the temporal representation of the HOR descriptor. For the cases when pose descriptor is not sufficiently strong alone, such as to differentiate actions "jogging" and "running", we also incorporate a simple velocity descriptor as a prior to the pose based classification step. We test our system with different configurations and experiment on two commonly used action datasets: the Weizmann dataset and the KTH dataset. Results show that our method is superior to other methods on Weizmann dataset with a perfect accuracy rate of 100%, and is comparable to the other methods on KTH dataset with a very high success rate close to 90%. These results prove that with a simple and compact representation, we can achieve robust recognition of human actions, compared to complex representations. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    A line-based representation for matching words in historical manuscripts

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.In this study, we propose a new method for retrieving and recognizing words in historical documents. We represent word images with a set of line segments. Then we provide a criterion for word matching based on matching the lines. We carry out experiments on a benchmark dataset consisting of manuscripts by George Washington, as well as on Ottoman manuscripts. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved