4 research outputs found

    Morphometric analysis of the corpus callosum in patients with alzheimer's disease in MR images

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    Doktora TeziAlzheimer hastalığı yaşlılıkla beraber ortaya çıkan ve ilerleyen dönemlerde beyinde ciddi hasarlar meydana getiren nörolojik bir rahatsızlıktır. Günümüzde hastalığın erken safhada teşhisi, hangi evrede olduğu, tedavisine karar verilmesi gibi soruların cevapları beyin yapısını oluşturan bölümlerinde doku kayıplarının hesaplanması noktasında yoğunlaşmaktadır. Corpus callosum (CC) kalın miyellinli liflerden oluşan sağ ve sol beyin hemisferlerindeki ilgili merkezleri birbirine bağlayan aynı zamanda hemisferler arasında bilgi alışverişini sağlayan en büyük ve en önemli yoldur. Kortikal bölgedeki nöronların veya serebral beyaz cevherin hasarında CC morfolojisi de etkilenir. Corpus callosum'un gelişimini tamamlanmasından sonra ortaya çıkacak defektler hemisferler arasındaki nöronsal aktarımı zayıflatacak ve hastaların bilişsel kapasitelerini etkileyecektir. Bu sebeple çalışmamızda, AH'de CC ile ilgili morfometrik ölçümlerin sağlıklı bireylere göre değişiminin saptanması ve AH'nin evrelerine göre ortaya çıkan değişimin regresyon formulünün ortaya konması amaçlanmaktadır. Çalışma kapsamında, 2010-2016 yılları arasında nöroloji polikliniğine başvuran 100 hastanın beyin MRG görüntüleri değerlendirilmiştir. Klinik değerlendirme sonucunda AH tanısı konan ve tedavisi devam eden, yaşları 50 ile 80 arasında değişen 40 erkek ve 40 kadın hasta ve kontrol grubu olarak da 10 erkek, 10 kadın sağlıklı birey çalışmaya dahil edilmiştir. Elde edilen beyin MR görüntülerinde yaş, cinsiyet ve AH evresi ve ilk ve son MRG görüntüleri arasındaki fark CC ölçümleri, CC çevre ölçümleri, CC alan ölçümleri, CC açı ölçümleri ve beyin yapısına ait parametreler değerlendirilmiştir. Ayrıca çalışmamızda AH evresi ile CC ölçümleri arasında corpus callosum genişliği (CCG) arasında CCG=6.974-(0.599*AH evresi), corpus callosum genişliğinin corpus callosum'un uzunluğuna oranı (CCG/CCU) arasında CCG/CCU =0.098-(0.009*AH evresi), genu genişliği-1 (GG1) arasında GG1=11.211-(0.748*AH evresi), maximum splenium genişliği (SGMAX/CCU) arasında SGMAX/CCU=0.172-(0.008*AH evresi) iken CC çevre ölçümünden maximum splenium genişliğinin beyin uzunluğuna oranı (SGMAX/FOU) arasında SGMAX/FOU=0.082-(0.005*AH evresi) ve beyin volümü ile BOS=382.176+(74.44*AH) evresi, parankim doku miktarı ile total beyin hacim miktarına oranı (P/T ) arasında P/T=0.731-(0.054*AH evresi); alan ölçümleri ile splenium'un alanı (SA) ölçümünün cinsiyetler arasında SA=237.591-(27.208*Cinsiyet) gibi regresyon formülleri ortaya konulmuştur. Çalışmamız sonucunda ortaya konan verilerin 50 ile 80 yaş aralığında yaş, cinsiyet ve AH evreleri ile ilgili referans değerler olarak değerlendirilebileceği düşünmekteyiz. Hastanın klinik bulgularının değerlendirilmesi aşamasında ise elde ettiğimiz regresyon formüllerinin kullanılmasının, AH'nin evresini hakkında daha net bilgiler vereceği kanaatindeyiz.Alzheimer's disease is a neurological disease which appears by aging and cause severe damages on the brain during advanced stages. Recent answers of the questions such as early diagnosis, stage, treatment decision of the disease focus on estimation of tissue loss of the sites constituting the brain. Corpus callosum (CC) which comprises of thick myelinated fibers is the largest and most important path connecting the relevant centers on right and left brain as well as enabling information exchange between the hemispheres. Mophology of CC is also affected by damage of the neurons on the cortical region or cerebral white matter. Possible defects after completion of corpus callosum development would debilitate neuronal transfer between the hemispheres and affect cognitive capacity of the patients. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to detect the modification of morphometric measurements of CC in AD when compared with healthy individuals and to reveal a regression formula of the modification appeared according to stages of AD. Within the scope of the present study, cerebral MRI images of 100 patients who referred neurology polyclinic between 2010 and 2016 were evaluated. The patient group included 40 male and 40 female patients with an age ranging between 50 and 80 years who were diagnosed with AD whereas 10 healthy males and 10 healthy females were included as the control group. Age, gender, stage of AD, the difference of CC measurements between first and last MRI images, CC circumference measurements, CC site measurements, CC angle measurements and parameters of the cerebral formation were evaluated in the MRI images obtained. A regression formula was revealed from AD stage and CC measurements as corpus callosum width (CCW) and CCW=6.974-(0.599*AD stage); proportion of corpus callosum width to corpus callosum length (CCW/CCL) and CCW/CCL=0.098-(0.009*AD stage); genu width 1 (GW1) and GW1=11.211-(0.748*AD stage) and maximum splenium width (SWMAX/CCL) and SWMAX/CCL=0.172-(0.008*AD stage). Proportion of maximum splenium width to cerebral length (SWMAX/FOU) was found through the formula SWMAX/FOU =0.082-(0.005*AD stage) and cerebral structure and CSF=382.176+(74.44*AD stage); proportion of parenchymal tissue quantity to total cerebral volume (P/T) through the formula P/T=0.731-(0.054*AD stage). From area measurements, regression formula between area of the splenium (AS) and genders was found as AS=237.591-(27.208*Gender). We believe that the data obtained in the present study may be used as reference values related to the age between the age range of 50 and 80 years, gender and stages of AD. Use of regression formulas that we obtained during evaluation phase of the clinical findings of the patients may provide more precise information about stage of AD

    A Morphometric and Morphological Analysis of Plantaris in Fetal Cadavers

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    Objective: The plantaris is a muscle in the back of the leg that has a short body and a long, thin tendon. The muscle acts functionally with the gastrocnemius. Due to removal of the muscle does not cause a change in limb function, it is used as a potential source of graft. The aim of the present study was to investigate the morphological features and possible variations of plantaris in fetal cadavers.Methods: This study was carried out on the fetal cadaver collection of University of Necmettin Erbakan, Faculty of Medicine, Anatomy Department. 11 male and 9 female fetal cadavers (ages range: 28 to 40 weeks) were used. The muscle belly length (LB), width (WB) and thickness (TB) were measured. The plantaris insertion was classified into 4 types. Furtermore, the distal part of the tendon was classified as the fan-shaped and flat-shaped.Results: It was determined that plantaris was present in 36 of 40 (90%) lower extremities and absent in 4 (10%). The average muscle belly length (LB), width (WB) and thickness (TB) was found 13.29±3.73 mm, 4.72±1.77 mm and 3.65±1.17 mm, respectively. It was observed that the plantaris tendon often (Type 2, 67.5%) inserts in the anteromedial of the calcaneal tendon. Furthermore, the most common insertion type was observed as flat-shaped (86.11%). Conclusion: We believe that the data obtained from our study will be useful in procedures such as flexor tendinoplasties, reconstruction of hand tendons and lateral ankle ligaments, and repair of atrioventricular valves, which are planned to be performed in infancy and childhood

    Ligamentum Transversum Scapulae Superius’un Kemikleşmesi: Olgu Sunumu

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    Entrapment neuropathies, also known as nerve compressionsyndrome or compression neuropathy, may be defined as the lesionsof the peripheral nerves under exposure of any kind of physicalstress, including any kind of traumas and inflammatory or edematousprocesses, on the route of the nerve to the target tissue. Whileperforming a radiologic examination of multi-detector computerizedtomography images of vascular structures in the right shoulder regionof a 43 years old female Turkish patient who admitted to ourhospital, we observed a complete ossification of the superiortransverse scapular ligament. This case report, which is discussed inthe clinical perspectives of anatomic variations, puts forth that radioanatomicimages about variations, like the one used in this report, areof importance while illuminating the etiopathologic background ofentrapment neuropathies of the shoulder region.Kompresyon nöropatileri olarak da bilinen tuzak nöropatiler, travma,inflamasyon veya ödem gibi herhangi bir sebebe bağlı olarak,periferik sinirin hedef dokuya seyri esnasında baskıya uğramasıdır.Hastanemize başvuran 43 yaşındaki bir kadın hastanınmultidedektörlü bilgisayarlı tomografi görüntülerinin incelenmesiesnasında ligamentum transversum scapulae superius’un kemikleştiğigözlendi. Anatomik varyasyonların klinik perspektifte tartışıldığı buvaka takdimi, varyasyonların radyo-anatomik görüntülerinin omuzbölgesindeki tuzak nöropatilerin aydınlatılmasındaki önemini ortayakoymaktadır

    3-10 yaşındaki çocuklarda medial longitudunal arkın gelişimi

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    Purpose: It is very important to follow the development of the medial arch in children and to detect it in the early period in case of developmental deficiency. The aim of this study is to determine the development of medial arch in children by investigating the change in plantar contact area ratio and pressure with age. Materials and Methods: 51 (16 girls, 35 boys) healthy children (3-10 years old) whose consent was obtained by their families with the randomization method evaluated on the foot sole pressure measuring device were included in our study. For evaluation, medial and lateral of the anterior part of the foot, medial and lateral of the middle part, and medial and lateral of the posterior part of the foot were divided into six. In our study, the ratio of the contact surfaces of the determined areas of the foot to the entire foot sole area and the sole pressure per unit surface were statistically evaluated according to age. The obtained data were analyzed with descriptive statistics and percentage analyzes in the SPSS 11 package program. Results: As a result of the statistical analysis, no statistically significant difference was found between the plantar pressure and contact area ratio values of the right and left foot regions (p>0.05). In the analysis of the plantar pressure value according to age, there was no significant difference between the 9th and 10th ages of 3,4 and 5 years of age only in the medial of the midfoot (p>0.05). In plantar contact area ratios; While there was a significant increase in the medial part of the anterior part of the foot and the lateral part of the posterior part of the foot above the age of 8, there was a significant decrease in the medial part of the middle part of the foot (p0,05). Plantar basınç değerinin yaşa göre analizinde ise sadece orta ayağın medialinde 3,4 ve 5 yaşlarının 9 ve 10. yaşlarla anlamlı fark çıkmamıştır (p>0,05). Plantar temas alan oranlarında ise; ayağın ön kısmının mediali ve ayağın arka kısmının lateralinde8 yaş üstünde anlamlı artış varken, ayağın orta kısmının medialinde anlamlı azalış dikkat çekmiştir (p<0,05). Sonuç: Elde ettiğimiz sonuçlara MLA gelişiminde 8 yaşın önemli olduğu ve arkın gelişmesiyle ayak temasının ayağın ön kısmının medialinden, ayağın arka kısmının lateraline aktarıldığı belirlenmiştir