6 research outputs found

    Stratified analyses of IMCI and non-IMCI trained health workers’ performance outcomes with the number of pooled studies before each point estimate.

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    <p>Abbreviations: RR = Pooled relative risk; 95% CI = 95% confidence intervals; HDI = Human Development Index; MCE = Multi-Country Evaluation; C-RCT = cluster randomized controlled trial, Excl. Grey Lit = excluding grey literature; Excl. Composite = excluding composite proportions based on illness encounters instead of child encounters; –Not reported.</p

    Forest plots showing pooled point estimates for various outcomes stratified by baseline performance.

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    <p>(a) Illness classification stratified by baseline performance. (b) Medications stratified by baseline performance. (c) Vaccinations stratified by baseline performance.</p

    Comparisons of the pooled effect estimates and number needed to treat for each primary outcome and stratified by baseline performance.

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    <p>Comparisons of the pooled effect estimates and number needed to treat for each primary outcome and stratified by baseline performance.</p

    Percentages of each task performed correctly by IMCI and non-IMCI trained health workers.

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    <p>–Not reported;</p><p>¥sample sizes reflect total illness encounters instead of total child encounters.</p