48 research outputs found

    Understanding print stability in material extrusion additive manufacturing of thermoset composites

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    Over the last several years, rapid progress has been made in 3D printing of thermoset polymer resins. Such materials offer desirable thermal and chemical stability, attractive strength and stiffness, and excellent compatibility with many existing high-performance fibers. Material extrusion additive manufacturing (AM) is an ideal technology to print thermoset-based composites because fibers align during extrusion through the deposition nozzle, thereby enabling the engineer to design fiber orientation into the printed component. Current efforts to scale thermoset AM up to large-scale have shown promise, but have also highlighted issues with print stability. To-date, very little research has focused on understanding how rheological properties of the feedstock dictate the mechanical stability of printed objects. This talk will describe our first efforts in this area by printing tall, thin walls to characterize buckling and yielding due to self-weight. The talk will begin with an overview of thermoset material extrusion AM, including a brief history and the current state of the art in small and large-scale printing. The talk will then describe simple thin-walled test geometry and experimental setup that enable quantitative assessment and monitoring of geometric stability during the printing process using machine vision. Two feed stocks are investigated, each having different rheological properties, and the height at which buckling begins and the height at which full collapse occurs are identified as a function of wall thickness. Complementary rheological characterization shows that collapse of thin printed walls is well predicted by the classical self-weight, elastic buckling model, provided the recovery behavior of the feedstock is accounted for. These tests highlight the importance of understanding recovery in material extrusion AM feedstocks and could lead to the design of better resins and fillers, and could provide guidelines for the selection of successful print parameters for both small and large-scale thermoset AM. The talk will conclude with a brief discussion of next steps and outlook on the future of material extrusion AM of thermoset materials

    Printing criteria for material extrusion of high temperature thermoplastic composites

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    Over the last decade, the popularity of 3D printing has increased dramatically. Material extrusion (ME) is the most common type of 3D printing, which typically involves extruding a molten thermoplastic material through a small orifice in a specific pattern. Once considered only a technique for making non-functional prototypes, a wide range of ME systems are now using high performance materials for a variety of functional applications. However, the process science underlying the extrusion of these materials is not well understood. Therefore, the authors have developed a “printability” framework for evaluating extrusion-based printing criteria for a wide range of thermoplastic materials based on fundamental viscoelastic and thermo-mechanical properties. The framework establishes processing boundary conditions for the four basic modes of the ME process: pressuredriven extrusion, extruded geometry definition, geometry stability, and component integrity. The governing equations for each of these modes have been applied to a variety of high performance materials across a number of ME-based printing platforms, including the large-scale 3D printing of carbon fiber reinforced composites. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    Neutron Characterization for Additive Manufacturing

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    Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is leveraging decades of experience in neutron characterization of advanced materials together with resources such as the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) and the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) shown in Fig. 1 to solve challenging problems in additive manufacturing (AM). Additive manufacturing, or three-dimensional (3-D) printing, is a rapidly maturing technology wherein components are built by selectively adding feedstock material at locations specified by a computer model. The majority of these technologies use thermally driven phase change mechanisms to convert the feedstock into functioning material. As the molten material cools and solidifies, the component is subjected to significant thermal gradients, generating significant internal stresses throughout the part (Fig. 2). As layers are added, inherent residual stresses cause warping and distortions that lead to geometrical differences between the final part and the original computer generated design. This effect also limits geometries that can be fabricated using AM, such as thin-walled, high-aspect- ratio, and overhanging structures. Distortion may be minimized by intelligent toolpath planning or strategic placement of support structures, but these approaches are not well understood and often "Edisonian" in nature. Residual stresses can also impact component performance during operation. For example, in a thermally cycled environment such as a high-pressure turbine engine, residual stresses can cause components to distort unpredictably. Different thermal treatments on as-fabricated AM components have been used to minimize residual stress, but components still retain a nonhomogeneous stress state and/or demonstrate a relaxation-derived geometric distortion. Industry, federal laboratory, and university collaboration is needed to address these challenges and enable the U.S. to compete in the global market. Work is currently being conducted on AM technologies at the ORNL Manufacturing Demonstration Facility (MDF) sponsored by the DOE's Advanced Manufacturing Office. The MDF is focusing on R&D of both metal and polymer AM pertaining to in-situ process monitoring and closed-loop controls; implementation of advanced materials in AM technologies; and demonstration, characterization, and optimization of next-generation technologies. ORNL is working directly with industry partners to leverage world-leading facilities in fields such as high performance computing, advanced materials characterization, and neutron sciences to solve fundamental challenges in advanced manufacturing. Specifically, MDF is leveraging two of the world's most advanced neutron facilities, the HFIR and SNS, to characterize additive manufactured components