17 research outputs found

    A prospective observational study of vitamin D3 level in reproductive age group women with uterine leiomyoma

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    Background: Uterine leiomyomas are the commonest benign tumours of the uterus with the incidence between 5.4 to 77% in Indian women. Vitamin D deficiency is a proven risk factor in the pathogenesis of uterine fibroid in many studies conducted in different parts of the world but not many studies have been conducted on Indian women. Methods: A total of 200 women of age group 18 to 45 years attending District Hospital, Howrah, West Bengal, were included in the study. Out of which, 100 had leiomyoma and rest healthy women without leiomyoma serves as controls. Routine ultrasound examination and serum hormone analysis of Vitamin D3 were done. Serum FSH, LH were done on day 2 of menstruation. Statistical analysis of data was performed using SPSS Version 22 software. Results: The mean serum concentration of vitamin D3 was significantly lower in women with uterine fibroids compared to controls (12.66±5.42 versus 25.91±14.18, p<0.003). On further analysis, 68.4% of cases were found to be severely deficient (vitamin D3 <9 ng/ml) as compared to 27.12% of controls (p<0.0002). Besides that, only 3.67% of cases had sufficient vitamin D level as compared to 22.16% of controls (p<0.0002). The odds ratio (OR) of occurrence of fibroid with serum vitamin D3 level of <12 ng/dl compared to that level >12 ng/dl was 5.38 (95% CI- 2.12-9.45) (p<0.0001). Conclusions: Serum vitamin D3 level inversely correlated with the burden of leiomyoma and possibly its deficiency is a causative factor for the occurrence of uterine fibroid in the reproductive age group women

    Role of offending out-door aero-allergen and CD14 C(-159)T polymorphism in development and severity of asthma in a Kolkata patient population

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    Objective: Present study involved identification of offending out-door aero-allergens and associated genetic pathway in nasso-bronchial asthma among Kolkata population.Methods: Skin-prick test was done among 950 asthmatic patients against 11 common aero-allergens and total serum IgE concentration was measured. PCR-RFLP was done in patients and non-asthmatic control (n=220 in each) to characterize functional polymorphism, C(-159)T, of CD14, a positional candidate gene for allergy. Association of genetic polymorphisms was made with clinico-pathological conditions.Results: We identified Cocos nucifera as the most common aero-allergen sensitizer among atopic patients in Kolkata. Patients with childhood-onset asthma were significantly more sensitive towards aero-allergens and had significantly higher serum IgE level than those of adult-onset (p< 0.0001). No significant difference was found in distribution of SNP genotypes of CD14 among case and control (p=0.178). However among patients, frequency of C allele is significantly higher in childhood-onset group thanthat of adult-onset and concordantly in former CC genotype was associated with significant higher level of serum IgE than CT and TT.Conclusion: In Kolkata, pollen is a common out-door aero-allergen and Cocos nucifera is predominant among pollens. Childhood- onset and adult-onset of asthma showed significant difference in allergen sensitivity as well as genetic background with respect to CD14 polymorphism.Keywords: Asthma, aero-allergen, skin prick test, total IgE, CD14 gene polymorphis

    The fate of indeterminate liver lesions: What proportion are precursors of hepatocellular carcinoma?

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    BACKGROUND: The natural history and incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) arising from indeterminate liver lesions are not well described. We aimed to define the incidence of HCC in a cohort of patients undergoing surveillance by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and estimate any associations with incident HCC. METHODS: We performed a retrospective follow-up study, identifying MRI scans in which indeterminate lesions had been reported between January 2006 and January 2017. Subsequent MRI scan reports were reviewed for incident HCC arising from indeterminate lesions, data were extracted from electronic patient records and survival analysis performed to estimate associations with baseline factors. RESULTS: One hundred and nine patients with indeterminate lesions on MRI were identified. HCC developed in 19 (17%) patients over mean follow up of 4.6 years. Univariate Cox proportional hazards analysis found incident HCC to be significantly associated with baseline low platelet count (hazard ratio (HR) = 7.3 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 2.1-24.9), high serum alpha-fetoprotein level (HR = 2.7 (95% CI 1.0-7.1)) and alcohol consumption above fourteen units weekly (HR = 3.1 (95% CI 1.1-8.7)). Multivariate analysis, however, found that only low platelet count was independently associated with HCC (HR = 5.5 (95% CI 0.6-5.1)). CONCLUSIONS: HCC arises in approximately one fifth of indeterminate liver lesions over 4.6 years and is associated with a low platelet count at the time of first diagnosis of an indeterminate lesion. Incidence of HCC was more common in people with viral hepatitis and in those consuming > 14 units of alcohol per week. Our data may be used to support a strategy of enhanced surveillance in patients with indeterminate lesions

    Prebiotic and Probiotic Fortified Milk in Prevention of Morbidities among Children: Community-Based, Randomized, Double-Blind, Controlled Trial

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    HN019 to milk, in preventing diarrhea, respiratory infections and severe illnesses, in children aged 1–4 years as part of a four group study design, running two studies simultaneously. HN019 (PP; n = 312). Children were followed up for 1 year providing data for 1–4 years. Biweekly household surveillance was conducted to gather information on compliance and morbidity. Both study groups were comparable at baseline; compliance to intervention was similar. Overall, there was no effect of prebiotic and probiotic on diarrhea (6% reduction, 95% Confidence Interval [CI]: −1 to 12%; p = 0.08). Incidence of dysentery episodes was reduced by 21% (95% CI: 0 to 38%; p = 0.05). Incidence of pneumonia was reduced by 24% (95% CI: 0 to 42%; p = 0.05) and severe acute lower respiratory infection (ALRI) by 35% (95% CI: 0 to 58%; p = 0.05). Compared to children in Co group, children in PP group had 16% (95% CI: 5 to 26%, p = 0.004) and 5% (95% CI: 0 to 10%; p = 0.05) reduction in days with severe illness and high fever respectively.Milk can be a good medium for delivery of prebiotic and probiotic and resulted in significant reduction of dysentery, respiratory morbidity and febrile illness. Overall, impact of diarrhea was not significant. These findings need confirmation in other settings

    Diversity and community structure of aquatic insects in a pond in Midnapore town, West Bengal, India

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    Abstract: In total 20 species of aquatic insects have been recorded from a weed infested pond. Odonata was numerically the most abundant group constituting of 54% of the total aquatic insects even though these belonged to three species. Coleoptera though constituted only 22% of aquatic insects had 10 species. Urothemis signata and Ranatra filiformes were eudominant and dominant species respectively. Hydrometra butlen is recorded from West Bengal for the first time. Five species of Hemiptera, Ranatra filiformes, Ranatra elongata, Diplonychus rusticus, Micronecta merope, Gerris nitida and Hydrometra butlen; three species of Odonata, Urothemis signata, Agriocnemis pygmoea and Enllagma parvum and one species of Coleoptera viz., Coplatus indicus have been recorded from Paschim Medinipore district for the first time. Species diversity and evenness indices fluctuated from month to month and from one sampling site to other being <1 suggest a stressed and disturbed environment. Key words: Aquatic insects, Coleoptera, Hemiptera, Odonata PDF of full length paper is available with authors (*[email protected], [email protected]) Introduction All over the world about 45000 species of insects are known to inhabit diverse freshwater ecosyste

    Core-Shell Nanofibrous Scaffold Based on Polycaprolactone-Silk Fibroin Emulsion Electrospinning for Tissue Engineering Applications

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    The vast domain of regenerative medicine comprises complex interactions between specific cells’ extracellular matrix (ECM) towards intracellular matrix formation, its secretion, and modulation of tissue as a whole. In this domain, engineering scaffold utilizing biomaterials along with cells towards formation of living tissues is of immense importance especially for bridging the existing gap of late; nanostructures are offering promising capability of mechano-biological response needed for tissue regeneration. Materials are selected for scaffold fabrication by considering both the mechanical integrity and bioactivity cues they offer. Herein, polycaprolactone (PCL) (biodegradable polyester) and ‘nature’s wonder’ biopolymer silk fibroin (SF) are explored in judicious combinations of emulsion electrospinning rather than conventional electrospinning of polymer blends. The water in oil (W/O) emulsions’ stability is found to be dependent upon the concentration of SF (aqueous phase) dispersed in the PCL solution (organic continuous phase). The spinnability of the emulsions is more dependent upon the viscosity of the solution, dominated by the molecular weight of PCL and its concentration than the conductivity. The nanofibers exhibited distinct core-shell structure with better cytocompatibility and cellular growth with the incorporation of the silk fibroin biopolymer

    Geographic and socioeconomic inequities in cesarean delivery rates at the district level in Madhya Pradesh, India: A secondary analysis of the national family health survey-5

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    Background In India, caesarean delivery (CD) accounts for 17% of the births, of which 41% occur in private facilities. However, areas to CD in rural areas are limited, particularly for the poor populations. Little information is available on state-wise district-level CD rates by geography and the population wealth quintiles, especially in Madhya Pradesh (MP), the fifth most populous and third poorest state. Objective Investigate geographic and socioeconomic inequities of CD across the 51 districts in MP and compare the contribution of public and private healthcare facilities to the overall state CD rate. Methods This cross-sectional study utilised the summary fact sheets of the National Family Health Survey (NFHS)-5 performed from January 2019 to April 2021. Women aged 15 to 49 years, with live births two years preceding the survey were included. District-level CD rates in MP were used to determine the inequalities in accessing CD in the poorer and poorest wealth quintiles. CD rates were stratified as 20% to measure equity of access. A linear regression model was used to examine the correlation between the fractions of the population in the two bottom wealth quintiles and CD rates. Results Eighteen districts had a CD rate below 10%, 32 districts were within the 10%–20% threshold and four had a rate of 20% or higher. Districts with a higher proportion of poorer population and were at a distance from the capital city Bhopal were associated with lower CD rates. However, this decline was steeper for private healthcare facilities (R2 = 0.382) revealing a possible dependency of the poor populations on public healthcare facilities (R2 = 0.009) for accessing CD. Conclusion Although CD rates have increased across MP, inequities within districts and wealth quintiles exist, warranting closer attention to the outreach of government policies and the need to incentivise CDs where underuse is significant

    Geographic and socioeconomic inequities in cesarean delivery rates at the  district level in Madhya Pradesh, India: A secondary analysis of the national  family health survey-5

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    Background: In India, caesarean delivery (CD) accounts for 17% of the births, of which 41% occur in private facilities. However, areas to CD in rural areas are limited, particularly for the poor populations. Little information is available on state-wise district-level CD rates by geography and the population wealth quintiles, especially in Madhya Pradesh (MP), the fifth most populous and third poorest state. Objective: Investigate geographic and socioeconomic inequities of CD across the 51 districts in MP and compare the contribution of public and private healthcare facilities to the overall state CD rate. Methods: This cross-sectional study utilised the summary fact sheets of the National Family Health Survey (NFHS)-5 performed from January 2019 to April 2021. Women aged 15 to 49 years, with live births two years preceding the survey were included. District-level CD rates in MP were used to determine the inequalities in accessing CD in the poorer and poorest wealth quintiles. CD rates were stratified as 20% to measure equity of access. A linear regression model was used to examine the correlation between the fractions of the population in the two bottom wealth quintiles and CD rates. Results: Eighteen districts had a CD rate below 10%, 32 districts were within the 10%–20% threshold and four had a rate of 20% or higher. Districts with a higher proportion of poorer population and were at a distance from the capital city Bhopal were associated with lower CD rates. However, this decline was steeper for private healthcare facilities (R2 = 0.382) revealing a possible dependency of the poor populations on public healthcare facilities (R2 = 0.009) for accessing CD. Conclusion: Although CD rates have increased across MP, inequities within districts and wealth quintiles exist, warranting closer attention to the outreach of government policies and the need to incentivise CDs where underuse is significant.</p