2,696 research outputs found

    Meridional rank of whitehead doubles

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    We prove that the meridional rank and the bridge number of the Whitehead double of a prime algebraically tame knot coincide. Algebraically tame knots are a broad generalization of torus knots and iterated cable knots.Comment: 29 pages, 28 figure

    Fine structure of the age-chromospheric activity relation in solar-type stars I: The Ca II infrared triplet: Absolute flux calibration

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    Strong spectral lines are useful indicators of stellar chromospheric activity. They are physically linked to the convection efficiency, differential rotation, and angular momentum evolution and are a potential indicator of age. However, for ages > 2 Gyr, the age-activity relationship remains poorly constrained thus hampering its full application. The Ca II infrared triplet (IRT lines) has been poorly studied compared to classical chromospheric indicators. We report in this paper absolute chromospheric fluxes in the three Ca II IRT lines, based on a new calibration tied to up-to-date model atmospheres. We obtain the Ca II IRT absolute fluxes for 113 FGK stars from high signal-to-noise ratio and high-resolution spectra covering an extensive domain of chromospheric activity levels. We perform an absolute continuum flux calibration for the Ca II IRT lines anchored in atmospheric models calculated as an explicit function of effective temperatures, metallicity, and gravities avoiding the degeneracy present in photometric continuum calibrations based solely on color indices. The internal uncertainties achieved for continuum absolute flux calculations are 2\% of the solar chromospheric flux, one order of magnitude lower than photometric calibrations. We gauge the impact of observational errors on the final chromospheric fluxes due to the absolute continuum flux calibration and find that TeffT_{\rm eff} uncertainties are properly mitigated by the photospheric correction leaving [Fe/H] as the dominating factor in the chromospheric flux uncertainty. Across the FGK spectral types, the Ca II IRT lines are sensitive to chromospheric activity. The reduced internal uncertainties reported here enable us to build a new chromospheric absolute flux scale and explore the age-activity relation from the active regime down to very low activity levels and a wide range of TeffT_{\rm eff}, mass, [Fe/H], and age.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures, 6 tables, Accepted for publication on A&A. Abstract edited to comply with arXiv standards regarding the number of character

    Produção de mudas de espécies lenhosas.

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    Planejamento das instalações para produção de mudas; Técnicas de produção de mudas.bitstream/CNPF-2009-09/43217/1/doc130.pd

    Consistent metallicity scale for cool dwarfs and giants. A benchmark test using the Hyades

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    In several instances chemical abundances of dwarf and giant stars are used simultaneously under the assumption that they share the same abundance scale. This assumption might have implications in different astrophysical contexts. We aim to ascertain a methodology capable of producing a consistent metallicity scale for giants and dwarfs. To achieve that, we analyzed giants and dwarfs in the Hyades open cluster. All these stars have archival high-resolution spectroscopic data obtained with HARPS and UVES. In addition, the giants have interferometric measurements of the angular diameters. We analyzed the sample with two methods. The first method constrains the atmospheric parameters independently from spectroscopy. For that we present a novel calibration of microturbulence based on 3D model atmospheres. The second method is the classical spectroscopic based on Fe lines. We also tested two line lists in an attempt to minimize possible non-LTE effects and to optimize the treatment of the giants. We show that it is possible to obtain a consistent metallicity scale between dwarfs and giants. The preferred method should constrain the three parameters TeffT_{\rm eff}, log g\log~g, and ξ\xi independent of spectroscopy. In particular, the lines should be chosen to be free of blends in the spectra of giants. When attention is paid to the line list, the classical spectroscopic method can also produce consistent results. The metallicities derived with the well-constrained set of stellar parameters are consistent independent of the line list used. Therefore, for this cluster we favor the metallicity of +0.18±\pm0.03 dex obtained with this method. The classical spectroscopic analysis, using the line list optimized for the giants, provides a metallicity of +0.14±\pm0.03 dex, in agreement with previous works.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures, 10 tables. Accepted for publication in A&

    Efeito do porta-enxerto na formação de mudas de cajueiro anão precoce cultivadas em tubetes e submetidas a diferentes doses de adubo foliar.

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    O objetivo do presente trabalho e estudar o comportamento de quatro porta-enxertos com relacao a contribuicao de cada um deles na nutricao, como tambem testar o efeito da adubacao via foliar ...bitstream/CNPAT-2010/5387/1/Pa-069.pd