10 research outputs found

    Predicting the Effects of Composition, Molecular Size and Shape, Plasticization, and Swelling on the Diffusion of Aromatic Additives in Block Copolymers

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    The rate of diffusion of small molecules within polymer matrices is important in an enormous scope of practical scenarios. However, it is challenging to perform direct measurements of each system of interest under realistic conditions. Free volume theories have proven capable of predicting diffusion coefficients in polymers but often require large amounts of physical constants as input. Therefore, we adapted a version of the Vrentas–Duda free volume theory of diffusion such that the necessary parameters may be obtained from a limited set of diffusion data collected at the temperature of interest using commercially available and automated sorption equipment. This approach correlates the size and shape of molecules to their trace diffusion coefficient, <i>D</i>, such that <i>D</i> of very large, solid diffusants can be predicted based on properties measured for condensable vapor diffusants. Our analysis was based on the volume-averaged transport properties of polyaromatic color additives within segmentally arranged poly­(ether-<i>block</i>-amide) (PEBAX) block copolymer matrices. At very high polyamide content the considerable plasticization effects due to absorbed water can be accommodated by increasing the available hole free volume as a function of water content. Alternatively, if the release rate of additives is measured for very high polyether content and degree of swelling, the release rate in the unswollen elastomer may be anticipated using the tortuosity model of Mackie and Meares. Agreement of these physical models to new experimental data provides a scientific basis for accurately predicting the <i>in vivo</i> leaching of aromatic additives from medical device polymers using accelerated and/or simplified <i>in vitro</i> methodologies

    Orthogonally Spin-Coated Bilayer Films for Photochemical Immobilization and Patterning of Sub-10-Nanometer Polymer Monolayers

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    Versatile and spatiotemporally controlled methods for decorating surfaces with monolayers of attached polymers are broadly impactful to many technological applications. However, current materials are usually designed for very specific polymer/surface chemistries and, as a consequence, are not very broadly applicable and/or do not rapidly respond to high-resolution stimuli such as light. We describe here the use of a polymeric adhesion layer, poly­(styrene sulfonyl azide-<i>alt</i>-maleic anhydride) (PSSMA), which is capable of immobilizing a 1–7 nm thick monolayer of preformed, inert polymers via photochemical grafting reactions. Solubility of PSSMA in very polar solvents enables processing alongside hydrophobic polymers or solutions and by extension orthogonal spin-coating deposition strategies. Therefore, these materials and processes are fully compatible with photolithographic tools and can take advantage of the immense manufacturing scalability they afford. For example, the thicknesses of covalently grafted poly­(styrene) obtained after seconds of exposure are quantitatively equivalent to those obtained by physical adsorption after hours of thermal equilibration. Sequential polymer grafting steps using photomasks were used to pattern different regions of surface energy on the same substrate. These patterns spatially controlled the self-assembled domain orientation of a block copolymer possessing 21 nm half-periodicity, demonstrating hierarchical synergy with leading-edge nanopatterning approaches

    Synthesis of Amphiphilic Naturally-Derived Oligosaccharide-<i>block</i>-Wax Oligomers and Their Self-Assembly

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    Self-assembly characteristics of amphiphilic macromolecules into micelles, nanoparticles and vesicles has been of fundamental interest for many applications including designed nanoscale therapeutic delivery systems and enzymatic reactors. In this work, a class of amphiphilic block oligomers was synthesized from naturally occurring oligosaccharides and aliphatic alcohol precursors, which are all currently prominent in the pharmaceutical, food, and supplement industries. These block oligomer materials were synthesized by functionalization of the precursor materials followed by subsequent coupling by azide–alkyne cycloaddition and their bulk self-assembly was investigated after solvent vapor annealing. Self-assembly of the amphiphilic materials into liposomes in aqueous solution was also investigated after preparing solutions using a nanoprecipitation method. Encapsulation of hydrophobic components was demonstrated and verified using dynamic light scattering, transmission electron microscopy, and fluorescence spectroscopy experiments

    Bidirectional Control of Flow in Thin Polymer Films by Photochemically Manipulating Surface Tension

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    The Marangoni effect causes liquids to flow toward localized regions of higher surface tension. In a thin film, such flow results in smooth thickness variations and may represent a practically useful route to manufacture topographically patterned surfaces. An especially versatile material for this application should be able to be spatially programmed to possess regions of higher or lower relative surface tension so that the direction of flow into or out of those areas could be directed with precision. To this end, we describe here a photopolymer whose melt-state surface tension can be selectively raised or lowered in the light exposed regions depending on the wavelength and dose of applied light. The direction of Marangoni flow into or out of the irradiated areas agreed with expected surface tension changes for photochemical transformations characterized by a variety of spectroscopic techniques and chromatographic experiments. The maximum film thickness variations achieved in this work are over 200 nm, which developed after only 5 min of thermal annealing. Both types of flow patterns can even be programmed sequentially into the same film and developed in a single thermal annealing step, which to our knowledge represents the first example of harnessing photochemical stimuli to bidirectionally control flow

    Designing Intrablock Attractions To Increase the χ Parameter of a Symmetric Diblock Copolymer

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    Block copolymer (BCP) lithography is capable of forming features on the order of tens of nanometers, and this size is desirable for numerous applications, including data storage devices, microprocessors, and membranes. BCPs must be oriented to form device-relevant structures, and poly­(styrene-<i>block</i>-methyl methacrylate) (PS–PMMA) is the most widely studied BCP due to its ability to form perpendicularly oriented features when simply heated on an energetically nonpreferential substrate. However, the smallest practical feature sizes attainable by PS–PMMA are about 11 nm. In this work, we incorporate a self-interacting monomer, vinyl­naphthalene, into the styrenic block of PS–PMMA to effectively increase its Flory–Huggins interaction parameter. Introducing 35 mol % of vinyl­naphthalene into the BCP more than doubled its χ parameter, resulting in a BCP structure that is capable of forming features as small as 6.3 nm. We also demonstrate that like PS–PMMA, this new poly­((styrene-<i>random</i>-vinyl­naphthalene)-<i>block</i>-methyl methacrylate) (PSVN–PMMA) BCP can be oriented vertically with only thermal annealing

    Modulating Solubility and Enhancing Reactivity of Photo-Cross-Linkable Poly(styrene sulfonyl azide-<i>alt</i>-maleic anhydride) Thin Films

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    To formalize our understanding of indiscriminate grafting chemistries as they pertain to cross-linkable polymers and emerging patterning technologies, we designed a new polymer, poly­(styrene sulfonyl azide-<i>alt</i>-maleic anhydride) (PSSMA). By modulating its solubility, it can be deposited into smooth, ultrathin films atop polar and nonpolar polymers. Upon heating above 120 °C or exposure to UV light, highly reactive nitrene intermediates are generated from the azide groups which form covalent adducts and cross-link the PSSMA. Azide photolysis and polymer gelation were studied in the context of a statistical model to gain insight into the network outcomes of nitrenes in a polymer film. For every azide group converted to a nitrene in ambient atmosphere, it has an 11% likelihood of grafting to another chain and a 5% chance of causing a scission. These values can be increased over 3-fold by reducing the O<sub>2</sub> content by 85%. Alternatively, the effects of quenching by ground-state O<sub>2</sub> can be mitigated by adding Michler’s ketone (MK) to the film. PSSMA/MK blend films possess a 39% (±13) likelihood for grafting and 29% (±10) for scission. The higher ratio of scission to grafting is a consequence of the sensitized azides producing triplet-state nitrenes, which favor hydrogen abstraction. These broadly generalizable considerations will be useful to others who wish to maximize light sensitivity in related polymer systems

    Ultrasmooth Polydopamine Modified Surfaces for Block Copolymer Nanopatterning on Flexible Substrates

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    Nature has engineered universal, catechol-containing adhesives which can be synthetically mimicked in the form of polydopamine (PDA). In this study, PDA was exploited to enable the formation of block copolymer (BCP) nanopatterns on a variety of soft material surfaces. While conventional PDA coating times (1 h) produce a layer too rough for most applications of BCP nanopatterning, we found that these substrates could be polished by bath sonication in a weakly basic solution to form a conformal, smooth (root-mean-square roughness ∌0.4 nm), and thin (3 nm) layer free of large prominent granules. This chemically functionalized, biomimetic layer served as a reactive platform for subsequently grafting a surface neutral layer of poly­(styrene-<i>random-</i>methyl methacrylate-<i>random-</i>glycidyl methacrylate) to perpendicularly orient lamellae-forming poly­(styrene-<i>block-</i>methyl methacrylate) BCP. Moreover, scanning electron microscopy observations confirmed that a BCP nanopattern on a poly­(ethylene terephthalate) substrate was not affected by bending with a radius of ∌0.5 cm. This procedure enables nondestructive, plasma-free surface modification of chemically inert, low-surface energy soft materials, thus overcoming many current chemical and physical limitations that may impede high-throughput, roll-to-roll nanomanufacturing

    A Photochemical Approach to Directing Flow and Stabilizing Topography in Polymer Films

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    Coatings and substrates with topographically patterned features will play an important role in efficient technologies for harvesting and transmitting light energy. In order to address these applications, a methodology for prescribing height profiles in polymer films is presented here. This is accomplished by photochemcially patterning a solid-state, sensitized polymer film. After heating the film above its glass transition temperature, melt-state flow is triggered and directed by the chemical pattern. A second light exposure was applied to fully activate a heat-stable photo-crosslinking additive. The features formed here are thermochemically stable and can act as an underlayer in a multilayered film. To exemplify this capability, these films were also used to direct the macroscopic film morphology of a block copolymer overlayer

    Marangoni Instability Driven Surface Relief Grating in an Azobenzene-Containing Polymer Film

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    The Marangoni effect describes fluid flow near an interface in response to a surface tension gradient. Here, we demonstrate that the Marangoni effect is the underlying mechanism for flow driven feature formation in an azobenzene-containing polymer film; features formed in azobenzene-containing polymers are often referred to as surface relief gratings or SRGs. An amorphous poly­(4-(acryloyl­oxyhexyl­oxy)-4â€Č-pentyl­azobenzene) was synthesized and studied as a model polymer. To isolate the surface tension driven flow from the surface tension pattern inscription step, the surface tension gradient was preprogrammed via photoisomerization of azobenzene in a glassy polymer film without forming topographical features. Subsequently, the latent image was developed in the absence of light by annealing above the glass transition temperature where the polymer is a liquid. The polymer flow direction was controlled with precision by inducing different surface tension changes in the exposed regions, in accordance with expectation based on the Marangoni effect. Finally, the height of the formed features decreased upon extensive thermal annealing due to capillary leveling with two distinct rates. A scaling analysis revealed that those rates originated from dissimilar capillary velocities associated with different azobenzene isomers

    Photopatternable Interfaces for Block Copolymer Lithography

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    Directly photopatternable interfaces are introduced that facilitate two-dimensional spatial control of block copolymer (BCP) orientation in thin films. Copolymers containing an acid labile monomer were synthesized, formulated with a photoacid generator (PAG), and coated to create grafted surface treatments (GSTs). These as-cast GST films are either inherently neutral or preferential (but not both) to lamella-forming poly­(styrene-<i>block</i>-trimethylsilylstyrene) (PS-<i>b</i>-PTMSS). Subsequent contact printing and baking produced GSTs with submicron chemically patterned gratings. The catalytic reaction of the photoacid generated in the UV-exposed regions of the GSTs changed the interfacial interactions between the BCP and the GST in one of two ways: from neutral to preferential (“N2P”) <i>or</i> preferential to neutral (“P2N”). When PS-<i>b</i>-PTMSS was thermally annealed between a chemically patterned GST and a top coat, alternating regions of perpendicular and parallel BCP lamellae were formed