31 research outputs found

    Microwave multiplexing on the Keck Array

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    We describe an on-sky demonstration of a microwave-multiplexing readout system in one of the receivers of the Keck Array, a polarimetry experiment observing the cosmic microwave background at the South Pole. During the austral summer of 2018-2019, we replaced the time-division multiplexing readout system with microwave-multiplexing components including superconducting microwave resonators coupled to radio-frequency superconducting quantum interference devices at the sub-Kelvin focal plane, coaxial-cable plumbing and amplification between room temperature and the cold stages, and a SLAC Microresonator Radio Frequency system for the warm electronics. In the range 5-6 GHz, a single coaxial cable reads out 528 channels. The readout system is coupled to transition-edge sensors, which are in turn coupled to 150-GHz slot-dipole phased-array antennas. Observations began in April 2019, and we report here on an initial characterization of the system performance.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figures, Accepted by the Journal of Low Temperature Physics (Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors

    The KTeV hardware cluster counter

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    The KTeV Hardware Cluster Counter

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    We have designed and built a trigger processor that determines the number of isolated showers deposited in the electromagnetic calorimeter of the KTeV detector. Our algorithm takes advantage of pattern recognition and parallel processing techniques to increase its speed relative to more conventional cluster finding algorithms. With a relatively modest clock speed of 20 MHz, this processor reaches a decision in under 2¯s. 1 Introduction The KTeV detector [1] is currently under construction at Fermilab. Its main goal is to determine the parameter Re(ffl 0 =ffl), a measure of direct CP violation. In addition, the KTeV experiment will search for and study many rare neutral kaon decays. Of particular interest in the study of CP violation is the decay K ! ß o ß o , where the final state consists of four photons. In order to detect these decays, the KTeV detector includes a pure CsI calorimeter [2] which will be one of the most precise high energy electromagnetic calorimeters. A drawin..

    Intra-bunch feedback system developments at DAFNE

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    This paper presents history and evolution of the intra-bunch feedback system for circular accelerators. This pro-ject has been presented by John D. Fox (SLAC/Stanford Un.) at the IPAC2010 held in Kyoto. The idea of the pro-posal is to build a flexible and powerful instrument to mit-igate the parasitic e-cloud effects on the proton (and poten-tially positron) beams in storage rings. Being a new and ambitious project, the financial issues have been quite im-portant. US LHC Accelerator Research Program (LARP) and other institution funding sources have assured the de-velopment of the design for implementing the feedback in the SPS ring at CERN. Here the intra-bunch feedback sys-tem has been installed and tested in the frame of the LIU (LHC Injector Upgrade) program. After the end of the LARP funding, a possible new inter-esting chance to continue the R&D activity, could be by implementing the system in a lepton storage ring affected by e-cloud effects. For achieving this goal, a possible ex-periment could be carried out in the positron ring of DAFNE at Frascati, Italy. The feasibility of the proposal is evaluated in the following sections. In case of approval of the experiment, indeed the project could be inserted in the DAFNE-TF (DAFNE Test Facility) program that is fore-seen after the 2020 for the following 3-5 years

    SVT: an online Silicon Vertex Tracker for the CDF upgrade

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    The SVT is an online tracker for the CDF upgrade which will reconstruct 2D tracks using information from the Silicon VerteX detector (SVXII) and Central Outer Tracker (COT), The precision measurement of the track impact parameter will then be used to select and record large samples of B hadrons. We discuss the overall architecture, algorithms, and hardware implementation of the system. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B,V. All rights reserved