21 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Ukuran Berat Benih terhadap Perkecambahan Benih Merbau Darat (Intsia Palembanica)

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    The demand of mirabow wood is increasing nowdays, where as the existence species in the nature is getting reduced. Therefore, it\u27s preservation efforts are urgent to be done. Seed size was correlated with it\u27s vigor, where heavy seeds relatively have a better vigor, compare to the light one. The research was aimed to determine the effect of seed size to percentage of germination, average days to germinate, germination value and germination power of mirabow seeds. The research was conducted in greenhouse of Agriculture Faculty Lampung University on November 2013 to January 2014. The research was arranged in Complete Random Design (CRD), with 3 treatments and 4 replications. Seed are classified based on the weight of seed is heavy weight, medium weight, and light weight. Each unit of experiments was used 100 mirabow seeds. The observed variables were consisted of germination percentage, average day to germination, germination value, and germination power. Data analysis methods used were homogeneity of variance, variance analysis, and least significant of difference test at 5% significant level. The results showed that seed size of mirabow has a positive effect to the germination. The heavy weight of seed (> 3.49 grams) gave a better response for germination percentage 80.250% and germination value 1.595 %/day compared with the medium weight (2.36--43.49 grams) and light weight (< 2.36 grams)

    Keragaman Jenis Tumbuhan Obat di Hutan Pendidikan Universitas Sumatera Utara Kawasan Taman Hutan Raya Tongkoh Kabupaten Karo Sumatera Utara

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    Tongkoh Great Forest Park has an excellent site factor for various types of medicine plants. The research about the medicine plants spesies diversity in Tongkoh Great Forest Park was needed because there was the lack of information about the types of medicine plants in the area. The purpose of the study was to determine the diversity of species and it's abundance, in the area of utilization block area Tongkoh Great Forest Park, Karo District, North Sumatra Province. This research was conducted on August 2014 in the utilization area of Tongkoh Great Forest Park, Karo District, North Sumatra Province by inventory method was employed using the terraced lines method that arranged systematically and started with purposive sampling, based on the presence of medicine plants that had known by local communities in around area. The distance between the pioneer lines were 200 m and the distance between the plots and the path lines were 100 m. The results of the research show that there are 25 species of medicine plants which are divided into 21 families. The most dominant species was pegagan (Centella asiatica) with density about 9,500 individu/hectare and frequency at 0.26 and tree species which have the highest relative density was pine (Pinus merkusii) with frequency was 0.2 and the density was 60 individu/hectare

    Pemanfaatan Limbah Teh, Sekam Padi, dan Arang Sekam sebagai Media Tumbuh Bibit Trembesi (Samanea Saman)

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    Rain Tree (Samanea saman) has ability to absorb the carbon dioxide from the air. Due to it's advantages, there was a need to know the propagation way. Using organic materials such as tea waste, rice husk and husk charcoal as a growing medium diggested could increase the seedling growth. This study aims to: (1) determined the effect of tea waste, rice husk and husk charcoal as a growth media for rain tree seedling (2) determined the best composition of the media among soil mixture with tea waste, soil with mixture rice husk and soil with mixture husk charcoal. The research was conducted from September 2012 to December 2012, in the greenhouse, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung. The study was designed in completely randomized design (CRD) used 7 treatment with 5 replications, each consisted of 5 sample. Treatment consists of: 100% soil, soil + tea waste (75% + 25%), soil + tea waste (50% + 50%), soil + rice husk (75% + 25%), soil + rice husk (50% + 50%), soil + husk charcoal (75% + 25%), soil + husk charcoal (50% + 50%). Provision of tea waste, rice husk and husk charcoal was gave effect on canopy dry weight, stem dry weight, roor length, seed quality index and did not give affect on height and diameter of seedling, the appropriate composite media for each type of mixture was a composite soil + tea waste (75% + 25%), soil + rice husk (50% + 50%), of the soil + husk charcoal (75% + 25%)

    Pengaruh Zat Alelopati dari Alang-Alang terhadap Pertumbuhan Semai Tiga Spesies Akasia

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    Allelopathy is the compound released by the plants (example: blady grass) to the environtment and where another plants is living and could obstruct or extinguish to another plants. The purpose of research were to figure out the effect of allelopathy from the blady grass toward the species of acacia seedlings, to figure out the weakest affected seedling species by blady grass allelopathy, and to figure out interaction between concentration of extracted blady grass and seedling tree species. The research was designed based on factorial in a complete random design. Factor I was the seedlings, consisted of acacia, mangium, and acacia alba, while factor II was concentration of extracted blady grass allelopathy, consisted of non extracted allelopathy, extracted allelopathy 25%, extracted allelopathy 50%, extracted allelopathy 75%, and extracted allelopathy 100%. Every treatment was repeated 5 times. The number of the seedlings for each experimental unit was two seeding. The observed variables were height, diameter of the stem, number of leaves, and living percentage of the seedlings. This observation data was tested by Bartlett test to find the variance homogenity. Then it was analyzed by using variance analysis, and tested by least significant difference (LSD). The calculation were done at 5% significant level. The result of this research showed that allelopathy of blady grass were significan to the growth of acacia, mangium and acacia alba seedlings. Based on the LSD at 5% was known that the concentrate of blady grass allelopathy had strongest negative effect to the growth seedlings was 100%. Seedling that was the most resistant to the allelopathy of blady grass is mangium seedling. It was known from the analysis of variance test there was an interaction between the seedling and the concentration of blady grass allelopathy that effect the height, leaves number, living percentage ofseedlings