4 research outputs found

    Anti-cyclonic eddy imprint on calcite geochemistry of several planktonic foraminiferal species in the Mozambique Channel

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    Hydrographic conditions in the Mozambique Channel are dominated by the passing of large anticyclonic eddies, propagating poleward into the upstream Agulhas area. Further south, these eddies have been found to control the shedding of Agulhas rings into the Atlantic ocean, thereby playing a key role in Indo-Atlantic Ocean exchange. The element composition of several planktonic foraminifera species collected from sediment trap samples, was compared to in situ water column data from the Mozambique Channel. Single-chamber trace element composition of these foraminifera reveals a close coupling with hydrographic changes induced by anticyclonic eddies. Obtained Mg/Ca values for the surface dwelling Globigerinoides ruber as well as the thermocline dwelling Neogloboquadrina dutertrei follow temperature changes and reduced temperature stratification during eddy conditions. At greater depth, Globorotalia scitula and Pulleniatina obliquiloculata record stable temperatures and thus respond to hydrographic changes with a deepening in habitat depth. Furthermore, test Mn/Ca values indicate a close relationship between water column oxygenation and Mn incorporation in these planktonic foraminiferal specie

    An assessment of the Indian Ocean mean state and seasonal cycle in a suite of interannual CORE-II simulations

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    We present an analysis of annual and seasonal mean characteristics of the Indian Ocean circulation and water masses from 16 global ocean–sea-ice model simulations that follow the Coordinated Ocean-ice Reference Experiments (CORE) interannual protocol (CORE-II). All simulations show a similar large-scale tropical current system, but with differences in the Equatorial Undercurrent. Most CORE-II models simulate the structure of the Cross Equatorial Cell (CEC) in the Indian Ocean. We uncover a previously unidentified secondary pathway of northward cross-equatorial transport along 75 °E, thus complementing the pathway near the Somali Coast. This secondary pathway is most prominent in the models which represent topography realistically, thus suggesting a need for realistic bathymetry in climate models. When probing the water mass structure in the upper ocean, we find that the salinity profiles are closer to observations in geopotential (level) models than in isopycnal models. More generally, we find that biases are model dependent, thus suggesting a grouping into model lineage, formulation of the surface boundary, vertical coordinate and surface salinity restoring. Refinement in model horizontal resolution (one degree versus degree) does not significantly improve simulations, though there are some marginal improvements in the salinity and barrier layer results. The results in turn suggest that a focus on improving physical parameterizations (e.g. boundary layer processes) may offer more near-term advances in Indian Ocean simulations than refined grid resolution

    Ocean currents south of Africa from drifters

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    Rilievo e catalogazione delle prime tipologie edilizie in cemento armato

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    Hydrographic conditions in the Mozambique Channel are dominated by the passing of large anticyclonic eddies, propagating poleward into the upstream Agulhas area. Further south, these eddies have been found to control the shedding of Agulhas rings into the Atlantic ocean, thereby playing a key role in Indo-Atlantic Ocean exchange. The element composition of several planktonic foraminifera species collected from sediment trap samples, was compared to in situ water column data from the Mozambique Channel. Single-chamber trace element composition of these foraminifera reveals a close coupling with hydrographic changes induced by anticyclonic eddies. Obtained Mg/Ca values for the surface dwelling Globigerinoides ruber as well as the thermocline dwelling Neogloboquadrina dutertrei follow temperature changes and reduced temperature stratification during eddy conditions. At greater depth, Globorotalia scitula and Pulleniatina obliquiloculata record stable temperatures and thus respond to hydrographic changes with a deepening in habitat depth. Furthermore, test Mn/Ca values indicate a close relationship between water column oxygenation and Mn incorporation in these planktonic foraminiferal specie