575 research outputs found

    Ocular sonography in patients with raised intracranial pressure: the papilloedema revisited

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    Invasive devices are recommended for the early detection of raised intracranial pressure (ICP) after severe traumatic brain injury. Owing to contraindication or local issues, however, invasive ICP monitoring is not always possible. Moreover, a significant proportion of moderate traumatic brain injury patients (managed without invasive ICP) will develop raised ICP. Reliable noninvasive ICP techniques are therefore needed. Soldatos and colleagues report the usefulness of ocular sonography in the diagnosis of raised ICP. Focusing on cerebrospinal fluid accumulation around the retrobulbar optic nerve, they show interesting results for the optic nerve sheath diameter in the diagnosis of raised ICP. If confirmed by further studies, and despite important limitations related to sonography, this technique could serve as a screening test in patients at risk for raised ICP, when invasive monitoring is not possible or is not clearly recommended

    Identification of avalanche precursors by acoustic probing in the bulk of tilted granular layers

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    International audienceUnderstanding the precursors of granular avalanches is important for the prediction of critical events. As part of the dynamics leading to the avalanche, precursors are identified as collective motions of grains on the free surface. When a granular pile is tilted at a constant angular velocity, precursors appear quasi-periodically. In this paper we simultaneously caracterize precursors on the free surface with an optical method and in the bulk with acoustic methods (nonlinear and linear). Surprisingly, the use on nonlinear acoustic method is not necessary to probe rearrangements in the bulk of the granular material. A linear method can also be used provided that the frequency region is the one where the acoustic propagation is sensitive to the solid skeleton formed by the bead-contact network. Our experiments conducted with monodisperse glass beads show that their surface features are by far the most important for the precursor propreties. Our results allow to probe with a few millisecond time resolution (less than 10−2 degree of inclination) the relaxation phenomena associated to each precursor event. Interpretations of different precursors and different experiments provide an interesting train of thought for the understanding of destabilization mechanisms in granular systems

    Dynamique granulaire à l'approche de l'état critique

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    La dynamique granulaire amenant à l'état critique présente un intérêt dans la compréhension de la déstabilisation menant à l'avalanche. Son étude permet d'avoir des pistes de compréhension sur des mécanismes plus complexes telles les catastrophes géophysiques (séismes, glissements de terrain, éboulements). Ainsi, lorsqu'un milieu granulaire tridimensionnel sous gravité est quasi-statiquement incliné, des précurseurs sont observés à partir d'une dizaine de degrés avant l'avalanche. Ces précurseurs correspondent à des réarrangements collectifs de grains observés à la surface qui apparaissent pseudo-périodiquement avec l'angle d'inclinaison. Cette thèse fournit une caractérisation expérimentale des précurseurs détectés à la surface par méthode optique et dans le volume par méthodes acoustiques (linéaire et non linéaire). Tout d'abord, de bonnes corrélations sont trouvées entre les réarrangements à la surface et dans le volume. Dans un second temps, l'étude est poursuivie avec une liste non exhaustive de paramètres influant sur les propriétés des précurseurs. L'état de surface des grains est crucial pour la dynamique des précurseurs. Puis, une tentative de description de la déstabilisation est réalisée avec notamment la mesure de la variation des paramètres élastiques. Les précurseurs d'avalanches correspondent à des pertes successives de rigidité du système, suivies du renforcement de ce dernier.The granular dynamics leading to the avalanche is of interest in understanding the destabilization conducting to one. Its study implies a good train of throught in the understanding of more complex mechanisms such as geophysical disasters (earthquakes, landslides, rockslides). Thus, when a three-dimensional granular medium under gravity is quasi-statically tilted, precursors are observed from the tilt of ten degrees before the avalanche. These precursors correspond to collective rearrangements of grains observed on the free surface which appear pseudo-periodically with the angle of inclination. In order to understand this phenomenon, the thesis presents an experimental characterisation of the precursors detected on the surface by optical method and in the bulk by acoustic methods (linear and nonlinear). Firstly, good correlations were found between the surface and bulk rearrangements which led to extending the study with a non-exhaustive list of parameters affecting the precursors properties. The surface features of the grains have appeared to be particularly crucial in the precursors dynamics. Finally, an attempt at a description of the destabilization is approached with the measurement of the variation of the elastic parameters revealing that precursors of avalanches correspond to successive loss of rigidity of the system, followed by hardening of the latter.RENNES1-Bibl. électronique (352382106) / SudocSudocFranceF
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