338 research outputs found

    Perspectives and competitiveness of Bosnian industry: Competitiveness enhancement through innovative solutions

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    On global level there is a large supply-demand imbalance for the worker with the right set of skills. Similarly, it is observed in Bosnia as well. Even though the unemployment rate is high in the country, the industry is struggling to get talents they need from the local market. On the other hand, the job seekers are rather preferring to look for job opportunities in EU countries since the packages of benefits are more attractive there. Bosnian industry is mainly based on labor intensive business and it is focused on lower cost as competitive advantage. Using this competitive advantage, the industry generates insufficient added value to offer competitive package of benefit to demanded talents from the global labor market. They have to switch to a new competitive advantage on differentiated unique solutions to target groups that will provide them with increased added value

    Types of journal articles: Purpose, structure and length

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    In 2013, the Journal “Periodical of Engineering and Natural Sciences” was launched. By now, the journal achieved a global spread of authorship and Editorial Board. In this period, we have been publishing mainly original research articles, reviews, and case studies. In addition to the current article types, we are going to start publishing Book reviews, Minireviews, Short Communication, Commentaries, Methodology/Method starting from the next Issue. To familiarize authorship with the different types of articles we publish, here below each of them is particularly described, including the paper structure and length

    In Vivo Genotoxicity Testing Of Vitamin C And Naproxen Sodium Using Plant Bioassay

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    Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is a water-soluble vitamin and essential for collagen, carnitine and neurotransmitter biosynthesis. Naproxen sodium is propionic acid derivative and anti-inflammatory non-steroid agent. The aim of the study was to assess genotoxicity of selected medicaments and their possible effects on genetic material using Allium bioassay. The treatment of onion bulbs with fresh solutions of Naproxen Sodium (Nalgesin S®) and Vitamin C was performed using selected concentrations (550, 825 µg/ml and 250, 500, 1000 µg/ml respectively) in 72 hours time period. Control group was also set up.The microscopic parameters (mitotic index and chromosomal aberrations) of Allium root tips as well as the frequency of aberrant mitotic phases were analyzed. Both medicaments (vitamin C and Naproxen Sodium) caused increased frequency of abnormal mitosis when compared to control group

    Performance analysis of B2B and B2C companies: A case study of selected Balkan countries

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze and compare two different business models called business to business and business to consumer in Western Balkan countries and Bulgaria. The first, model - business to business (B2B) is defined as the transfer of goods and services between businesses or firms without interference of consumer. The second model, business to consumer (B2C) is customer oriented in which the goods and services are sold immediately to customers in the market. This study focuses on the performance of these two business models in regional countries which are: Albania, Bulgaria, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia. Our analysis intends to provide information regarding the countries’ development on different sectors within B2B and B2C models that are affected by specific indicators such as net salaries, total employment level, investment and exports, and research & innovation. Using statistical methods such as t-test, z-test, F-test or ANOVA and regression, the data were analyzed and the results were compared among the listed developing countries. Finally, this dissection represents the relationship between two independent variables, Net Salaries and Employment where specific dependent variables significantly contribute in North Macedonia and Serbia

    Impact of quality and innovation strategies on business performance of Bosnian B2B and B2C companies

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    The aim of this paper was to compare two business models, namely business to business and business to customer. The first model is oriented towards the delivery of intermediate goods ordered by an immense foreign market leader that is outsourcing a part of its business. The second model is consumers oriented and is more about innovation and the creation of goods ready to be immediately sold on the market. Bosnia is a developing country, and often a place for establishing B2B businesses. However, we are lacking in innovation, our own know-how, and the creation of challenging business opportunities. It also faces the problem of brain drain; therefore, it is in a need of a plan for retaining the youth within the country. The analysis aimed to show how the boosting jobs and living standards in Bosnia, are affected by the investments, exports, and salaries within the B2B and B2C companies. The results showed that Bosnia has a significant potential for raising living standards, employment and salary, if investments are directed towards innovations, knowledge-intensive and B2C businesses instead of labor-intensive investments

    Analysis of student performances in online and face-to-face learning: A case study from a Bosnian public university

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    In the past three years, the COVID-19 became a global health issue and had huge impact on education. This study investigates and compares the student performances after transition from face-to-face learning environment to online learning environments as a result of the spread of the pandemic. Data is collected from a large Bosnian public university and analyzed using statistical tools. In this study student success is defined as passing the course. The results showed that there is significant difference in the performances of students, and it is dependent on learning environment. Particularly, students who attended online classes have significantly higher-grade point averages

    What is the Future of Work 2022

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    Thanks to the collective experiences of knowledge workers over the last 24 months of the pandemic we have become better at knowing what’s best done at work, and elsewhere. Our purpose has been to understand how this plays out in the context of a more flexible work landscape. Our next generation of workforce is further accelerating the rate of change with choice and flexibility now driving the conversation and talent war. The trick is how do you manage employee expectations with what your organisation can offer. We have well and truly adjusted our workstyles. Yet we are innately social creatures that thrive with human connection. WHAT WE’VE EXPLORED IS THE SENTIMENT OF GEN Z

    Togetherness and (work)Place: Insights from Workers and Managers during Australian COVID-Induced Lockdowns

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    (1) Background: Pandemic-imposed lockdowns have heightened our awareness of the value of (work)place and made apparent the role it plays in establishing our sense of belonging and professional identity. The opportunity to work remotely during the pandemic has given us an appreciation of the benefits from access to increased flexibility, but there is consistent evidence emerging showing how much workers miss in-office social and learning interactions. This paper focuses on results about (i) reported perceived effectiveness and performance, (ii) sense of adjustment to remote working, and (iii) sense of belonging during the first two COVID-19-induced lockdowns, as reported by managers and workers in Australia in 2020. Findings shed light onto (i) how remote working experience affected our connection to, and the importance of, (work)place and (ii) how to harness insights towards creating spaces responsive to the activities we prefer to undertake in the workplace, permitting employees to choose the workstyle and pattern that suits their professional role and personal circumstances. (2) Methods: Correlational and thematic analyses were conducted on findings from 1579 online surveys focusing on remote working experiences during the first and second rounds of COVID-19-imposed lockdowns. A total of 668 managers and 911 workers from 12 different industry sectors participated in two rounds of the Bates Smart remote work survey (BSRWS). Surveys targeted knowledge workers of all career stages, age, and experience. (3) Results: Employees felt (i) technologically supported and productive whilst working from home, but (ii) aspects of connection, collaboration, and sense of belonging suffered; (iii) collaboration and togetherness are main motivators for returning to the office. Managers’ experiences were significantly different with (i) perceived productivity, collaboration, knowledge sharing, sense of belonging, and performance dropping; (ii) face-to-face interaction and business development were key priorities for returning to the office with (iii) challenges of mentoring and managing emotional wellbeing of teams evident. (4) Conclusions: From these surveys we conclude space is an enabler of organisational culture and professional identity, playing a critical role in establishing psychologically safe and equitable workplaces. This paper reports snapshot data showing knowledge workers’ experiences and effects of WFH under strict lockdown circumstances on wellbeing, productivity, and culture over time. It proposes two lenses (togetherness and place), through which the future workplace should be considered by industry and researchers alike

    Effect of heat flow via glazing on the productivity of a solar still

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    In many parts of the world, particularly in the Greater Maghreb, desalination of water by solar energy is practiced with incredible abundance. Drinking water shortage has become a major problem. Improving the efficiency of solar distillers in several laboratories around the world is still one of the major concerns of research topics. In this work we want to show that the heat flow through the glazing can also be considered as an index on the productivity of pure water from a conventional solar still
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