1 research outputs found

    La ense?anza de las ciencias naturales, investigaci?n y did?ctica, un reto para generaciones futuras en el grado tercero del colegio Nuestra Se?ora de la Sabidur?a en la ciudad de Bogot?

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    91 p. Recurso Electr?nio?C?mo fortalecer el aprendizaje de ciencias naturales implementando la pr?ctica de investigaci?n cient?fica y la did?ctica durante el proceso de ense?anza? La actividad experimental es uno de los aspectos clave en el proceso de ense?anza y aprendizaje de las ciencias Naturales tanto por la fundamentaci?n te?rica que puede aportar a los estudiantes, como por el desarrollo de habilidades cognoscitivas y destrezas para las cuales el trabajo experimental es fundamental, asimismo, en cuanto al desarrollo de habilidades del pensamiento de los estudiantes y al desarrollo de una concepci?n de ciencia derivada del tipo y finalidad de las actividades pr?cticas propuestas. El trabajo de laboratorio favorece y promueve el aprendizaje de las ciencias Naturales, pues le permite al estudiante cuestionar sus saberes y confrontarlos con la realidad. Adem?s, el estudiante pone en juego sus conocimientos previos y los verifica . Palabras claves: Aprendizaje, pr?ctica, experimental, laboratorio, ciencia, cartilla did?ctica, explorador, docente y cient?fico.?How to strengthen the learning of natural sciences implementing the practice of scientific research and the didactic during the teaching process? The experimental activity is one of the key aspects in the teaching and learning process of the Natural Science for the theoretical foundation that can contribute to the students and the development of different skills for which the experimental activity is fundamental, furthermore in terms of the development of students thinking abilities and the development of a science conception derivative from the type and purpose of the practical proposed activities. The lab work favors and promotes the Natural Science learning, because it allows the students to ask themselves about their knowledge and confronted it with reality. Also, student use his previous knowledge and verify them through the practice. For that reason, it is important to develop in the students of the third of school Nuestra Se?ora de la Sabidur?a, new methodologies that allow them advance in the learning process to improve the basic abilities in a lab, making a working document which will provide answer to several outstanding questions that would constitute a tool for the students in the classroom realizing the research of new training trends on didactic suggestions developing with this technique a pretext to find new destinations from those authentic questions that move us to investigate, read and write that would allow to take a broad approach towards the natural Science area and promote the development of scientific thinking. Keywords: Learning, practice, experimental, laboratory, science, didactic primer, explorer, teaching, and scientist