18 research outputs found

    Detonation in hydrogen–nitrous oxide–diluent mixtures: An experimental and numerical study

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    Knowledge of H_2–N_2O mixtures explosive properties is important to the safety of nuclear waste storage and semi-conductor manufacturing processes. The present study provides new experimental data on H_2–N_2O detonations, and proposes a thermochemical model which is used to numerically simulate detonation propagation. Detonation cell size has been measured in a variety of H_2–N_2O–Ar mixtures. Even at low initial pressure, these mixtures are very sensitive to detonation with cell size of few millimeters. Using a reduced version of a detailed reaction scheme, 2-D Euler simulations have been used to examine the features of detonation in H_2–N_2O–Diluent mixtures. A PLIF model has been applied to allow for direct comparison with experimental results. Statistical analysis of the cellular cycle dynamics has been performed

    Ecosystem Services from Small Forest Patches in Agricultural Landscapes

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    Étude de la dĂ©tonation de composĂ©s endothermiques gazeux

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    Les célérités de détonation de N3Cl gazeux, pur ou dilué par He, Ar et N2 sont mesurées dans des tubes cylindriques de différents diamÚtres en fonction de la pression initiale. Les célérités de détonation, extrapolées pour un tube de rayon infini, sont comparées aux célérités théoriques. Les limites de détonation de N3C1 et HN3 sont déterminées en fonction de la pression initiale, de la nature du diluant et du rayon du tube

    Étude de la dĂ©tonation de composĂ©s endothermiques gazeux

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    Les pressions critiques d’extinction PC et les vitesses (le propagation du front de flamme DL au voisinage immĂ©diat des limites de dĂ©tonation ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©terminĂ©es dans des tubes capillaires pour N3Cl gazeux en fonction du rayon r du tube. Pour r > 0,25 mm, on trouve PC ~ 1/r et DL voisin de la moitiĂ© de la cĂ©lĂ©ritĂ© de dĂ©tonation thĂ©orique. L’influence de la dilution par diffĂ©rents gaz (He, Ne, Ar, Kr, N2, Cl2) sur Pc a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©e pour des tubes de rayons compris entre 0,125 et 2,50 mm

    Use of Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy for the Characterization of Molecular Structure and Dynamics in Solid Polymer and Hybrid Electrolytes

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    Solid-state NMR spectroscopy is an established experimental technique which is used for the characterization of structural and dynamic properties of materials in their native state. Many types of solid-state NMR experiments have been used to characterize both lithium-based and sodium-based solid polymer and polymer–ceramic hybrid electrolyte materials. This review describes several solid-state NMR experiments that are commonly employed in the analysis of these systems: pulse field gradient NMR, electrophoretic NMR, variable temperature T1 relaxation, T2 relaxation and linewidth analysis, exchange spectroscopy, cross polarization, Rotational Echo Double Resonance, and isotope enrichment. In this review, each technique is introduced with a short description of the pulse sequence, and examples of experiments that have been performed in real solid-state polymer and/or hybrid electrolyte systems are provided. The results and conclusions of these experiments are discussed to inform readers of the strengths and weaknesses of each technique when applied to polymer and hybrid electrolyte systems. It is anticipated that this review may be used to aid in the selection of solid-state NMR experiments for the analysis of these systems