3,387 research outputs found

    The Optimal Dynamic Infant Industry Protection in Joining a Free Trade Agreement: A Numerical Analysis of the Vietnamese Motorcycle Industry

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    This paper investigates the optimal dynamic paths of trade protection imposed on infant industries during the process of joining a free trade agreement. The framework is based on the dynamic learning-by-doing model developed in Melitz (2005), where industries are experiencing dynamic externalities. In this framework, restricted-time protection is introduced as a realistic approach to correspond to the conditions of actual agreements. According to the computational analysis, in some feasible cases of optimal tariff paths may not follow a downward trend, as conventional wisdom would suggest. The results of the numerical simulation applied to the Vietnamese motorcycle industry support these findings.dynamic externality, infant industry protection, numerical analysis, Vietnam

    Analysis of the mean squared derivative cost function

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    In this paper, we investigate the mean squared derivative cost functions that arise in various applications such as in motor control, biometrics and optimal transport theory. We provide qualitative properties, explicit analytical formulas and computational algorithms for the cost functions. We also perform numerical simulations to illustrate the analytical results. In addition, as a by-product of our analysis, we obtain an explicit formula for the inverse of a Wronskian matrix that is of independent interest in linear algebra and differential equations theory.Comment: 28 page

    Fundamental efficiency bound for coherent energy transfer in nanophotonics

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    We derive a unified quantum theory of coherent and incoherent energy transfer between two atoms (donor and acceptor) valid in arbitrary Markovian nanophotonic environments. Our theory predicts a fundamental bound ηmax=γaγd+γa\eta_{max} = \frac{\gamma_a}{\gamma_d + \gamma_a} for energy transfer efficiency arising from the spontaneous emission rates γd\gamma_{d} and γa\gamma_a of the donor and acceptor. We propose the control of the acceptor spontaneous emission rate as a new design principle for enhancing energy transfer efficiency. We predict an experiment using mirrors to enhance the efficiency bound by exploiting the dipole orientations of the donor and acceptor. Of fundamental interest, we show that while quantum coherence implies the ultimate efficiency bound has been reached, reaching the ultimate efficiency does not require quantum coherence. Our work paves the way towards nanophotonic analogues of efficiency enhancing environments known in quantum biological systems.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Predictors of depression in American Indian adolescents

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    Discriminant analysis was conducted to examine the empirical use of psychosocial variables and stressful life events scales in classifying depressed and non-depressed American Indian adolescents using a standardized criterion measure. Subjects attending a Bureau of Indian Affair boarding school were administered a mental health screening survey and were interviewed within four weeks using the Diagnostic Interview Schedule f or Children-Revised (DISC-R). Three models of discriminant analysis were used to determine the overall and incremental variance contributed by the stressful life events scales and the related psychosocial variables (i.e., gender, perceived social support from family and from friends, self-esteem, and depressive symptoms) to the criterion variable of depression. Results indicated that none of the models contributed significantly to the overall and unique variance in the classification of the groups. It is recommended that psychosocial correlates other than those that had been identified in this study (e.g. substance abuse, suicide behaviors, etc.) need to be examined and considered in future examination of American Indian adolescent depression

    Od konfucianizma do nacionalizma: izmišljeno sorodstvo in oblikovanje Vietnamcev

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    This paper examines how political discourses have changed as scholars seek answers regarding the origins of the Vietnamese people. The origin(s) of the Vietnamese people has long been a subject of debate. Confucian scholars from the fifteenth to the nineteenth centuries claimed themself to be descendants of Han people, the successors of the Han civilization. The colonial scholars (from 1860 to 1945), when using the theory of race, anthropology, and social evolution theory, thought that the Annam people were a hybrid breed, still in the process of evolution, and needed to be enlightened civilized. Indigenous scholars combined the Han ideology of Confucianism and the ideology of the French to claim that the Vietnamese were the descendants of the Hùng Vương. This ideological transformation was aimed at calling for patriotism, fighting against the French, and defending the nation from colonial domination. The results reveal that the process of changing paradigms in Confucian thought through colonialism led to the formation of fictive kinship and the spread of nationalism in Vietnam.Članek raziskuje, kako so se na podlagi znanstvenih raziskovanj porekla Vietnamcev spremenili politični diskurzi. Izvor(i) Vietnamcev je tako že dolgo predmet razprave. Konfucijanski učenjaki so med petnajstim in devetnajstim. stoletjem trdili, da so potomci Hanov in nasledniki hanske civilizacije. Kolonialni učenjaki (med letoma 1860 in 1945) so ob uporabi rasne teorije, antropologije in teorije družbene evolucije menili, da so ljudje Annam hibridna rasa, ki je še vedno v procesu evolucije, zaradi česar jo je treba civilizirano razsvetljevati. Domači učenjaki so združili hansko ideologijo konfucianizma in ideologijo Francozov; tako so lahko zatrjevali, da so Vietnamci potomci Hunga Vuonga. Ta ideološka preobrazba je bila usmerjena k pozivanju k domoljubju, boju proti Francozom in obrambi naroda pred kolonialno prevlado. Izsledki raziskave razkrivajo, da je proces spreminjanja paradigem v konfucijanski misli skozi kolonializem privedel do oblikovanja izmišljenega sorodstva in širjenja nacionalizma v Vietnamu

    The enhanced enforcement of IMO [International Maritime Organization] conventions by the Vietnam Register

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