556 research outputs found

    Discourse change detection in diachronic text collections with synthetic datasets and neural networks

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    Discourse dynamics is one of the important fields in digital humanities research. Over time, the perspectives and concerns of society on particular topics or events might change. Based on the changing in popularity of a certain theme different patterns are formed, increasing or decreasing the prominence of the theme in news. Tracking these changes is a challenging task. In a large text collection discourse themes are intertwined and uncategorized, which makes it hard to analyse them manually. The thesis tackles a novel task of automatic extraction of discourse trends from large text corpora. The main motivation for this work lies in the need in digital humanities to track discourse dynamics in diachronic corpora. Machine learning is a potential method to automate this task by learning patterns from the data. However, in many real use-cases ground truth is not available and annotating discourses on a corpus-level is incredibly difficult and time-consuming. This study proposes a novel procedure to generate synthetic datasets for this task, a quantitative evaluation method and a set of benchmarking models. Large-scale experiments are run using these synthetic datasets. The thesis demonstrates that a neural network model trained on such datasets can obtain meaningful results when applied to a real dataset, without any adjustments of the model
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