17 research outputs found

    Local versus Global Strategies in Multi-parameter Estimation

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    We consider the problem of estimating multiple phases using a multi-mode interferometer. In this setting we show that while global strategies with multi-mode entanglement can lead to high precision gains, the same precision enhancements can be obtained with mode-separable states and local measurements. The crucial resource for quantum enhancement is shown to be a large number variance in the probe state, which can be obtained without any entanglement between the modes. This has important practical implications because local strategies using separable states have many advantages over global schemes using multi-mode-entangled states. Such advantages include a robustness to local estimation failure, more flexibility in the distribution of resources, and comparatively easier state preparation. We obtain our results by analyzing two different schemes: the first uses a set of interferometers, which can be used as a model for a network of quantum sensors, and the second looks at measuring a number of phases relative to a reference, which is concerned primarily with quantum imaging

    Information scan of quantum states based on entropy-power uncertainty relations

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    We use Renyi-entropy-power-based uncertainty relations to show how the information probability distribution associated with a quantum state can be reconstructed in a process that is analogous to quantum-state tomography. We illustrate our point with the so-called "cat states", which are of both fundamental interest and practical use in schemes such as quantum metrology, but are not well described by standard variance-based approaches

    Entanglement in single-particle systems

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    We address some of the most commonly raised questions about entanglement, especially with regard to the so-called occupation number entanglement. To answer unambiguously whether entanglement can exist in a one-atom delocalized state, we propose an experiment capable of showing violations of Bell's inequality using only this state and local operations. We review previous discussions for one-photon non-locality and propose a specific experiment for creating one-atom entangled states, showing that the superselection rule of atom number can be overcome. As a by-product, this experiment suggests a means of creating an entangled state of two different chemical species. By comparison with a massless system, we argue that there should be no fundamental objection to such a superposition and its creation may be within reach of present technology. © 2007 The Royal Society

    Entanglement in single-particle systems

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    We address some of the most commonly raised questions about entanglement, especially with regard to the so-called occupation number entanglement. To answer unambiguously whether entanglement can exist in a one-atom delocalized state, we propose an experiment capable of showing violations of Bell's inequality using only this state and local operations. We review previous discussions for one-photon non-locality and propose a specific experiment for creating one-atom entangled states, showing that the superselection rule of atom number can be overcome. As a by-product, this experiment suggests a means of creating an entangled state of two different chemical species. By comparison with a massless system, we argue that there should be no fundamental objection to such a superposition and its creation may be within reach of present technology. © 2007 The Royal Society

    Entanglement concentration in Bose-Einstein condensates

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    A scheme for demonstrating entanglement swapping using trapped Bose-Einstein condensates was presented. The swapping was accomplished by detection of the total number of atoms leaking out of two adjacent traps. The scheme was capable of being used for concentrating the entanglement shared between two parties in the form of entangled condensates