5,318 research outputs found

    Emergent gauge dynamics of highly frustrated magnets

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    Condensed matter exhibits a wide variety of exotic emergent phenomena such as the fractional quantum Hall effect and the low temperature cooperative behavior of highly frustrated magnets. I consider the classical Hamiltonian dynamics of spins of the latter phenomena using a method introduced by Dirac in the 1950s by assuming they are constrained to their lowest energy configurations as a simplifying measure. Focusing on the kagome antiferromagnet as an example, I find it is a gauge system with topological dynamics and non-locally connected edge states for certain open boundary conditions similar to doubled Chern-Simons electrodynamics expected of a Z2Z_2 spin liquid. These dynamics are also similar to electrons in the fractional quantum Hall effect. The classical theory presented here is a first step towards a controlled semi-classical description of the spin liquid phases of many pyrochlore and kagome antiferromagnets and towards a description of the low energy classical dynamics of the corresponding unconstrained Heisenberg models.Comment: Updated with some appendices moved to the main body of the paper and some additional improvements. 21 pages, 5 figure

    A Gauge-Gravity Relation in the One-loop Effective Action

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    We identify an unusual new gauge-gravity relation: the one-loop effective action for a massive spinor in 2n dimensional AdS space is expressed in terms of precisely the same function [a certain multiple gamma function] as the one-loop effective action for a massive charged scalar in 4n dimensions in a maximally symmetric background electromagnetic field [one for which the eigenvalues of F_{\mu\nu} are maximally degenerate, corresponding in 4 dimensions to a self-dual field, equivalently to a field of definite helicity], subject to the identification F^2 \Lambda, where \Lambda is the gravitational curvature. Since these effective actions generate the low energy limit of all one-loop multi-leg graviton or gauge amplitudes, this implies a nontrivial gauge-gravity relation at the non-perturbative level and at the amplitude level.Comment: 6 page

    Simplified Vacuum Energy Expressions for Radial Backgrounds and Domain Walls

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    We extend our previous results of simplified expressions for functional determinants for radial Schr\"odinger operators to the computation of vacuum energy, or mass corrections, for static but spatially radial backgrounds, and for domain wall configurations. Our method is based on the zeta function approach to the Gel'fand-Yaglom theorem, suitably extended to higher dimensional systems on separable manifolds. We find new expressions that are easy to implement numerically, for both zero and nonzero temperature.Comment: 30 page

    The Landau problem and noncommutative quantum mechanics

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    The conditions under which noncommutative quantum mechanics and the Landau problem are equivalent theories is explored. If the potential in noncommutative quantum mechanics is chosen as V=ΩV= \Omega \aleph with \aleph defined in the text, then for the value θ~=0.22×1011cm2{\tilde \theta} = 0.22 \times 10^{-11} cm^2 (that measures the noncommutative effects of the space), the Landau problem and noncommutative quantum mechanics are equivalent theories in the lowest Landau level. For other systems one can find differents values for θ~{\tilde \theta} and, therefore, the possible bounds for θ~{\tilde \theta} should be searched in a physical independent scenario. This last fact could explain the differents bounds for θ~\tilde \theta found in the literature.Comment: This a rewritten and corrected version of our previous preprint hep-th/010517

    Functional Determinants in Quantum Field Theory

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    Functional determinants of differential operators play a prominent role in theoretical and mathematical physics, and in particular in quantum field theory. They are, however, difficult to compute in non-trivial cases. For one dimensional problems, a classical result of Gel'fand and Yaglom dramatically simplifies the problem so that the functional determinant can be computed without computing the spectrum of eigenvalues. Here I report recent progress in extending this approach to higher dimensions (i.e., functional determinants of partial differential operators), with applications in quantum field theory.Comment: Plenary talk at QTS5 (Quantum Theory and Symmetries); 16 pp, 2 fig

    The Physical Projector and Topological Quantum Field Theories: U(1) Chern-Simons Theory in 2+1 Dimensions

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    The recently proposed physical projector approach to the quantisation of gauge invariant systems is applied to the U(1) Chern-Simons theory in 2+1 dimensions as one of the simplest examples of a topological quantum field theory. The physical projector is explicitely demonstrated to be capable of effecting the required projection from the initially infinite number of degrees of freedom to the finite set of gauge invariant physical states whose properties are determined by the topology of the underlying manifold.Comment: 24 pages, no figures, plain LaTeX file; one more reference added. Final version to appear in Jour. Phys.

    QED vacuum fluctuations and induced electric dipole moment of the neutron

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    Quantum fluctuations in the QED vacuum generate non-linear effects, such as peculiar induced electromagnetic fields. In particular, we show here that an electrically neutral particle, possessing a magnetic dipole moment, develops an induced electric dipole-type moment with unusual angular dependence, when immersed in a quasistatic, constant external electric field. The calculation of this effect is done in the framework of the Euler-Heisenberg effective QED Lagrangian, corresponding to the weak field asymptotic expansion of the effective action to one-loop order. It is argued that the neutron might be a good candidate to probe this signal of non-linearity in QED.Comment: A misprint has been corrected, and three new references have been adde

    On the QED Effective Action in Time Dependent Electric Backgrounds

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    We apply the resolvent technique to the computation of the QED effective action in time dependent electric field backgrounds. The effective action has both real and imaginary parts, and the imaginary part is related to the pair production probability in such a background. The resolvent technique has been applied previously to spatially inhomogeneous magnetic backgrounds, for which the effective action is real. We explain how dispersion relations connect these two cases, the magnetic case which is essentially perturbative in nature, and the electric case where the imaginary part is nonperturbative. Finally, we use a uniform semiclassical approximation to find an expression for very general time dependence for the background field. This expression is remarkably similar in form to Schwinger's classic result for the constant electric background.Comment: 27 pages, no figures; reference adde

    Large-order Perturbation Theory and de Sitter/Anti de Sitter Effective Actions

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    We analyze the large-order behavior of the perturbative weak-field expansion of the effective Lagrangian density of a massive scalar in de Sitter and anti de Sitter space, and show that this perturbative information is not sufficient to describe the non-perturbative behavior of these theories, in contrast to the analogous situation for the Euler-Heisenberg effective Lagrangian density for charged scalars in constant electric and magnetic background fields. For example, in even dimensional de Sitter space there is particle production, but the effective Lagrangian density is nevertheless real, even though its weak-field expansion is a divergent non-alternating series whose formal imaginary part corresponds to the correct particle production rate. This apparent puzzle is resolved by considering the full non-perturbative structure of the relevant Feynman propagators, and cannot be resolved solely from the perturbative expansion.Comment: 18 page

    The Stokes Phenomenon and Schwinger Vacuum Pair Production in Time-Dependent Laser Pulses

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    Particle production due to external fields (electric, chromo-electric or gravitational) requires evolving an initial state through an interaction with a time-dependent background, with the rate being computed from a Bogoliubov transformation between the in and out vacua. When the background fields have temporal profiles with sub-structure, a semiclassical analysis of this problem confronts the full subtlety of the Stokes phenomenon: WKB solutions are only local, while the production rate requires global information. Incorporating the Stokes phenomenon, we give a simple quantitative explanation of the recently computed [Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 150404 (2009)] oscillatory momentum spectrum of e+e- pairs produced from vacuum subjected to a time-dependent electric field with sub-cycle laser pulse structure. This approach also explains naturally why for spinor and scalar QED these oscillations are out of phase.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figs.; v2 sign typo corrected, version to appear in PR