9,268 research outputs found

    The Euler-Heisenberg Lagrangian beyond one loop

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    We review what is presently known about higher loop corrections to the Euler-Heisenberg Lagrangian and its Scalar QED analogue. The use of those corrections as a tool for the study of the properties of the QED perturbation series is outlined. As a further step in a long-term effort to prove or disprove the convergence of the N photon amplitudes in the quenched approximation, we present a parameter integral representation of the three-loop Euler-Heisenberg Lagrangian in 1+1 dimensional QED, obtained in the worldline formalism.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, talk given by Christian Schubert at QFEXT11, Benasque, Spain, Sept. 18-24, 2011, to appear in the conference proceeding

    Slater Decomposition of Laughlin States

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    The second-quantized form of the Laughlin states for the fractional quantum Hall effect is discussed by decomposing the Laughlin wavefunctions into the NN-particle Slater basis. A general formula is given for the expansion coefficients in terms of the characters of the symmetric group, and the expansion coefficients are shown to possess numerous interesting symmetries. For expectation values of the density operator it is possible to identify individual dominant Slater states of the correct uniform bulk density and filling fraction in the physically relevant N→∞N\to\infty limit.Comment: 31pp, LaTeX, 5 figures available from author on request, UCONN-93-

    New relations between spinor and scalar one-loop effective Lagrangians in constant background fields

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    Simple new relations are presented between the one-loop effective Lagrangians of spinor and scalar particles in constant curvature background fields, both electromagentic and gravitational. These relations go beyond the well-known cases for self-dual background fields

    Practically linear analogs of the Born-Infeld and other nonlinear theories

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    I discuss theories that describe fully nonlinear physics, while being practically linear (PL), in that they require solving only linear differential equations. These theories may be interesting in themselves as manageable nonlinear theories. But, they can also be chosen to emulate genuinely nonlinear theories of special interest, for which they can serve as approximations. The idea can be applied to a large class of nonlinear theories, exemplified here with a PL analogs of scalar theories, and of Born-Infeld (BI) electrodynamics. The general class of such PL theories of electromagnetism are governed by a Lagrangian L=-(1/2)F_mnQ^mn+ S(Q_mn), where the electromagnetic field couples to currents in the standard way, while Qmn is an auxiliary field, derived from a vector potential that does not couple directly to currents. By picking a special form of S(Q_mn), we can make such a theory similar in some regards to a given fully nonlinear theory, governed by the Lagrangian -U(F_mn). A particularly felicitous choice is to take S as the Legendre transform of U. For the BI theory, this Legendre transform has the same form as the BI Lagrangian itself. Various matter-of-principle questions remain to be answered regarding such theories. As a specific example, I discuss BI electrostatics in more detail. As an aside, for BI, I derive an exact expression for the short-distance force between two arbitrary point charges of the same sign, in any dimension.Comment: 20 pages, Version published in Phys. Rev.

    A Gauge-Gravity Relation in the One-loop Effective Action

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    We identify an unusual new gauge-gravity relation: the one-loop effective action for a massive spinor in 2n dimensional AdS space is expressed in terms of precisely the same function [a certain multiple gamma function] as the one-loop effective action for a massive charged scalar in 4n dimensions in a maximally symmetric background electromagnetic field [one for which the eigenvalues of F_{\mu\nu} are maximally degenerate, corresponding in 4 dimensions to a self-dual field, equivalently to a field of definite helicity], subject to the identification F^2 \Lambda, where \Lambda is the gravitational curvature. Since these effective actions generate the low energy limit of all one-loop multi-leg graviton or gauge amplitudes, this implies a nontrivial gauge-gravity relation at the non-perturbative level and at the amplitude level.Comment: 6 page

    Analogies between self-duality and stealth matter source

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    We consider the problem of a self-interacting scalar field nonminimally coupled to the three-dimensional BTZ metric such that its energy-momentum tensor evaluated on the BTZ metric vanishes. We prove that this system is equivalent to a self-dual system composed by a set of two first-order equations. The self-dual point is achieved by fixing one of the coupling constant of the potential in terms of the nonminimal coupling parameter. At the self-dual point and up to some boundary terms, the matter action evaluated on the BTZ metric is bounded below and above. These two bounds are saturated simultaneously yielding to a vanishing action for configurations satisfying the set of self-dual first-order equations.Comment: 6 pages. To be published in Jour. Phys.

    Symmetry Aspects and Finite-Size Scaling of Quantum Hall Fluids

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    The exactness and universality observed in the quantum Hall effect suggests the existence of a symmetry principle underlying Laughlin's theory. We review the role played by the infinite W∞W_{\infty } and conformal algebras as dynamical symmetries of incompressible quantum fluids and show how they predict universal finite-size effects in the excitation spectrum.Comment: 15 pages, CERN-TH-6784/93, LateX fil

    Some chirality-related properties of the 4-D massive Dirac propagator and determinant in an arbitrary gauge field

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    For a 4-D massive Dirac field in the background of arbitrary gauge fields, we show that the Dirac propagator and functional determinant are completely determined by knowledge of the corresponding quantities for just one of the chirality sectors of the second-order Dirac operator. This generalizes the related, previously known, statements in (anti-)self-dual background gauge fields. The logarithms of the (renormalized) functional determinants from the two chirality sectors are shown to be different only by a term reflecting the integrated chiral anomaly.Comment: 17 pages, late
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