427 research outputs found

    Digital Library Infrastructure

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    Variations2 Digital Music Library

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    Analysis of Digital Media: Supporting University-Wide Online Learning via Moodle

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    This report aims to provide an overview of a project which explores teaching and learning within a blended mode of study. Specifically, it looks to analyse the production of digital media and online social networking with a view to enhancing the learning experience. It was the overall aim of the project to contribute to the University’s Learning and Teaching Strategy by developing media content; exploring the production process, analyse digital participation and explore the challenges and opportunities locally within schools. The project has placed emphasis on the production principles which enhance our online courses whilst providing a consistent quality of experience – recognising that our students often access course material produced by staff from across schools and colleges

    Variations: Building a Digital Music Library Community

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    Over the past 15 years, Indiana University has been a leader in the development of digital library systems for music through a series of projects collectively known as Variations. Most recently, the Variations3 project, funded in part by a National Leadership Grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, supported the release of the Variations digital music library system as open source software, freely available for use by other institutions. The Variations system is in production use at seven colleges and universities beyond IU, with approximately ten others actively piloting the system. In this talk, we will summarize the results of the Variations3 project's development and evaluation activities, discuss some of the successes in and challenges to adoption by other institutions, and discuss potential future directions for the project

    Digital Audio Preservation at IU

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    Digital Preservation

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    A recording is not available for this presentation.Libraries are spending an increasing amount of their budgets to purchase and create digital content. What will happen to this investment in the next 5 to 10 years? Without a concerted effort, these digital resources could become obsolete. To make today's digital resources available to the researchers of the future, we need to make sure that we preserve this data. In this talk, we will discuss background and basic principles of digital preservation, including the OAIS reference model, issues with formats and the problems with interactive digital materials. We will also discuss digital preservation activities within the IU Libraries and the DLP and our plans for the future

    Digitizing and Delivering Audio and Video

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    The Avalon Media System: A Next-Generation Solution for Media Management and Access

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    A recording is not available for this presentation.Presentation materials are not available for this presentation.The Avalon Media System Project (formerly Variations on Video) is a three-year IMLS-funded, multi-institutional effort to develop an open-source system that will enable libraries and archives to easily manage, distribute, and provide controlled online access to their video and audio collections in support of teaching, learning, and research. Led by Indiana University and Northwestern University, Avalon is being developed in collaboration with numerous other institutions. This presentation will give an overview of the project, a demo of the first release of the software, a summary of IU pilot projects, and an overview of coming functionality in future releases

    A Survey of Video Streaming Practice and Aspirations in Academic Libraries

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    This talk reports on a survey conducted during Spring 2010, with responses collected from over 100 people. The survey focused the current practices and future plans of academic libraries regarding video streaming. In addition to summarizing results of the survey, we will provide an overview of video streaming plans at IU, with a focus on activities in support of Action 37 in the Empowering People strategic plan

    IUB Libraries Video Streaming Service: A Technical Overview

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    A recording is not available for this presentation.The IUB Libraries Video Streaming Service received its soft launch in the Fall 2008 semester, allowing staff in Wells Library Media and Reserve Services to make both locally-digitized video and digital video files licensed from vendors available for online streaming by members of the IU community. This service was developed by the Digital Library Program in consultation with Media and Reserve Services, based in part upon previous pilots and prototypes supported by both DLP and Library Information Technology. In this presentation, we will demonstrate the functionality of the Video Streaming Service both from the perspective of a student or faculty member viewing a video and a library staff member loading a new video into the system. We will then discuss the technologies used to implement the service, including Adobe Flash Media Server, theffmpeg audio/video encoder, and locally-developed video drop box, content management, and workflow tools
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