80 research outputs found

    Vector Polynomials and a Matrix Weight Associated to Dihedral Groups

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    The space of polynomials in two real variables with values in a 2-dimensional irreducible module of a dihedral group is studied as a standard module for Dunkl operators. The one-parameter case is considered (omitting the two-parameter case for even dihedral groups). The matrix weight function for the Gaussian form is found explicitly by solving a boundary value problem, and then computing the normalizing constant. An orthogonal basis for the homogeneous harmonic polynomials is constructed. The coefficients of these polynomials are found to be balanced terminating 4F3_4F_3-series

    Symmetric and Antisymmetric Vector-valued Jack Polynomials

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    Polynomials with values in an irreducible module of the symmetric group can be given the structure of a module for the rational Cherednik algebra, called a standard module. This algebra has one free parameter and is generated by differential-difference ("Dunkl") operators, multiplication by coordinate functions and the group algebra. By specializing Griffeth's (arXiv:0707.0251) results for the G(r,p,n) setting, one obtains norm formulae for symmetric and antisymmetric polynomials in the standard module. Such polynomials of minimum degree have norms which involve hook-lengths and generalize the norm of the alternating polynomial.Comment: 22 pages, added remark about the Gordon-Stafford Theorem, corrected some typo

    Some Singular Vector-valued Jack and Macdonald Polynomials

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    For each partition τ\tau of NN there are irreducible modules of the symmetric groups SN\mathcal{S}_{N} or the corresponding Hecke algebra HN(t)\mathcal{H}_{N}\left( t\right) whose bases consist of reverse standard Young tableaux of shape τ\tau. There are associated spaces of nonsymmetric Jack and Macdonald polynomials taking values in these modules, respectively.The Jack polynomials are a special case of those constructed by Griffeth for the infinite family G(n,p,N)G\left( n,p,N\right) of complex reflection groups. The Macdonald polynomials were constructed by Luque and the author. For both the group SN\mathcal{S}_{N} and the Hecke algebra HN(t)\mathcal{H}_{N}\left( t\right) there is a commutative set of Dunkl operators. The Jack and the Macdonald polynomials are parametrized by κ\kappa and (q,t)\left( q,t\right) respectively. For certain values of the parameters (called singular values) there are polynomials annihilated by each Dunkl operator; these are called singular polynomials. This paper analyzes the singular polynomials whose leading term is x1mSx_{1}^{m}\otimes S, where SS is an arbitrary reverse standard Young tableau of shape τ\tau. The singular values depend on properties of the edge of the Ferrers diagram of τ\tau.Comment: 19 page

    Polynomials Associated with Dihedral Groups

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    There is a commutative algebra of differential-difference operators, with two parameters, associated to any dihedral group with an even number of reflections. The intertwining operator relates this algebra to the algebra of partial derivatives. This paper presents an explicit form of the action of the intertwining operator on polynomials by use of harmonic and Jacobi polynomials. The last section of the paper deals with parameter values for which the formulae have singularities.Comment: Published in SIGMA (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications) at http://www.emis.de/journals/SIGMA

    Some Orthogonal Polynomials in Four Variables

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    The symmetric group on 4 letters has the reflection group D3D_{3} as an isomorphic image. This fact follows from the coincidence of the root systems A3A_{3} and D3D_{3}. The isomorphism is used to construct an orthogonal basis of polynomials of 4 variables with 2 parameters. There is an associated quantum Calogero-Sutherland model of 4 identical particles on the line.Comment: This is a contribution to the Special Issue on Dunkl Operators and Related Topics, published in SIGMA (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications) at http://www.emis.de/journals/SIGMA