1,001 research outputs found

    Relativistic Equilibrium Distribution by Relative Entropy Maximization

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    The equilibrium state of a relativistic gas has been calculated based on the maximum entropy principle. Though the relativistic equilibrium state was long believed to be the Juttner distribution, a number of papers have been published in recent years proposing alternative equilibrium states. However, some of these papers do not pay enough attention to the covariance of distribution functions, resulting confusion in equilibrium states. Starting from a fully covariant expression to avoid this confusion, it has been shown in the present paper that the Juttner distribution is the maximum entropy state if we assume the Lorentz symmetry.Comment: Six pages, no figure

    A Daple-Akt feed-forward loop enhances noncanonical Wnt signals by compartmentalizing β-catenin.

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    Cellular proliferation is antagonistically regulated by canonical and noncanonical Wnt signals; their dysbalance triggers cancers. We previously showed that a multimodular signal transducer, Daple, enhances PI3-K→Akt signals within the noncanonical Wnt signaling pathway and antagonistically inhibits canonical Wnt responses. Here we demonstrate that the PI3-K→Akt pathway serves as a positive feedback loop that further enhances noncanonical Wnt signals by compartmentalizing β-catenin. By phosphorylating the phosphoinositide- (PI) binding domain of Daple, Akt abolishes Daple's ability to bind PI3-P-enriched endosomes that engage dynein motor complex for long-distance trafficking of β-catenin/E-cadherin complexes to pericentriolar recycling endosomes (PCREs). Phosphorylation compartmentalizes Daple/β-catenin/E-cadherin complexes to cell-cell contact sites, enhances noncanonical Wnt signals, and thereby suppresses colony growth. Dephosphorylation compartmentalizes β-catenin on PCREs, a specialized compartment for prolonged unopposed canonical Wnt signaling, and enhances colony growth. Cancer-associated Daple mutants that are insensitive to Akt mimic a constitutively dephosphorylated state. This work not only identifies Daple as a platform for cross-talk between Akt and the noncanonical Wnt pathway but also reveals the impact of such cross-talk on tumor cell phenotypes that are critical for cancer initiation and progression

    Stationarity, soft ergodicity, and entropy in relativistic systems

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    Recent molecular dynamics simulations show that a dilute relativistic gas equilibrates to a Juettner velocity distribution if ensemble velocities are measured simultaneously in the observer frame. The analysis of relativistic Brownian motion processes, on the other hand, implies that stationary one-particle distributions can differ depending on the underlying time-parameterizations. Using molecular dynamics simulations, we demonstrate how this relativistic phenomenon can be understood within a deterministic model system. We show that, depending on the time-parameterization, one can distinguish different types of soft ergodicity on the level of the one-particle distributions. Our analysis further reveals a close connection between time parameters and entropy in special relativity. A combination of different time-parameterizations can potentially be useful in simulations that combine molecular dynamics algorithms with randomized particle creation, annihilation, or decay processes.Comment: 4 page

    Single to Double Hump Transition in the Equilibrium Distribution Function of Relativistic Particles

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    We unveil a transition from single peaked to bimodal velocity distribution in a relativistic fluid under increasing temperature, in contrast with a non-relativistic gas, where only a monotonic broadening of the bell-shaped distribution is observed. Such transition results from the interplay between the raise in thermal energy and the constraint of maximum velocity imposed by the speed of light. We study the Bose-Einstein, the Fermi-Dirac, and the Maxwell-J\"uttner distributions, all exhibiting the same qualitative behavior. We characterize the nature of the transition in the framework of critical phenomena and show that it is either continuous or discontinuous, depending on the group velocity. We analyze the transition in one, two, and three dimensions, with special emphasis on two-dimensions, for which a possible experiment in graphene, based on the measurement of the Johnson-Nyquist noise, is proposed.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Personality, personnel selection, and job performance

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    The use of georeferenced social media data (GSMD) for informing municipal policy-making has significant potential, particularly in addressing pressing socio-environmental challenges. Geospatial dashboards have emerged as a powerful tool for knowledge communication and supporting urban sustainability. However, there has been little emphasis on how to display and make GSMD more accessible, partly due to their complex nature. Existing visualization tools lack sophisticated methods, especially for complex urban contexts, and the methodological choice can significantly impact the interpretation of results. In this study, we propose the use of hexagonal binning as an interactive visualization method and assess three different on-the-fly binning metrics for mapping GSMD. We expand the use of the signed chi metric for spatial purposes and apply it in a case study in Bonn, Germany. We evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed metrics as well as visualizations and highlight the challenges of visualizing GSMD particularly in the context of Instagram. Our findings highlight the importance of using appropriate context-dependent visualization methods when analyzing data at the municipal level

    Non-analytic microscopic phase transitions and temperature oscillations in the microcanonical ensemble: An exactly solvable 1d-model for evaporation

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    We calculate exactly both the microcanonical and canonical thermodynamic functions (TDFs) for a one-dimensional model system with piecewise constant Lennard-Jones type pair interactions. In the case of an isolated NN-particle system, the microcanonical TDFs exhibit (N-1) singular (non-analytic) microscopic phase transitions of the formal order N/2, separating N energetically different evaporation (dissociation) states. In a suitably designed evaporation experiment, these types of phase transitions should manifest themselves in the form of pressure and temperature oscillations, indicating cooling by evaporation. In the presence of a heat bath (thermostat), such oscillations are absent, but the canonical heat capacity shows a characteristic peak, indicating the temperature-induced dissociation of the one-dimensional chain. The distribution of complex zeros (DOZ) of the canonical partition may be used to identify different degrees of dissociation in the canonical ensemble.Comment: version accepted for publication in PRE, minor additions in the text, references adde

    Establishing the substantive interpretation of the GFP by considering evidence from research on personality disorders and Animal Personality

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    In research on individual differences, various structural models aim at providing a comprehensive description of personality. These models assume multiple, mostly independent personality dimensions. More recently, the so-called General Factor of Personality (GFP) has become a proliferous, but contentious, topic. The notion of the GFP is based on the observations that personality dimensions are not independent, but in fact show consistent inter-correlations, leading to a relevant proportion of shared variance among them (Figueredo et al., 2006). The GFP seems to capture the socially desirable ends of personality scales, and, in terms of the Big Five model, high-GFP individuals score relatively high on openness, conscientiousness, extraversion (mainly the sociability-facet), agreeableness, and emotional stability (Rushton and Irwing, 2009; van der Linden et al., 2010a). Some authors have suggested that the GFP simply reflects methodological artifacts (Ashton et al., 2009; Backstrom et al., 2009; Hopwood et al., 2011b; Pettersson et al., 2012). However, much of this criticism has been addressed (Rushton and Erdle, 2010; Loehlin, 2012; Dunkel and van der Linden, 2014; van der Linden et al., 2014a). The objective of the present work is not to reiterate these issues, as they have been discussed extensively elsewhere (Irwing, 2013; van der Linden et al., 2016). Instead, we contend that criticism mostly offered within the specialty of personality psychology misses the bigger picture. More specific, evidence in favor of the GFP as a substantive and theoretically coherent construct has been provided in other research fields long before it became a contentious issue in personality psychology. Here we introduce two lines of evidence that may further corroborate the substantive interpretation of the GFP, specifically, findings from personality pathology as well as from animal personality. Looking at the GFP from a different perspective may help to overcome the current debates within personality psychology. In the following we will first briefly introduce work on the GFP and its theoretical foundation as social effectiveness. Afterwards we outline research from psychiatric nosology and animal ecology and discuss these in context

    Discovering dynamics and parameters of nonlinear oscillatory and chaotic systems from partial observations

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    Despite rapid progress in live-imaging techniques, many complex biophysical and biochemical systems remain only partially observable, thus posing the challenge to identify valid theoretical models and estimate their parameters from an incomplete set of experimentally accessible time series. Here, we combine sensitivity methods and VoteFair popularity ranking to construct an automated hidden dynamics inference framework that can discover predictive nonlinear dynamical models for both observable and latent variables from noise-corrupted incomplete data in oscillatory and chaotic systems. After validating the framework for prototypical FitzHugh-Nagumo oscillations, we demonstrate its applicability to experimental data from squid neuron activity measurements and Belousov-Zhabotinsky (BZ) reactions, as well as to the Lorenz system in the chaotic regime.Comment: 37 pages, 18 figure
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