2 research outputs found
Pomen geodetskih podatkov pri analizah poplav ; The importance of geodetic data in flood analyses
Poplavno vodo matematično modeliramo z uporabo Saint Venantovih enačb, pri čemer je ključen podatek o višini terena in vode. Za dober rezultat potrebujemo dobre in natančne podatke o terenu in višini zabeležene poplavne vode, za katero poznamo pretočne količine. Metode daljinskega zaznavanja dajejo uporabne podatke o terenu in višini poplavne vode. Pazljivost je potrebna pri geolociranju posnetkov in njihovi interpretaciji. Infrardeči (IR) posnetki poplav iz leta 2010 so se izkazali za dobre in uporabne. V članku so prikazani rezultati interpretacije vseh posnetkov ; Floodwater is mathematically modelled with the use of St Venant's equations. The key data is the elevation of water. For better results, accurate information about the terrain and flood water heights recorded with known flow rates is needed. Remote sensing methods provide very useful information for terrain and flood water heights. Care should be taken with geo-referencing and image interpretation. Infrared (IR) images of floods in 2010 have proven to be good and useful for flood management. This article presents the results of interpretation of all the IR images taken