44 research outputs found

    Investigations on tree species suitable for the recultivation of degraded land areas in Central Amazonia.

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    In this project the influence of site conditions of degraded land areas on growth and wood formation of eight selected native tree species (Swietenia macrophylla King, Carapa guianensis, Cedrela odorata L., Dipteryx odorata Willd., Hymenaea courbaril L., Ceiba pentandra Gaertn., Virola surinamensis Warb., Tabebuia heptaphylla were investiated. In order to study the influence of the management of degraded areas on growth and wood formation of tree especies, the investigationson the relationship of enviromental input and tree growth were carried out in three different plantation systems (monoculture system, mixed culturesystem, enrichment of a 25-year-old secondary forrest established in 1992/19993 at the Embrapa Amazonia Ocidental, Manaus-AM (Brasil). Due to the specific site conditions of degraded lands areas, the investigations were carried out with special reference to water and mineral element supply of the trees and their impact on the growth dynamics and wood production throughout the year. Preliminary results of the structure and function of the fine roots Swietenia and Carapa during the wet and the dry season suggest that carapa might be better adapted to drought than Swietenia. In addition to the eight selected tree species for high-quality wood production, also six species from the secondary forest system of the family of Melastomataceae were studied in relation to water and nutrient supply in order to get some insight in possible relations of competition within the entichment system in the secondary forest. In turned out that special strategies put the species to a more competitive position within the system. From these investigations, some practical help for the selection of tree species for high-quality timber production in mixed culture plantation systems on degraded land areas with special regard to ecological and economic aspects can be derived.bitstream/item/153067/1/Investigations-on-tree-species-suitable-Luadir.pd

    Biomassa e conteúdo de elementos minerais nos compartimentos arbóreos de Ceiba pentandra (L.) GAERTN.

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    A quantificacao da biomassa e o conteudo de macronutrientes e Al foram estudados em Ceiba pentandra. Para tanto, foram selecionadas oito arvores da especie. Qautro delas foram amostradas aos 43 e quatro aos 55 meses de idade, apos o plantio. As mesmas foram separadas nos seguintes compartimentos: tronco; casca; folhas; peciolo e galhos. A biomassa seca total produzida por Ceiba foi de 82,03 t.ha aos 43 meses e 166,65 t.ha aos 55 meses. Nas mencionadas idades, essa biomassa distribuiu-se entre os compartimentos estudados na seguinte ordem decrescente (t.ha): tronco (45,31; 98,52); casca (15.19; 30,52); galhos (14,61; 28,71); folhas + peciolo (6,92; 8,90). Nas diferentes partes da especie estudada, os maiores acumulos registrados foram para: K no tronco; Ca na casca; N nas folhas + peciolo e Ca e N nos galhos aos 43 e 55 meses de idade, respectivamente

    Comparative study on wood characteristics of Carapa guianensis Aubl. from two platantions and a natural site in Central Amazonia.

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    The study has show that, especially for the recultivation of degraded The present study with Carapa guianensis Aubl. was directed to find out the parameters prevalent already in young trees which determine their growth. These parameters could be useful to predict the wood characteristics and the quality of the adult trees, when they will be sufficiently mature for utilization. The study related to two monocultures at an age of 4 (eight trees) and l7 (two trees) years respectively and to a primary forest (two trees). The growth dynamics of the 4-year-old trees selected revealed ll to 15 increment zones which could not be correlated with the labelling of increment zones by vessel enrichment. The study proved that, already in the 5th year, parenchyma bands indicate the pattern of adult wood. The very early formation of adult wood is trace able in the pattern of the percentual composition of vessels, fibres, and parenchyma (ray and strand parenchyma). Furthermore, the fibre length already reaches its plateau of l.45 mm - l.59 mm at the early growth stage of about four years. It could be shown, as well, that the fibre lengths of plantation-grown trees correspond to those of primary forest trees. Average density also could be demonstrated to correspond with about 0.63 g/cm3. Therefore, it can be expected from the growth increment that under plantation conditions, 30- to 40-year-old trees can be harvested. According to the study, C. guianensis can be recommended for plantations in order to produce timber of high quality. The findings of the present study on wood formation and wood characteristics of native tree species of the Central Amazon, therefore, can contribute to the development of sustainable landuse systems in this region

    Exogenous influences of the growth dynamics of plantation growth tree species of the central Amazon.

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    Study on the important species (mogno, andiroba, cedro) for high quality wood production. During six years of experiments the influence of light, of the mineral element supply of the soil, and of the water supply on the growth dynamics of the trees was studied in a monoculture and an enrichment plantation installed at the Research Station of the Embrapa Amazonia Ocidental (Manaus-AM-Brasil). It was that the site preparation and the plantation management had a significant influence on the light conditions, the nutrient supply, and the water supply of the plantation. In comparison in the enrichment plantation the photoactive radiation (PAR) was strongly reduced, whereas the nutrient supply of the soil was better balanced and the seasonal oscillation of the water supply of the trees was reduced compared to the monoculture

    Water and element supply of the plantation systems and their significance for the xylem production of Swietenia macrophylla and Carapa guianensis.

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    In this study the influence of the water and K supply on growth and wood formation of plantation grown S. macrophylla and C. guianensis is investigated (Manaus-AM-Brasil).bitstream/item/180961/1/ID-3837-2-4-10.pd

    Wood characteristics of Ceiba pentandra cultivated in upland and floodplain ecosystems.

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    The present work carried out with native, adult and young trees of the species Ceiba pentrandra (sumauma), cultivated in flood plains (varzea) and in upland (terra firme) ecosystems. The objective was to obtain information about growth patterns of the species and to correlate them with different environmental conditions (varzea e terra firme), as well as to investigate anatomical and physical parameters of the wood. The wood quality of adult native trees was compared with the wood quality of young trees cultivated on varzea and terra firme. Investigations were carried out on the radial variations of density and anisotropy, as well as on the wood anatomical structure on the pith-bark direction on the samples of wood taken at breast height (DBH). From the results obtained, it can be concluded that the cultivated trees on the varzea and in terra firme ecosystems, as well as the native trees, presented an increase of density from pith to bark. The sctructural density of the cultivated trees at the terra firme ecosystem was higher, followed by the trees cultivated at the varzea, when compared with native sumauma. The anisotropy contraction index indicates that sumauma is highly dimensionally unstable. Therefore, its range of use in the area of construction is limited

    High quality timber production in mixed plantations of the Amazon.

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    The aim of this study was to optimise the wood production of the Swietenia macrophylla King, Carapa guianensis Aubl., and Cedrela odorata L. (Meliaceaea) under plantation conditions with special regard to sustainable timber production in mixed plantations. According the results, the growth dynamics of the three Meliaceaea species was strongly correlated with the light, water, and nutrient supply, which offers the chance to select suitable sites and management practices by means of geographical information systems as to improve the timber production of these species in plantations like agroforestry systems, in Manaus-AM (Brazil)

    Wood characteristics of Ceiba pentandra cultivated in upland and floodplain ecosystem.

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    The present work was carried out with tree sumauma's tree (nativa, adult and young trees) cultivated in floodplains (varzeas) and uplands (terra firme) ecosystem, having as objective, obtain information about growth patterns of the species and to correlate them into different environmental conditions (floodplain and upland) as well as investigate anatomic and physical parameters of the wood, purposing correlate the wood quality of adult native trees, with young tree's wood, cultivated in floodplain and upland.bitstream/item/180970/1/ID-3837-2-Apendix-1.pd

    Qualidade da madeira de sumauma Ceiba pentandra plantada em ecossistemas de varzea e terra firme e em diferentes sistemas de plantios.

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    Correlacao, por meio de parametros fisicos, da qualidade da madeira de arvores nativas adultas com madeiras de arvores jovens plantadas em varzea e terra firme e em diferentes sistemas de plantio em Manaus-AM (Brasil). Com base em resultados preliminares, pode-se observar que o plantio de sumauma em diferentes ecossistemas nao alterou a densidade media das arvores na altura do DAP, apesar da tendencia a um pequeno aumento da densidade nos plantios de terra firme (monocultivo e SAFs); estatisticamente nao houve diferenca entre as medias ao nivel de 5% de probabilidade pelo Teste de Tukey. Com esses resultados, e' possivel afirmar que o aumento das taxas de crescimento e o local de plantio da sumauma nao tiveram influencia sobre a densidade da madeira. Comparando a variacao media da densidade aparente no sentido medula-casca para as diversas condicoes de plantio, notou-se que a especie nativa apresentou a menor variacao e o plantio em monocultivo, a maior. Com excecao do planti em varzea (Caldeirao), todos os ambientes apresentaram um grande aumento na densidade aparente proximo a casca. Uma possivel explicacao para o aumento radial da densidade, seja o fato de que especies de crescimento rapido podem sobreviver mais tempo no dossel da floresta e produzirem madeira mais resistente quando maduras, como, por emsemplo, a transicao da sumauma de uma especie de colonizadora de rapido crescimento, produzindo madeira de densidade menor que 0,10 g/cm3, para uma especie colonizadora do dossel com densidade maior que 0,40 g/cm3