17 research outputs found

    Proportion of samples positive by each culture method.

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    <p>Total samples: N = 2446, culture positive by any method: n = 778 (31.8%), culture negative by all methods: n = 1603 (65.5%), contaminated samples without a positive parallel culture: n = 65 (2.7%).</p

    STARD (STAndards for the Reporting of Diagnostic accuracy) flow diagram for MODS Kit for TB detection.

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    <p>Kappa value 0.94, agreement 97.4%. +ve = TB culture positive, -ve = TB culture negative. Contaminated & indeterminate results are culture outcomes following reprocessing if necessary according to protocol.</p

    Direct DST result by MODS Kit compared with indirect DST result by proportions method (with discrepant analysis by Genotype MTB-DR plus).

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    <p>Data in table indicate consolidated reference indirect test result after discrepant analysis employing Genotype MTB-DR plus line probe assay as arbiter test (Genotype MTB-DR plus determined final true result in those samples for which MODS Kit and proportions method were discordant).</p><p>concordant DST, n = 687 (shaded grey).</p><p>discordant DST, n = 15 (no shading).</p><p>Direct DST result by MODS Kit compared with indirect DST result by proportions method (with discrepant analysis by Genotype MTB-DR plus).</p

    Feasibility of utilizing the SD BIOLINE Onchocerciasis IgG4 rapid test in onchocerciasis surveillance in Senegal

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    <div><p>As effective onchocerciasis control efforts in Africa transition to elimination efforts, different diagnostic tools are required to support country programs. Senegal, with its long standing, successful control program, is transitioning to using the SD BIOLINE Onchocerciasis IgG4 (Ov16) rapid test over traditional skin snip microscopy. The aim of this study is to demonstrate the feasibility of integrating the Ov16 rapid test into onchocerciasis surveillance activities in Senegal, based on the following attributes of acceptability, usability, and cost. A cross-sectional study was conducted in 13 villages in southeastern Senegal in May 2016. Individuals 5 years and older were invited to participate in a demographic questionnaire, an Ov16 rapid test, a skin snip biopsy, and an acceptability interview. Rapid test technicians were interviewed and a costing analysis was conducted. Of 1,173 participants, 1,169 (99.7%) agreed to the rapid test while 383 (32.7%) agreed to skin snip microscopy. The sero-positivity rate of the rapid test among those tested was 2.6% with zero positives 10 years and younger. None of the 383 skin snips were positive for Ov microfilaria. Community members appreciated that the rapid test was performed quickly, was not painful, and provided reliable results. The total costs for this surveillance activity was 22,272.83,withacostpertestconductedat22,272.83, with a cost per test conducted at 3.14 for rapid test, 7.58forskinsnipmicroscopy,and7.58 for skin snip microscopy, and 13.43 for shared costs. If no participants had refused skin snip microscopy, the total cost per method with shared costs would have been around $16 per person tested. In this area with low onchocerciasis sero-positivity, there was high acceptability and perceived value of the rapid test by community members and technicians. This study provides evidence of the feasibility of implementing the Ov16 rapid test in Senegal and may be informative to other country programs transitioning to Ov16 serologic tools.</p></div