3 research outputs found

    Utjecaj dodatka praha sluzi chia sjemenki (Salvia hispanica L.) na neka fizikalno-kemijska i reološka svojstva ayrana

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    In this study, chia seed mucilage powder (MP) was added into ayran drinks at different ratios (0.05, 0.10 and 0.15%, w/v), and its effect on physicochemical, rheological, microbiological and sensory properties of ayran drinks was determined during 10 days of storage at 4±1 °C. MP addition did not influence their major chemical composition significantly (p>0.05). Increasing MP ratio in drinks decreased the colour L* values of drinks while increasing their colour a* and b* values. Addition of 0.05, 0.10 and 0.15% MP reduced serum separation values of drinks by 25, 67 and 83%, respectively. The apparent viscosity value of control samples was 103.20 cP and increased to 134.25, 185.35 and 223.38 cP in ayran drinks with 0.05, 0.10 and 0.15% MP, respectively. The obtained results indicated that chia seed MP up to 0.05% can be used in ayran drink production to reduce serum separation and improve viscosity without any adverse effect on sensory liking scores.U ovom istraživanju, prah sluzi chia sjemenki (MP) dodan je u ayran napitke u različitim omjerima (0,05, 0,10 i 0,15 %, w/v) te je ispitivan njegov učinak na fizikalno-kemijska, reološka, mikrobiološka i senzorska svojstva ayran napitaka tijekom 10 dana skladištenja na 4±1 °C. Dodatak MP nije značajno utjecao na njihov glavni kemijski sastav (p>0,05). Povećanje omjera MP u pićima smanjilo je L* vrijednosti boje pića dok je povećalo njihove a* i b* vrijednosti boje. Dodatak 0,05, 0,10 i 0,15 % MP smanjio je vrijednosti sinereze napitaka za 25, 67 odnosno 83 %. Prividna viskoznost kontrolnih uzoraka bila je 103,20 cP i porasla je na 134,25, 185,35 i 223,38 cP u ayran napicima s 0,05, 0,10 i 0,15 % MP. Rezultati su pokazali da se MP chia sjemenki do 0,05 % može koristiti u proizvodnji ayrana, kako bi se smanjila sinereza i poboljšala viskoznost bez ikakvih negativnih učinaka na senzorska svojstva

    Effect of chia (Salvia hispanica L.) seed mucilage powder on some physicochemical and rheological properties of ayran drinks

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    In this study, chia seed mucilage powder (MP) was added into ayran drinks at different ratios (0.05, 0.10 and 0.15%, w/v), and its effect on physicochemical, rheological, microbiological and sensory properties of ayran drinks was determined during 10 days of storage at 4±1 °C. MP addition did not influence their major chemical composition significantly (p>0.05). Increasing MP ratio in drinks decreased the colour L* values of drinks while increasing their colour a* and b* values. Addition of 0.05, 0.10 and 0.15% MP reduced serum separation values of drinks by 25, 67 and 83%, respectively. The apparent viscosity value of control samples was 103.20 cP and increased to 134.25, 185.35 and 223.38 cP in ayran drinks with 0.05, 0.10 and 0.15% MP, respectively. The obtained results indicated that chia seed MP up to 0.05% can be used in ayran drink production to reduce serum separation and improve viscosity without any adverse effect on sensory liking scores