20,364 research outputs found

    Low Dirac Eigenmodes and the Topological and Chiral Structure of the QCD Vacuum

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    Several lattice calculations which probe the chiral and topological structure of QCD are discussed. The results focus attention on the low-lying eigenmodes of the Dirac operator in typical gauge field configurations.Comment: Talk presented at the DPF2000 Conferenc

    Advanced dendritic web growth development and development of single-crystal silicon dendritic ribbon and high-efficiency solar cell program

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    Efforts to demonstrate that the dendritic web technology is ready for commercial use by the end of 1986 continues. A commercial readiness goal involves improvements to crystal growth furnace throughput to demonstrate an area growth rate of greater than 15 sq cm/min while simultaneously growing 10 meters or more of ribbon under conditions of continuous melt replenishment. Continuous means that the silicon melt is being replenished at the same rate that it is being consumed by ribbon growth so that the melt level remains constant. Efforts continue on computer thermal modeling required to define high speed, low stress, continuous growth configurations; the study of convective effects in the molten silicon and growth furnace cover gas; on furnace component modifications; on web quality assessments; and on experimental growth activities

    Limits on the Boron Isotopic Ratio in HD 76932

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    Data in the 2090 A B region of HD 76932 have been obtained at high S/N using the HST GHRS echelle at a resolution of 90,000. This wavelength region has been previously identified as a likely candidate for observing the B11/B10 isotopic splitting. The observations do not match a calculated line profile extremely well at any abundance for any isotopic ratio. If the B abundance previously determined from observations at 2500 A is assumed, the calculated line profile is too weak, indicating a possible blending line. Assuming that the absorption at 2090 A is entirely due to boron, the best-fit total B abundance is higher than but consistent with that obtained at 2500 A, and the best-fit isotopic ratio (B11/B10) is in the range ~10:1 to ~4:1. If the absorption is not entirely due to B and there is an unknown blend, the best-fit isotopic ratio may be closer to 1:1. Future observations of a similar metal-poor star known to have unusually low B should allow us to distinguish between these two possibilities. The constraints that can be placed on the isotopic ratio based on comparisons with similar observations of HD 102870 and HD 61421 (Procyon) are also discussed.Comment: Accepted for Nov 1998 Ap

    Public geographies II: being organic

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    This second report on ‘public geographies' considers the diverse, emergent and shifting spaces of engaging with and in public/s. Taking as its focus the more ‘organic’ rather than ‘traditional’ approach to doing public geography, as discussed in the first report, it explores the multiple and unorthodox ways in which engagements across academic-public spheres play out, and what such engagements may mean for geography/ers. The report first explores the role of the internet in ‘enabling conversations', generating a range of opportunities for public geography through websites, wikis, blogs, file-sharing sites, discussion forums and more, thinking critically about how technologies may enable/disable certain kinds of publically engaged activities. It then considers issues of process and praxis: how collaborations with groups/communities/organizations beyond academia are often unplanned, serendipitous encounters that evolve organically into research/learning/teaching endeavours; but also that personal politics/positionality bring an agency to bear upon whether we, as academics, follow the leads we may stumble upon. The report concludes with a provocative question – given that many non-academics appear to be doing some amazing and inspiring projects and activities, thoughtful, critical and (arguably) examples of organic public geographies, what then is academia’s role

    Physical Mechanisms for the Variable Spin-down of SGR 1900+14

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    We consider the physical implications of the rapid spindown of Soft Gamma Repeater 1900+14, and of the apparent "braking glitch", \Delta P/P = l x 10^-4, that was concurrent with the Aug. 27th giant flare. A radiation-hydrodynamical outflow associated with the flare could impart the required torque, but only if the dipole magnetic field is stronger than ~ 10^14 G and the outflow lasts longer and/or is more energetic than the observed X-ray flare. A positive period increment is also a natural consequence of a gradual, plastic deformation of the neutron star crust by an intense magnetic field, which forces the neutron superfluid to rotate more slowly than the crust. Sudden unpinning of the neutron vortex lines during the August 27th event would then induce a glitch opposite in sign to those observed in young pulsars, but of a much larger magnitude as a result of the slower rotation. The change in the persistent X-ray lightcurve following the August 27 event is ascribed to continued particle heating in the active region of that outburst. The enhanced X-ray output can be powered by a steady current flowing through the magnetosphere, induced by the twisting motion of the crust. The long term rate of spindown appears to be accelerated with respect to a simple magnetic dipole torque. Accelerated spindown of a seismically-active magnetar will occur when its persistent output of Alfven waves and particles exceeds its spindown luminosity. We suggest that SGRs experience some episodes of relative inactivity, with diminished spindown rates, and that such inactive magnetars are observed as Anomalous X-ray Pulsars (AXPs). The rapid reappearence of persistent X-ray emission following August 27 flare gives evidence against accretion-powered models.Comment: 24 pages, no figure

    The influence of seagrass cover on population structure and individual growth rate of a suspension-feeding bivalve, Mercenaria mercenaria

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    The average density of Mercenaria mercenaria in 216 ¼-m2 samples taken in spring 1980 from an eelgrass (Zostera marina) bed in Back Sound, North Carolina, was 9.0 m–2, more than five times the average density (1.6 m–2) in 216 ¼-m2 samples from a nearby sand flat. Size-frequency distributions differed between environments, with the sand flat containing a larger fraction of its Mercenaria in the smallest size class (0–1 cm). Use of internal growth lines to age all Mercenaria collected revealed that age-frequency distributions also differed between environments but that average Mercenaria age was identical in the two collections. The average sizes of 0-, 1-, and 2-year-class Mercenaria were significantly greater in the seagrass collection. Furthermore, the logarithmic growth curve fit through the mean sizes of each year class for the seagrass collection fell significantly above the analogous sand-flat curve for all ages, implying higher growth rates inside the seagrass environment. The seagrass environment contained a higher proportion of finer sediments, more silts and clays, and higher organic content both in surface (0–2 cm) and-in deep (0–20 cm) cores. Current velocities measured by dye release in the field demonstrated a substantial baffling effect by the seagrass, with average surface velocities above the blades about 3–5 × average velocities at depths within the seagrass canopy. This baffling by seagrass reduced currents near the bottom, where Mercenaria feeds, to levels 50% lower than those measured simultaneously on the sand flat. The paradoxically higher growth rate of the filter-feeding Mercenaria in the lower current regime inside the seagrass bed may be a consequence of higher particulate food concentrations produced by the hydrodynamic baffling of the emergent vegetation

    Discovery of pulsations in the X-ray transient 4U 1901+03

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    We describe observations of the 2003 outburst of the hard-spectrum X-ray transient 4U 1901+03 with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer. The outburst was first detected in 2003 February by the All-Sky Monitor, and reached a peak 2.5-25 keV flux of 8x10^-9 ergs/cm^2/s (around 240 mCrab). The only other known outburst occurred 32.2 yr earlier, likely the longest presently known recurrence time for any X-ray transient. Proportional Counter Array (PCA) observations over the 5-month duration of the 2003 outburst revealed a 2.763 s pulsar in a 22.58 d orbit. The detection of pulsations down to a flux of 3x10^-11 ergs/cm^2/s (2.5-25 keV), along with the inferred long-term accretion rate of 8.1x10^-11 M_sun/yr (assuming a distance of 10 kpc) suggests that the surface magnetic field strength is below ~5x10^11 G. The corresponding cyclotron energy is thus below 4 keV, consistent with the non-detection of resonance features at high energies. Although we could not unambiguously identify the optical counterpart, the lack of a bright IR candidate within the 1' RXTE error circle rules out a supergiant mass donor. The neutron star in 4U 1901+03 probably accretes from the wind of a main-sequence O-B star, like most other high-mass binary X-ray pulsars. The almost circular orbit e=0.036 confirms the system's membership in a growing class of wide, low-eccentricity systems in which the neutron stars may have received much smaller kicks as a result of their natal supernova explosions.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, accepted by ApJ. Very minor addition in response to referee's comment; updated author affiliatio

    Unquenched QCD with Light Quarks

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    We present recent results in unquenched lattice QCD with two degenerate light sea quarks using the truncated determinant approximation (TDA). In the TDA the infrared modes contributing to the quark determinant are computed exactly up to some cutoff in quark off-shellness (typically 2ΛQCD\Lambda_{QCD}). This approach allows simulations to be performed at much lighter quark masses than possible with conventional hybrid MonteCarlo techniques. Results for the static energy and topological charge distributions are presented using a large ensemble generated on very coarse (64^4) but physically large lattices. Preliminary results are also reported for the static energy and meson spectrum on 103^3x20 lattices (lattice scale a−1a^{-1}=1.15 GeV) at quark masses corresponding to pions of mass ≤\leq 200 MeV. Using multiboson simulation to compute the ultraviolet part of the quark determinant the TDA approach becomes an exact with essentially no increase in computational effort. Some preliminary results using this fully unquenched algorithm are presented.Comment: LateX, 39 pages, 16 eps figures, 1 ps figur

    Quantum Dynamics of the Slow Rollover Transition in the Linear Delta Expansion

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    We apply the linear delta expansion to the quantum mechanical version of the slow rollover transition which is an important feature of inflationary models of the early universe. The method, which goes beyond the Gaussian approximation, gives results which stay close to the exact solution for longer than previous methods. It provides a promising basis for extension to a full field theoretic treatment.Comment: 12 pages, including 4 figure

    Large-area sheet task advanced dendritic web growth development

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    The computer code for calculating web temperature distribution was expanded to provide a graphics output in addition to numerical and punch card output. The new code was used to examine various modifications of the J419 configuration and, on the basis of the results, a new growth geometry was designed. Additionally, several mathematically defined temperature profiles were evaluated for the effects of the free boundary (growth front) on the thermal stress generation. Experimental growth runs were made with modified J419 configurations to complement the modeling work. A modified J435 configuration was evaluated
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