22,145 research outputs found

    A summary of results from solar monitoring rocket flights

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    Three rocket flights to measure the solar constant and provide calibration data for sensors aboard Nimbus 6, 7, and Solar Maximum Mission (SMM) spacecraft were accomplished. The values obtained by the rocket instruments for the solar constant in SI units are: 1367 w/sq m on 29 June 1976; 1372 w/sq m on 16 November 1978; and 1374 w/sq m on 22 May 1980. The uncertainty of the rocket measurements is + or - 0.5%. The values obtained by the Hickey-Frieden sensor on Nimbus 7 during the second and third flights was 1376 w/sq m. The value obtained by the Active Cavity Radiometer Model IV (ACR IV) on SMM during the flight was 1368 w/sq m

    Radiation scales and the solar constant

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    Radiation measurement and solar constant determinatio

    Demographic and psychological variables affecting test subject evaluations of ride quality

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    Ride-quality experiments similar in objectives, design, and procedure were conducted, one using the U.S. Air Force Total In-Flight Simulator and the other using the Langley Passenger Ride Quality Apparatus to provide the motion environments. Large samples (80 or more per experiment) of test subjects were recruited from the Tidewater Virginia area and asked to rate the comfort (on a 7-point scale) of random aircraft motion typical of that encountered during STOL flights. Test subject characteristics of age, sex, and previous flying history (number of previous airplane flights) were studied in a two by three by three factorial design. Correlations were computed between one dependent measure, the subject's mean comfort rating, and various demographic characteristics, attitudinal variables, and the scores on Spielberger's State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. An effect of sex was found in one of the studies. Males made higher (more uncomfortable) ratings of the ride than females. Age and number of previous flights were not significantly related to comfort ratings. No significant interactions between the variables of age, sex, or previous number of flights were observed

    String Breaking in Four Dimensional Lattice QCD

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    Virtual quark pair screening leads to breaking of the string between fundamental representation quarks in QCD. For unquenched four dimensional lattice QCD, this (so far elusive) phenomenon is studied using the recently developed truncated determinant algorithm (TDA). The dynamical configurations were generated on an Athlon 650 MHz PC. Quark eigenmodes up to 420 MeV are included exactly in these TDA studies performed at low quark mass on large coarse (but O(a2a^2) improved) lattices. A study of Wilson line correlators in Coulomb gauge extracted from an ensemble of 1000 two-flavor dynamical configurations reveals evidence for flattening of the string tension at distances R ≥\geq approximately 1 fm.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, Latex (deleted extraneous eps figure file

    Global Seismic Oscillations in Soft Gamma Repeaters

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    There is evidence that soft gamma repeaters (SGRs) are neutron stars which experience frequent starquakes, possibly driven by an evolving, ultra-strong magnetic field. The empirical power-law distribution of SGR burst energies, analogous to the Gutenberg-Richter law for earthquakes, exhibits a turn-over at high energies consistent with a global limit on the crust fracture size. With such large starquakes occurring, the significant excitation of global seismic oscillations (GSOs) seems likely. Moreover, GSOs may be self-exciting in a stellar crust that is strained by many, randomly-oriented stresses. We explain why low-order toroidal modes, which preserve the shape of the star and have observable frequencies as low as ~ 30 Hz, may be especially susceptible to excitation. We estimate the eigenfrequencies as a function of stellar mass and radius, and their magnetic and rotational shiftings/splittings. We also describes ways in which these modes might be detected and damped. There is marginal evidence for 23 ms oscillations in the hard initial pulse of the 1979 March 5th event. This could be due to the 3t0_3t_0 mode in a neutron star with B ~ 10^{14} G or less; or it could be the fundamental toroidal mode if the field in the deep crust of SGR 0526-66 is ~ 4 X 10^{15} G, in agreement with other evidence. If confirmed, GSOs would give corroborating evidence for crust-fracturing magnetic fields in SGRs: B >~ 10^{14} G.Comment: 12 pages, AASTeX, no figures. Accepted for Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Improved Pseudofermion Approach for All-Point Propagators

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    Quark propagators with arbitrary sources and sinks can be obtained more efficiently using a pseudofermion method with a mode-shifted action. Mode-shifting solves the problem of critical slowing down (for light quarks) induced by low eigenmodes of the Dirac operator. The method allows the full physical content of every gauge configuration to be extracted, and should be especially helpful for unquenched QCD calculations. The method can be applied for all the conventional quark actions: Wilson, Sheikoleslami-Wohlert, Kogut-Susskind, as well as Ginsparg-Wilson compliant overlap actions. The statistical properties of the method are examined and examples of physical processes under study are presented.Comment: LateX, 26 pages, 10 eps figure

    Low Dirac Eigenmodes and the Topological and Chiral Structure of the QCD Vacuum

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    Several lattice calculations which probe the chiral and topological structure of QCD are discussed. The results focus attention on the low-lying eigenmodes of the Dirac operator in typical gauge field configurations.Comment: Talk presented at the DPF2000 Conferenc

    Physical Mechanisms for the Variable Spin-down of SGR 1900+14

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    We consider the physical implications of the rapid spindown of Soft Gamma Repeater 1900+14, and of the apparent "braking glitch", \Delta P/P = l x 10^-4, that was concurrent with the Aug. 27th giant flare. A radiation-hydrodynamical outflow associated with the flare could impart the required torque, but only if the dipole magnetic field is stronger than ~ 10^14 G and the outflow lasts longer and/or is more energetic than the observed X-ray flare. A positive period increment is also a natural consequence of a gradual, plastic deformation of the neutron star crust by an intense magnetic field, which forces the neutron superfluid to rotate more slowly than the crust. Sudden unpinning of the neutron vortex lines during the August 27th event would then induce a glitch opposite in sign to those observed in young pulsars, but of a much larger magnitude as a result of the slower rotation. The change in the persistent X-ray lightcurve following the August 27 event is ascribed to continued particle heating in the active region of that outburst. The enhanced X-ray output can be powered by a steady current flowing through the magnetosphere, induced by the twisting motion of the crust. The long term rate of spindown appears to be accelerated with respect to a simple magnetic dipole torque. Accelerated spindown of a seismically-active magnetar will occur when its persistent output of Alfven waves and particles exceeds its spindown luminosity. We suggest that SGRs experience some episodes of relative inactivity, with diminished spindown rates, and that such inactive magnetars are observed as Anomalous X-ray Pulsars (AXPs). The rapid reappearence of persistent X-ray emission following August 27 flare gives evidence against accretion-powered models.Comment: 24 pages, no figure

    EEG–fMRI mapping of asymmetrical delta activity in a patient with refractory epilepsy is concordant with the epileptogenic region determined by intracranial EEG

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    We studied a patient with refractory focal epilepsy using continuous EEG-correlated fMRI. Seizures were characterized by head turning to the left and clonic jerking of the left arm, suggesting a right frontal epileptogenic region. Interictal EEG showed occasional runs of independent nonlateralized slow activity in the delta band with right frontocentral dominance and had no lateralizing value. Ictal scalp EEG had no lateralizing value. Ictal scalp EEG suggested right-sided central slow activity preceding some seizures. Structural 3-T MRI showed no abnormality. There was no clear epileptiform abnormality during simultaneous EEG–fMRI. We therefore modeled asymmetrical EEG delta activity at 1–3 Hz near frontocentral electrode positions. Significant blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) signal changes in the right superior frontal gyrus correlated with right frontal oscillations at 1–3 Hz but not at 4–7 Hz and with neither of the two frequency bands when derived from contralateral or posterior electrode positions, which served as controls. Motor fMRI activations with a finger-tapping paradigm were asymmetrical: they were more anterior for the left hand compared with the right and were near the aforementioned EEG-correlated signal changes. A right frontocentral perirolandic seizure onset was identified with a subdural grid recording, and electric stimulation of the adjacent contact produced motor responses in the left arm and after discharges. The fMRI localization of the left hand motor and the detected BOLD activation associated with modeled slow activity suggest a role for localization of the epileptogenic region with EEG–fMRI even in the absence of clear interictal discharges
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