5,792 research outputs found

    The origin of emission and absorption features in Ton S180 Chandra observations

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    We present new interpretation of Ton S180 spectrum obtained by {\it Chandra} Spectrometer (Low Energy Transmission Grating). Several narrow absorption lines and a few emission disk lines have been successfully fitted to the data. We have not found any significant edges accompanying line emission. We propose the interpretation of narrow lines consistent with the paper recently written by Krolik (2002), where warm absorber is strongly inhomogeneous. Such situation is possible in so called multi-phase medium, where regions with different ionization states, densities and temperatures may coexist in thermal equilibrium under constant pressure. We illustrate this scenario with theoretical spectra of radiation transfered through a stratified cloud with constant pressure (instead of constant density) computed by code {\sc titan} in plane parallel approximation. Detected spectral features are faint and their presence do not alter the broad band continuum. We model the broad band continuum of Ton S180 assuming an irradiated accretion disk with a dissipative warm skin. The set of parameters appropriate for the data cannot be determined uniquely but models with low values of the black hole mass have too hot and radially extended warm skin to explain the formation of soft X-ray disk lines seen in the data.Comment: accepted to Ap

    Systematic Errors in the Estimation of Black Hole Masses by Reverberation Mapping

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    The mass of the central black hole in many active galactic nuclei has been estimated on the basis of the assumption that the dynamics of the broad emission line gas are dominated by the gravity of the black hole. The most commonly-employed method is to estimate a characteristic size-scale r∗r_* from reverberation mapping experiments and combine it with a characteristic velocity v∗v_* taken from the line profiles; the inferred mass is then estimated by r∗v∗2/Gr_* v_*^2/G. We critically discuss the evidence supporting the assumption of gravitational dynamics and find that the arguments are still inconclusive. We then explore the range of possible systematic error if the assumption of gravitational dynamics is granted. Inclination relative to a flattened system may cause a systematic underestimate of the central mass by a factor ∌(h/r)2\sim (h/r)^2, where h/rh/r is the aspect ratio of the flattening. The coupled effects of a broad radial emissivity distribution, an unknown angular radiation pattern of line emission, and sub-optimal sampling in the reverberation experiment can cause additional systematic errors as large as a factor of 3 or more in either direction.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures, AASLaTeX, accepted by Ap

    Changes in the etch rate of photosensitive polymers as a function of the pulse number

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    The ablation rates of a polyimide and a triazene polymer were studied gravimetrically by a quartz micro balance for 248-nm and 308-nm irradiation. Special care was taken to examine the dependence of the ablation rate at constant fluences for single pulses and the influence of consecutive pulses at the same position. A clear trend was observed in these measurements, i.e., that the mass loss after the first pulse is always different from values for the following pulses. This implies that it is very difficult to determine true ablation rates, which are the foundation of most ablation models. The differences of the mass loss between the first pulse and the following pulses is most probably due to carbonization of the material, resulting in varying ablation rates for the following pulses. The ablation rates are thus not a real material property but a superposition of the material ablation rates with the ablation rates of carbon and carbonized materia

    Modeling Variable Emission Lines in AGNs: Method and Application to NGC 5548

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    We present a new scheme for modeling the broad line region in active galactic nuclei (AGNs). It involves photoionization calculations of a large number of clouds, in several pre-determined geometries, and a comparison of the calculated line intensities with observed emission line light curves. Fitting several observed light curves simultaneously provides strong constraints on model parameters such as the run of density and column density across the nucleus, the shape of the ionizing continuum, and the radial distribution of the emission line clouds. When applying the model to the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 5548, we were able to reconstruct the light curves of four ultraviolet emission-lines, in time and in absolute flux. This has not been achieved by any previous work. We argue that the Balmer lines light curves, and possibly also the MgII2798 light curve, cannot be tested in this scheme because of the limitations of present-day photoionization codes. Our fit procedure can be used to rule out models where the particle density scales as r^{-2}, where r is the distance from the central source. The best models are those where the density scales as r^{-1} or r^{-1.5}. We can place a lower limit on the column density at a distance of 1 ld, of N_{col}(r=1) >~ 10^{23} cm^{-2} and limit the particle density to be in the range of 10^{12.5}>N(r=1)>10^{11} cm^{-3}. We have also tested the idea that the spectral energy distribution (SED) of the ionizing continuum is changing with continuum luminosity. None of the variable-shape SED tried resulted in real improvement over a constant SED case although models with harder continuum during phases of higher luminosity seem to fit better the observed spectrum. Reddening and/or different composition seem to play a minor role, at least to the extent tested in this work.Comment: 12 pages, including 9 embedded EPS figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Is the Broad-Line Region Clumped or Smooth? Constraints from the H alpha Profile in NGC 4395, the Least Luminous Seyfert 1 Galaxy

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    The origin and configuration of the gas which emits broad lines in Type I active galactic nuclei is not established yet. The lack of small-scale structure in the broad emission-line profiles is consistent with a smooth gas flow, or a clumped flow with many small clouds. An attractive possibility for the origin of many small clouds is the atmospheres of bloated stars, an origin which also provides a natural mechanism for the cloud confinement. Earlier studies of the broad-line profiles have already put strong lower limits on the minimum number of such stars, but these limits are sensitive to the assumed width of the lines produced by each cloud. Here we revisit this problem using high-resolution Keck spectra of the H alpha line in NGC 4395, which has the smallest known broad-line region (~10^14 cm). Only a handful of the required bloated stars (each having r~10^14 cm) could fit into the broad-line region of NGC 4395, yet the observed smoothness of the H alpha line implies a lower limit of ~10^4-10^5 on the number of discrete clouds. This rules out conclusively the bloated-stars scenario, regardless of any plausible line-broadening mechanisms. The upper limit on the size of the clouds is ~10^12 cm, which is comparable to the size implied by photoionization models. This strongly suggests that gas in the broad-line region is structured as a smooth rather than a clumped flow, most likely in a rotationally dominated thick disk-like configuration. However, it remains to be clarified why such a smooth, gravity-dominated flow generates double-peaked emission lines only in a small fraction of active galactic nuclei.Comment: 12 pages, including 3 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Determination of the tunneling flight time as the reflected phase time

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    Using the time parameter in the time-dependent Schrödinger equation, we study the time of flight for a particle tunneling through a square barrier potential. Comparing the mean and variance of the energy and the flight time for transmitted and reflected particles, using both density and flux distributions, we find that, when accounting for momentum filtering, the suitably normalized transmitted and reflected distributions are identical in both the density and flux cases. In contrast to previous studies, we demonstrate that these results do not imply a vanishing tunneling time, but rather that the time it takes to tunnel through a square barrier is precisely given by the reflected phase time. For wide barriers, this becomes independent of the barrier width, as predicted independently by MacColl and Hartman. We show that these conclusions can be reached using a variety of arguments, including purely quantum mechanical ones. Analysis of the shapes of the distributions under consideration reveals that wave-packet reshaping is not an explanation for the MacColl-Hartman effect. The results presented here have direct implications for understanding recent experimental results in the study of the barrier crossing of rubidium atoms. The finite width of an incident wave packet significantly “masks” the tunneling time, and induces substantial asymmetry between the flight times of transmitted and reflected atoms

    The relativistic tunneling flight time may be superluminal, but it does not imply superluminal signaling

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    Wavepacket tunneling, in the relativistic limit, is studied via solutions to the Dirac equation for a square barrier potential. Specifically, the arrival time distribution (the time-dependent flux) is computed for wavepackets initiated far away from the barrier, and whose momentum is well below the threshold for above-barrier transmission. The resulting distributions exhibit peaks at shorter times than those of photons with the same initial wavepacket transmitting through a vacuum. However, this apparent superluminality in time is accompanied by very low transmission probabilities. We discuss these observations, and related observations by other authors, in the context of published objections to the notion that tunneling can be superluminal in time. We find that many of these objections are not consistent with our observations, and conclude that post-selected (for transmission) distributions of arrival times can be superluminal. However, the low probability of tunneling means a photon will most likely be seen first and therefore the superluminality does not imply superluminal signaling

    Double-Peaked Broad Emission Lines in NGC 4450 and Other LINERs

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    Spectra taken with HST reveal that NGC 4450 emits Balmer emission lines with displaced double peaks and extremely high-velocity wings. This characteristic line profile, previously seen in a few nearby LINERs and in a small fraction of broad-line radio galaxies, can be interpreted as a kinematic signature of a relativistic accretion disk. We can reproduce the observed profile with a model for a disk with a radial range of 1000-2000 gravitational radii and inclined by 27 degrees along the line of sight. The small-aperture HST data also allow us to detect, for the first time, the featureless continuum at optical wavelengths in NGC 4450; the nonstellar nucleus is intrinsically very faint, with M_B = -11.2 mag for D = 16.8 Mpc. We have examined the multiwavelength properties of NGC 4450 collectively with those of other low-luminosity active nuclei which possess double-peaked broad lines and find a number of common features. These objects are all classified spectroscopically as "type 1" LINERs or closely related objects. The nuclear luminosities are low, both in absolute terms and relative to the Eddington rates. All of them have compact radio cores, whose strength relative to the optical nuclear emission places them in the league of radio-loud active nuclei. The broad-band spectral energy distributions of these sources are most notable for their deficit of ultraviolet emission compared to those observed in luminous Seyfert 1 nuclei and quasars. The double-peaked broad-line radio galaxies Arp 102B and Pictor A have very similar attributes. We discuss how these characteristics can be understood in the context of advection-dominated accretion onto massive black holes.Comment: To appear in The Astrophysical Journal. Latex, 15 pages, embedded figures and tabl

    The End of the Lines for OX 169: No Binary Broad-Line Region

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    We show that unusual Balmer emission line profiles of the quasar OX 169, frequently described as either self-absorbed or double peaked, are actually neither. The effect is an illusion resulting from two coincidences. First, the forbidden lines are quite strong and broad. Consequently, the [N II]6583 line and the associated narrow-line component of H-alpha present the appearance of twin H-alpha peaks. Second, the redshift of 0.2110 brings H-beta into coincidence with Na I D at zero redshift, and ISM absorption in Na I D divides the H-beta emission line. In spectra obtained over the past decade, we see no substantial change in the character of the line profiles, and no indication of intrinsic double-peaked structure. The H-gamma, Mg II, and Ly-alpha emission lines are single peaked, and all of the emission-line redshifts are consistent once they are correctly attributed to their permitted and forbidden-line identifications. A systematic shift of up to 700 km/s between broad and narrow lines is seen, but such differences are common, and could be due to gravitational and transverse redshift in a low-inclination disk. Stockton & Farnham (1991) had called attention to an apparent tidal tail in the host galaxy of OX 169, and speculated that a recent merger had supplied the nucleus with a coalescing pair of black holes which was now revealing its existence in the form of two physically distinct broad-line regions. Although there is no longer any evidence for two broad emission-line regions in OX 169, binary black holes should form frequently in galaxy mergers, and it is still worthwhile to monitor the radial velocities of emission lines which could supply evidence of their existence in certain objects.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Ap.

    On the size of the Fe II emitting region in the AGN Akn 120

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    We present a reverberation analysis of the strong, variable optical Fe II emission bands in the spectrum of Akn 120, a low-redshift AGN which is one of the best candidates for such a study. On time scales of several years the Fe II line strengths follow the variations in the continuum strength. However, we are unable to measure a clear reverberation lag time for these Fe II lines on any time scale. This is due to the very broad and flat-topped nature of the Fe II cross correlation functions, as compared to the H-beta response which is much more sharply localized in time. Although there is some suggestion in the light curve of a 300-day response time, our statistical analysis does not pick up such a feature. We conclude that the optical Fe II emission does not come from a photoionization-powered region similar in size to the H-beta emitting region, but we cannot say for sure where it does come from. Our results are generally consistent either with emission from a photoionized region several times larger than the H-beta zone, or with emission from gas heated by some other means, perhaps responding only indirectly to the continuum variations.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Ap
