41 research outputs found

    The Establishing of a Professional Folk Orchestra in the Interwar period in Belgrade

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    This paper aims to illuminate on how the institution of the folk orchestra in Serbia was established using archive material. The folk orchestra, as a specific instrumental formation for accompaniment of popular folk songs and the performance of dance music, is part of the urban legacy all over the Balkans, mostly connected with the context of taverns. The period focussed on is between the World Wars because of the creation of the "Folk orchestra" and the "Tambura orchestra" on Radio Belgrade, as those were the first ensembles that were both professional and folk. Namely, Belgrade has been the centre of music broadcasting and musicians networking in the country, so those ensembles became official and the examples for later musicians. The main criteria of professionalization are: the establishing of musicians' guilds, their education and payment, the media representation of the band, and the professional status of musicians with respect to their ethnicity and gender.Symposium 24 September – 1 October 2014; International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM); Proceedings of the Fourth Symposium of the Study Group on Music and Dance in Southeastern Europ

    Sound recordings from the Fieldwork in the Archive od the Institute of Musicology SASA

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    This presentation is result of a research conducted for the trilateral project City Sonic Ecology: Urban Soundscapes of Bern, Ljubljana and Belgrade, financed by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) within its SCOPES program (2014–2017).Poste

    Mihailo Petrović Alas and Music

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    The life of Mihailo Petrović Alas was rich not only scientifically but also socially speaking. Among other things, including the fishing, he was known as a lead violinist, a lover of the urban folk music of his epoch and he actively played with his own music band, Suz...“In 2018, The Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA) and mathematicians in Serbia celebrate the 150th anniversary of the birth of academician Mihailo Petrović Alas...

    Historical Aspects and Contemporary Performance Practices of “Old Urban Music” (starogradska muzika) in Belgrade

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    This review was written as part of the project Serbian Musical Identities within Local and Global Frameworks: Traditions, Changes, Challenges (ON 177004), funded by the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia

    Back to the Future: Popular Music and Time (18th Biennial IASPM Conference in Campinas, 2015)

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    This review is written as a part of the projects City sonic ecologies: Soundscapes of Bern, Ljubljana and Belgrade, funded by the scientific co-operation between Eastern Europe and Switzerland andrealized at the Institute of Musicology SASA

    Project ‘Digitization and Catalogization of Phonoarchive of the Institute of Musicology SASA’: Experiences and Perspectives

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    This paper discusses results of the project “Digitization and Cataloging of Phonoarchive of Institute of Musicology SASA”, and related to that, significance of collection for further ethnomusicological and musicological research

    Julie C. Dunbar, Women, Music, Culture: An Introduction, Routledge, New York – London, 2011, pp. XIX+379

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    Julie Dunbar, the author of a recent publication about musicology and gender studies, is a lecturer and an orchestra conductor at Edgewood College in Madison, Wisconsin. Her textbook, presently taken under consideration, is aimed at students, primarily those interested in the position and role of woman in the history of Western music, popular music, and various folklore musical cultures, i.e. in the general aspects of music creation, performance, listening and education. The title subject is increasingly topical in contemporary (ethno)musicological works, and so is this review motivated by monitoring topical issues in the discipline...The paper was written as a part of the project “Identiteti srpske muzike od lokalnih do globalnih okvira: tradicije, promene, izazovi” [“Serbian Musical Identities within Local and Global Frameworks: Traditions, Changes, Challenges”] (ON 177004), funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Techno- logical Development of the Republic of Serbia