35 research outputs found
Improving the Universality Results of Enzymatic Numerical P Systems
This paper provides the proof that Enzymatic Numerical P Sytems with
deterministic, but parallel, execution model are universal, even when the production
functions used are polynomials of degree 1. This extends previous known results and
provides the optimal case in terms of polynomial degree
Implementing Obstacle Avoidance and Follower Behaviors on Koala Robots Using Numerical P Systems
Membrane controllers have been developed using Numerical P Systems and
their extension, Enzymatic Numerical P Systems, for controlling mobile robots like e-
puck and Khepera III. In this paper we prove that membrane controllers can be easily
adapted for other types of robotic platforms. Therefore, obstacle avoidance and follower
behaviors were adapted for Koala robots. The membrane controllers for Koala robots
have been tested on real and simulated platforms. Experimental results and performance
analysis are presented
A Conceptual Framework for Artificial Creativity in Visual Arts
The present paper introduces the conceptual framework for an artificial system for visual creativity addressing the idea of niche creativity that is domain specific and non-anthropocentric in its conceptual approach. We think that the visual creative output of the system reflects the artificial medium and the specific artificial processes engaged in its production and, therefore, it is an expression of the idea of embodied creativity with the proposed system offering in this sense an example of digital embodiment of creativity. Although our approach to artificial creativity is non-anthropocentric, the system design is inspired by processes in the natural world that lead to the production of new and useful structures in both living and non-living systems with human creative cognition being included among these processes. The main problem raised by this abstract approach to artificial creativity in visual arts is the compatibility of its artistic production with human aesthetics, the ultimate goal of the proposed system being to produce visual output that would aesthetically engage human visual perception
Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Controler With Genetic Training For Mobile Robot Control
In this paper, we investigate the use of adaptive techniques in the optimization of navigation of Khepera mobile robot in an unstructured and dynamic environment. We optimize the performance of our simplified fuzzy controller using neural network that utilizes genetic algorithm learning. The adaptation of the system involves the tuning of the control rules thereby trimming the control actions, and adjusting the fuzzy controller output gain. We realised an improved performance in our adaptive neuro-fuzzy controller with genetic training for various implemented behaviours on the robot
Cyber Physical Systems Oriented Robot Development Platform
AbstractThe development of systems, of various levels of complexity that can integrate physical with virtual components has become a priority for research in the context of emerging paradigms such as Cyber-Physical Systems or Internet for the Future. The authors propose a Robotic Development Platform architecture that integrates principles of Cyber-Physical Systems. The proposed architecture, is scalable, by facilitating the integration of different existing development and simulation tools and will allow robot systems to be tested in different environments, with different characteristics, and facilitate the integration of real world simulation with virtual environment simulation