5 research outputs found

    Phénoménologie linguistique, mutisme des sens et normativité chez John L. Austin

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    Nombre de travaux contemporains en philosophie de la perception s’inspirent de l’ouvrage Sense and Sensibilia du philosophe anglais John L. Austin (1911-1960). En examinant le langage ordinaire pour reconnaĂźtre la diversitĂ© des phĂ©nomĂšnes perceptifs, Austin vise entre autres Ă  dĂ©montrer l’impossibilitĂ© de les rĂ©duire aux catĂ©gories mĂ©taphysiques traditionnelles. Charles Travis est de ceux qui se sont risquĂ©s Ă  rĂ©investir la phĂ©nomĂ©nologie linguistique d’Austin. Se rĂ©clamant ouvertement d’Austin qui soutenait que « nos sens sont muets », il dĂ©veloppera la thĂšse du silence des sens selon laquelle la perception n’aurait pas un contenu reprĂ©sentationnel. Cette thĂšse aura une grande influence sur Jocelyn Benoist, qui reprendra Ă  son compte l’idĂ©e selon laquelle la perception n’est pas intentionnelle. Travis et Benoist s’entendent donc pour dire qu’en tant que la perception est silencieuse — et donc non-conceptuelle — elle ne peut ĂȘtre intentionnelle. Or, il s’en suivrait alors que la phĂ©nomĂ©nologie serait fondamentalement incompatible avec la radicalitĂ© de leur critique rĂ©ciproque contre le reprĂ©sentationnalisme, basĂ©e sur la thĂšse d’inspiration austinienne du silence des sens. L’intuition Ă  l’origine de ce mĂ©moire rĂ©side dans la perspective selon laquelle ces conclusions constitueraient en fait une radicalisation de la thĂšse vĂ©ritablement dĂ©fendue par Austin, le mutisme n’étant pas synonyme de silence. Si Austin a pu dĂ©montrer trĂšs efficacement l’autonomie de la perception par rapport au langage, la reprise de cette idĂ©e chez Travis et Benoist les a menĂ©s Ă  une thĂšse plus radicale selon laquelle la perception ne serait pas une activitĂ© que l’on pourrait qualifier de normative. Partant de cette idĂ©e, j’interroge la portĂ©e et les limites de la thĂšse d’Austin et de ses hĂ©ritiers en examinant le rĂŽle de la normativitĂ© en jeu dans la perception. Dans ce mĂ©moire, je soutiens que les conclusions que Travis et Benoist tirent de la thĂšse du silence des sens qu’ils attribuent Ă  Austin constituent en fait une radicalisation de la position vĂ©ritablement dĂ©fendue par l’Oxonien. La thĂšse de Travis et Benoist doit ĂȘtre nuancĂ©e dans la mesure oĂč d’autres types de normes jouent un rĂŽle transcendantal pour la perception. DĂšs lors que l’on considĂšre l’expĂ©rience sensible, non pas comme une activitĂ© exclusivement Ă©pistĂ©mique et cognitive, mais comme une pratique incarnĂ©e, la thĂšse du mutisme des sens devient compatible avec une conception normative de la perception.Much contemporary work in philosophy of perception draws on the work Sense and Sensibilia by the English philosopher John L. Austin (1911-1960). By examining ordinary language to recognize the diversity of perceptual phenomena, Austin aims, among other things, to demonstrate the impossibility of reducing them to traditional metaphysical categories. Charles Travis is one of those who have ventured to reinvest Austin's linguistic phenomenology. Following in the footsteps of Austin, who maintained that "our senses are dumb", he developed the thesis of the silence of the senses, according to which perception has no representational content. This thesis had a major influence on Jocelyn Benoist, who took up the idea that perception is not intentional. Travis and Benoist agree that since perception is silent - and therefore non-conceptual - it cannot be intentional. It would then follow that phenomenology would be fundamentally incompatible with the radicalness of their reciprocal critique of representationalism based on Austin’s inspired thesis of the silence of the senses. The intuition behind this dissertation lies in the prospect that these conclusions might in fact constitute a radicalization of the thesis actually defended by Austin, since mutism is not synonymous with silence. If Austin demonstrated very effectively the autonomy of perception in relation to language, the revival of this idea by Travis and Benoist led them to a much more radical thesis, according to which perception would not be an activity that can be described as normative. Based on this idea, I question the scope and limits of the thesis of Austin and his heirs by examining the role of normativity at play in perception. In this dissertation, I argue that the conclusions Travis and Benoist draw from the silence of the senses thesis they attribute to Austin are in fact a radicalization of the position actually defended by the Oxonian. Travis and Benoist's thesis must be tempered insofar as other types of norms play a transcendental role for perception. As soon as we consider sensible experience not as an exclusively epistemic and cognitive activity, but as an embodied practice, the thesis of the mutism of the senses becomes compatible with a normative conception of perception

    L’envers de la superinternalitĂ©

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    Afin d’échapper au dilemme de la fondation, Karen Bennett a proposĂ© une thĂšse selon laquelle la relation de fondation serait superinterne, c’est-Ă -dire qu’elle reposerait entiĂšrement sur la nature du relatum de gauche. Si cette approche peut de prime abord sembler particuliĂšrement convaincante en raison de sa simplicitĂ© et de son Ă©lĂ©gance, un examen plus minutieux rĂ©vĂšle toutefois d’importantes difficultĂ©s. Dans cet article, j’élabore de nombreuses critiques contre la thĂšse de la superinternalitĂ© qui s’avĂšre moins intuitive qu’elle ne le laisse paraĂźtre. Je considĂšre ensuite l’alternative que reprĂ©sente la sĂ©mantique mĂ©taphysique dĂ©veloppĂ©e par Ted Sider

    L’envers de la superinternalitĂ©

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    Afin d’échapper au dilemme de la fondation, Karen Bennett a proposĂ© une thĂšse selon laquelle la relation de fondation serait superinterne, c’est-Ă -dire qu’elle reposerait entiĂšrement sur la nature du relatum de gauche. Si cette approche peut de prime abord sembler particuliĂšrement convaincante en raison de sa simplicitĂ© et de son Ă©lĂ©gance, un examen plus minutieux rĂ©vĂšle toutefois d’importantes difficultĂ©s. Dans cet article, j’élabore de nombreuses critiques contre la thĂšse de la superinternalitĂ© qui s’avĂšre moins intuitive qu’elle ne le laisse paraĂźtre. Je considĂšre ensuite l’alternative que reprĂ©sente la sĂ©mantique mĂ©taphysique dĂ©veloppĂ©e par Ted Sider

    Éros, amour et sexualitĂ© : la paiderastĂ­a dans le Banquet de Platon

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    Le texte du Banquet de Platon constitue l’un des tĂ©moignages les plus importants de ce que fut l’institution pĂ©dĂ©rastique en GrĂšce antique. Le dialogue sur l’amour, qui prend la forme d’une rĂ©union au cours de laquelle les diffĂ©rents protagonistes feront successivement l’éloge d’Éros, pose toutefois problĂšme dans la mesure oĂč la position de l’auteur est Ă©minemment ambigĂŒe. Bien que la position de Diotime semble plus cohĂ©rente avec le reste de la doctrine platonicienne, il serait malgrĂ© tout rĂ©ducteur de considĂ©rer celle de Pausanias comme un simple dĂ©tour rhĂ©torique opĂ©rĂ© par Platon. Ainsi, il s’agira de montrer dans quelle mesure la position de Pausanias mĂ©rite une attention particuliĂšre. Il semble en effet que la thĂšse platonicienne, bien que rĂ©ticente Ă  encourager les relations homosexuelles charnelles, ne consiste pas en une rĂ©futation complĂšte des conclusions de Pausanias

    Ticagrelor in patients with diabetes and stable coronary artery disease with a history of previous percutaneous coronary intervention (THEMIS-PCI) : a phase 3, placebo-controlled, randomised trial

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    Background: Patients with stable coronary artery disease and diabetes with previous percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), particularly those with previous stenting, are at high risk of ischaemic events. These patients are generally treated with aspirin. In this trial, we aimed to investigate if these patients would benefit from treatment with aspirin plus ticagrelor. Methods: The Effect of Ticagrelor on Health Outcomes in diabEtes Mellitus patients Intervention Study (THEMIS) was a phase 3 randomised, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial, done in 1315 sites in 42 countries. Patients were eligible if 50 years or older, with type 2 diabetes, receiving anti-hyperglycaemic drugs for at least 6 months, with stable coronary artery disease, and one of three other mutually non-exclusive criteria: a history of previous PCI or of coronary artery bypass grafting, or documentation of angiographic stenosis of 50% or more in at least one coronary artery. Eligible patients were randomly assigned (1:1) to either ticagrelor or placebo, by use of an interactive voice-response or web-response system. The THEMIS-PCI trial comprised a prespecified subgroup of patients with previous PCI. The primary efficacy outcome was a composite of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, or stroke (measured in the intention-to-treat population). Findings: Between Feb 17, 2014, and May 24, 2016, 11 154 patients (58% of the overall THEMIS trial) with a history of previous PCI were enrolled in the THEMIS-PCI trial. Median follow-up was 3·3 years (IQR 2·8–3·8). In the previous PCI group, fewer patients receiving ticagrelor had a primary efficacy outcome event than in the placebo group (404 [7·3%] of 5558 vs 480 [8·6%] of 5596; HR 0·85 [95% CI 0·74–0·97], p=0·013). The same effect was not observed in patients without PCI (p=0·76, p interaction=0·16). The proportion of patients with cardiovascular death was similar in both treatment groups (174 [3·1%] with ticagrelor vs 183 (3·3%) with placebo; HR 0·96 [95% CI 0·78–1·18], p=0·68), as well as all-cause death (282 [5·1%] vs 323 [5·8%]; 0·88 [0·75–1·03], p=0·11). TIMI major bleeding occurred in 111 (2·0%) of 5536 patients receiving ticagrelor and 62 (1·1%) of 5564 patients receiving placebo (HR 2·03 [95% CI 1·48–2·76], p<0·0001), and fatal bleeding in 6 (0·1%) of 5536 patients with ticagrelor and 6 (0·1%) of 5564 with placebo (1·13 [0·36–3·50], p=0·83). Intracranial haemorrhage occurred in 33 (0·6%) and 31 (0·6%) patients (1·21 [0·74–1·97], p=0·45). Ticagrelor improved net clinical benefit: 519/5558 (9·3%) versus 617/5596 (11·0%), HR=0·85, 95% CI 0·75–0·95, p=0·005, in contrast to patients without PCI where it did not, p interaction=0·012. Benefit was present irrespective of time from most recent PCI. Interpretation: In patients with diabetes, stable coronary artery disease, and previous PCI, ticagrelor added to aspirin reduced cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, and stroke, although with increased major bleeding. In that large, easily identified population, ticagrelor provided a favourable net clinical benefit (more than in patients without history of PCI). This effect shows that long-term therapy with ticagrelor in addition to aspirin should be considered in patients with diabetes and a history of PCI who have tolerated antiplatelet therapy, have high ischaemic risk, and low bleeding risk