953 research outputs found

    Computer Data Analysis Aimed at Constructing a Model of Establishing the Factors Which Determine Household Savings in the Republic of Croatia

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    Examining the relationships between different economic variables has been significantly simplified through the usage of computer analysis. What used to be very complex procedures requiring considerable finances and amounts of time are now greatly reduced thanks to computer technology and adequate software applications. In addition, advances in communication and development of computer networks have provided universal interconnectedness, and thus also permanent accessibility of different data necessary for conducting economic analyses. In this way business entities and macroeconomic policy makers are able to react in a timely manner to changes in the environment, and thus make decisions based on relevant indicators. This paper intends to demonstrate how computer analysis can be applied to construct a model for establishing the factors which determine household savings in the Republic of Croatia. Time and savings deposits of households are an important economic category. They are the source of funds used for loans to both households and businesses. To establish the factors with the heaviest impact on household savings multiple regression analysis was used. In this paper special attention was given to the possibilities of the software package STATISTICA 6.0 intended for solving various statistical problems.computer data analysis, model, relevant variables, time and savings deposits of households, multiple regression analysis

    Analysis of the Development of the University of Josip Juraj Strossmayer in Osijek and It's Role in Building the Information Society

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    Universities play a significant role in the development of the society they act in. Their role is mainly felt at regional level. Nevertheless, through their scientific research, artistic and educational work, universities have a significant impact on a wider environment as well. The University of Josip Juraj Strossmayer in Osijek, continuing a three-century-long tradition of higher education in Eastern Croatia, is one of the most important factors of development of the region. The new millennium has posed new challenges. The ongoing transformation process is extremely complex and requires the engagement of not only the entire academic community, but also of any entity interacting with the university. In order to give an overview of the main development trends of the University over the past ten years, the study presented in this paper applies adequate statistical methods and models. Deriving from the commitment taken by Croatia to found its social and economic progress on building an information society, the study puts special emphasis on analysing the possibility for the University of Josip Juraj Strossmayer in Osijek to actively contribute to the above process by providing conditions for the implementation of research programmes and projects as well as for the education and training of computer science human resources.regional university, economic development, statistical methods and models, information society, education and training of computer science human resources

    Challenges of E-Learning Management Within the Croatian Higher Education System

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    For the past few years, e-learning has become synonymous with different learning and teaching techniques based on information and communication technologies. Generally speaking, elearning has been increasingly present in the Croatian higher education system, gradually changing its traditional character. However, this modern learning and teaching concept has not been equally accepted throughout student population. There are numerous reasons for this state of affairs, one of the most important ones being disproportion, i.e. unequal pace of its introduction at different university and vocational studies in Croatia. These discrepancies cannot be eliminated without active support by all the actors participating in the education process. The greatest responsibility, nevertheless, lies with the people directly in charge of the e-learning process. To fulfil its task more efficiently, e-learning management requires relevant information on different aspects of its usage, as well as its acceptance among students. With this aim in mind, we conducted a survey of student attitudes at Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek. This paper presents the results of this research, which are based on application of various statistical methods, primarily cluster analysis.e-learning management, attitudes of students, relevant information, cluster analysis

    Analysis of Differences in Attitudes Between Managers and Non-Managing Employees

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    The basic task of managers is to establish and maintain the conditions required for joint activities of individuals aimed at efficient achievement of goals set by the organization they work for. An organization, be it non-profit or for-profit, will perform better and fulfil its mission more efficiently if its employees have a more positive outlook on different aspects of their work, but also on other work-related issues. It is therefore advisable to conduct frequent attitude surveys of both managers and non-managing employees. The results of such analyses could then be the basis for taking appropriate decisions and measures in the domain of human resource management. The research presented in this paper seeks to explore the differences in attitudes between these two employee categories regarding different aspects of material and non-material character. With this in mind, a sample was gathered of 360 respondents from the area of Osijek-Baranja County. Appropriate methods of descriptive and inferential statistics, as well as factor analysis were used to analyze the collected data.attitudes of managers and employees, analysis of differences, human resource management, statistical methods

    Modeling the short-term effect of traffic on air pollution in Torino with generalized additive models

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    Vehicular traffic typically plays an important role in atmospheric pollution. This is especially true in urban areas, where high pollutant concentrations are often observed. In this paper, we consider hourly measures of concentrations of nitrogen oxides (NO, NO2 and NOx), carbon oxide (CO) and particulate matter (PM), collected at the stations distributed throughout the city of Turin. To help explain the short-term behavior of the concentrations of these pollutants, we propose using generalized additive models (GAM), focusing in particular on traffic along with the meteorological predictors. All the data are collected during the period from December 2003 to April 2005.urban area, air quality, vehicular traffic, CO, NO2, NOx, NO, PM, generalized additive models
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