1,522 research outputs found

    Pairwise balanced designs covered by bounded flats

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    We prove that for any KK and dd, there exist, for all sufficiently large admissible vv, a pairwise balanced design PBD(v,K)(v,K) of dimension dd for which all dd-point-generated flats are bounded by a constant independent of vv. We also tighten a prior upper bound for K={3,4,5}K = \{3,4,5\}, in which case there are no divisibility restrictions on the number of points. One consequence of this latter result is the construction of latin squares `covered' by small subsquares

    Mutually orthogonal latin squares with large holes

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    Two latin squares are orthogonal if, when they are superimposed, every ordered pair of symbols appears exactly once. This definition extends naturally to `incomplete' latin squares each having a hole on the same rows, columns, and symbols. If an incomplete latin square of order nn has a hole of order mm, then it is an easy observation that n2mn \ge 2m. More generally, if a set of tt incomplete mutually orthogonal latin squares of order nn have a common hole of order mm, then n(t+1)mn \ge (t+1)m. In this article, we prove such sets of incomplete squares exist for all n,m0n,m \gg 0 satisfying n8(t+1)2mn \ge 8(t+1)^2 m


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    The red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta), abbreviated as RIFA, is believed to have been brought by accident to Mobile, Alabama in the 1930s via ship ballast from South America. The RIFA was first reported in Charleston and Orangeburg counties in South Carolina in 1952 and has since spread to all 46 counties in the state. The RIFA has had adverse impacts on the environments it has infested. In natural environments, the young of ground-nesting insects, reptiles, birds and mammals are subject to RIFA predation. In agriculture, the RIFA damages crops and livestock. The RIFA poses a health threat to humans, as it is aggressive and has a venomous sting. To learn more about the current impacts of the RIFA, a random sample of South Carolina households was conducted between November 1998 and January 1999. This report summarizes the survey results.Environmental Economics and Policy,

    Improved model of the triple system V746 Cas that has a bipolar magnetic field associated with the tertiary

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    V746 Cas is known to be a triple system composed of a close binary with an alternatively reported period of either 25.4d or 27.8d and a third component in a 62000d orbit. The object was also reported to exhibit multiperiodic light variations with periods from 0.83d to 2.50d, on the basis of which it was classified as a slowly pulsating B star. Interest in further investigation of this system was raised by the detection of a variable magnetic field. Analysing spectra from four instruments, earlier published radial velocities, and several sets of photometric observations, we arrived at the following conclusions: (1) The optical spectrum is dominated by the lines of the B-type primary (Teff1~16500(100) K), contributing 70% of the light in the optical region, and a slightly cooler B tertiary (Teff3~13620(150) K). The lines of the low-mass secondary are below our detection threshold; we estimate that it could be a normal A or F star. (2) We resolved the ambiguity in the value of the inner binary period and arrived at a linear ephemeris of T_super.conj.=HJD 2443838.78(81)+25.41569(42)xE. (3) The intensity of the magnetic field undergoes a~sinusoidal variation in phase with one of the known photometric periods, namely 2.503867(19)d, which we identify with the rotational period of the tertiary. (4) The second photometric 1.0649524(40)d period is identified with the rotational period of the B-type primary, but this interpretation is much less certain and needs further verification. (5) If our interpretation of photometric periods is confirmed, the classification of the object as a slowly pulsating B star should be revised. (6) Applying an N-body model to different types of available observational data, we constrain the orbital inclination of the inner orbit to ~60 deg to 85 deg even in the absence of eclipses, and estimate the probable properties of the triple system and its components.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Regional- and agonist-dependent facilitation of human neurogastrointestinal functions by motilin receptor agonists

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Delayed gastric emptying is poorly managed. Motilin agonists are potential treatments but inadequate understanding into how enteric nerve functions are stimulated compromises drug/dose selection. Resolution is hampered by extreme species dependency so methods were developed to study human gastrointestinal neuromuscular activities and the neurobiology of motilin. EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH: Protocols to study neuromuscular activities were developed for different regions of human stomach and intestine (71 patients) using circular muscle preparations and electrical field stimulation (EFS) of intrinsic nerves. Other tissues were fixed for immunohistochemistry. KEY RESULTS: EFS evoked contractions and/or relaxations via cholinergic and nitrergic neurons, with additional tachykinergic activity in colon; these were consistent after 154 min (longer if stored overnight). Motilin 1–300 nM and the selective motilin agonist GSK962040 0.1–30 µM acted pre-junctionally to strongly facilitate cholinergic contractions of the antrum (E(max)≍ 1000% for motilin), with smaller increases in fundus, duodenum and ileum; high concentrations increased baseline muscle tension in fundus and small intestine. There were minimal effects in the colon. In the antrum, cholinergic facilitation by motilin faded irregularly, even with peptidase inhibitors, whereas facilitation by GSK962040 was long lasting. Motilin receptor immunoreactivity was identified in muscle and myenteric plexus predominantly in the upper gut, co-expressed with choline acetyltransferase in neurons. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: Motilin and GSK962040 strongly facilitated cholinergic activity in the antrum, with lower activity in fundus and small intestine only. Facilitation by motilin was short lived, consistent with participation in migrating motor complexes. Long-lasting facilitation by GSK962040 suggests different receptor interactions and potential for clinical evaluation. LINKED ARTICLE: This article is commented on by Depoortere, pp. 760–762 of this issue. To view this commentary visit http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1476-5381.2012.02046.

    The Effect of Handwashing with Antiseptic Soap and Water on Reducing Hospital-Acquired Infections

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    Nurses predominantly use antiseptic hand sanitizer in place of general hand washing. However, hand sanitizers are not always the best method for controlling the spread of bacteria especially among children. Our research question states, in the pediatric units, what is the effect of hand washing with antiseptic soap on reducing health acquired infections? The use of proper hand washing techniques of healthcare workers in pediatric units are not compliant. We conducted a systematic review of the literature to answer our research question. We created a practice protocol to promote compliance of proper hand washing. This practice could help hospital reduce costs by decreasing hospital-acquired infections

    Compositional and Microstructural Evolution of Olivine During Pulsed Laser Irradiation: Insights Based on a FIB/Field-Emission TEM Study

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    Introduction: The use of pulsed laser irradiation to simulate the short duration, high-energy conditions characteristic of micrometeorite impacts is now an established approach in experimental space weathering studies. The laser generates both melt and vapor deposits that contain nanophase metallic Fe (npFe(sup 0)) grains with size distributions and optical properties similar to those in natural impact-generated melt and vapor deposits. There remains uncertainty, however, about how well lasers simulate the mechanical work and internal (thermal) energy partitioning that occurs in actual impacts. We are currently engaged in making a direct comparison between the products of laser irradiation and experimental/natural hypervelocity impacts. An initial step reported here is to use analytical TEM is to attain a better understanding of how the microstructure and composition of laser deposits evolve over multiple cycles of pulsed laser irradiation. Experimental Methods: We irradiated pressed-powder pellets of San Carlos olivine (Fo(sub 90)) with up to 99 rastered pulses of a GAM ArF excimer laser. The irradiated surface of the sample were characterized by SEM imaging and areas were selected for FIB cross sectioning for TEM study using an FEI Quanta dual-beam electron/focused ion beam instrument. FIB sections were characterized using a JEOL2500SE analytical field-emission scanning transmission electron microscope (FE-STEM) optimized for quantitative element mapping at less than 10 nm spatial resolutions. Results: In the SEM the 99 pulse pressed pellet sample shows a complex, inhomogeneous, distribution of laser-generated material, largely concentrated in narrow gaps and larger depressions between grains. Local concentrations of npFe0 spherules 0.1 to 1 micrometers in size are visible within these deposits in SEM back-scatter images. Fig. 1 shows bright-field STEM images of a FIB cross-section of a one of these deposits that continuously covers the top and sloping side of an olivine grain. The deposit has 3 microstructurally distinct sub-layers composed of silicate glass with varying modal fractions and size distributions of npFe( sup 0) spherules, along with nanocrystalline silicate material. A relatively thin (50-300 nm) topmost surface layer has a high-concentration of npFe0 spherules 5-20 nm in size. Element mapping shows the layer to be enriched in Fe by a factor of 2.5 relative to the olivine substrate, with Mg and Si depleted by 20% and 10% respectively. This is compositionally complementary to the underlying, middle layer of the deposit that is depleted in Fe, enriched in Mg and has a much lower npFe0 concentration. A third layer of nanocrystalline olivine occurs at the substrate interface. Discussion: The FE-STEM results suggest the topmost layer is a vapor deposit, underlain by a thicker microstructurally complex melt-generated layer. The compositional relations suggest the melt layer was partially vaporized, preferentially losing more volatile elements (e.g., Fe). The vaporized material re-condensed to form the thin, npFe(sup 0)-rich surface deposit during or immediately after the scan cycle. Nanocrystalline olivine that grew within the melt layer as it formed and cooled is similar in volume and microstructure to what we have observed in the impact melt lining of a micrometeorite impact crater in olivine. This suggest the time-temperature relations attained in the laser sample may not be too different from a micrometeorite impact. Our TEM observations, however, do not show evidence for the same level of mechanical dam-age (e.g., fracturing) seen around the natural micrometeorite crater

    Sex-dependent influence of endogenous estrogen in pulmonary hypertension

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    Rationale: The incidence of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is greater in women suggesting estrogens may play a role in the disease pathogenesis. Experimentally, in males exogenously administered estrogen can protect against PH; however in models that display female susceptibility estrogens may play a causative role. Objectives: To clarify the influence of endogenous estrogen and gender in PH and assess the therapeutic potential of a clinically available aromatase inhibitor. Methods: We interrogated the effect of reduced endogenous estrogen in males and females using the aromatase inhibitor, anastrozole, in two models of PH; the hypoxic mouse and Sugen 5416/hypoxic rat. We also determined the effects of gender on pulmonary expression of aromatase in these models and in lungs from PAH patients. Results: Anastrozole attenuated PH in both models studied, but only in females. To verify this effect was due to reduced estrogenic activity we confirmed that in hypoxic mice inhibition of estrogen receptor alpha also has a therapeutic effect specifically in females. Female rodent lung displays increased aromatase and decreased BMPR2 and Id1 expression compared to male. Anastrozole treatment reversed the impaired BMPR2 pathway in females. Increased aromatase expression was also detected in female human pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells compared to male. Conclusions: The unique phenotype of female pulmonary arteries facilitates the therapeutic effects of anastrozole in experimental PH confirming a role for endogenous estrogen in the disease pathogenesis in females and suggests aromatase inhibitors may have therapeutic potential

    Irradiation of FeS: Implications for the Lifecycle of Sulfur in the Interstellar Medium and Presolar FeS Grains

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    Fe(Ni) sulfides are ubiquitous in chondritic meteorites and cometary samples where they are the dominant host of sulfur. Despite their abundance in these early solar system materials, their presence in interstellar and circumstellar environments is poorly understood. Fe-sulfides have been reported from astronomical observations of pre- and post-main sequence stars [1, 2] and occur as inclusions in bonafide circumstellar silicate grains [3, 4]. In cold, dense molecular cloud (MC) environments, sulfur is highly depleted from the gas phase [e.g. 5], yet observations of sulfur-bearing molecules in dense cores find a total abundance that is only a small fraction of the sulfur seen in diffuse regions [6], therefore the bulk of the depletion must reside in an abundant unobserved phase. In stark contrast, sulfur is essentially undepleted from the gas phase in the diffuse interstellar medium (ISM) [7-9], indicating that little sulfur is incorporated into solid grains in this environment. This is a rather puzzling observation unless Fe-sulfides are not produced in significant quantities in stellar outflows, or their lifetime in the ISM is very short due to rapid destruction. The main destruction mechanism is sputtering due to supernova shocks in the warm, diffuse ISM [10]. This process involves the reduction of Fe-sulfide with the production of Fe metal as a by-product and returning S to the gas phase. In order to test this hypothesis, we irradiated FeS and analyzed the resulting material using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM)

    Efficacy of pimobendan in the prevention of congestive heart failure or sudden death in doberman pinschers with preclinical dilated cardiomyopathy (the PROTECT study)

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    <p>Background: The benefit of pimobendan in delaying the progression of preclinical dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) in Dobermans is not reported.</p> <p>Hypothesis: That chronic oral administration of pimobendan to Dobermans with preclinical DCM will delay the onset of CHF or sudden death and improve survival.</p> <p>Animals: Seventy-six client-owned Dobermans recruited at 10 centers in the UK and North America.</p> <p>Methods: The trial was a randomized, blinded, placebo-controlled, parallel group multicenter study. Dogs were allocated in a 1:1 ratio to receive pimobendan (Vetmedin capsules) or visually identical placebo.</p> <p>The composite primary endpoint was prospectively defined as either onset of CHF or sudden death. Time to death from all causes was a secondary endpoint.</p> <p>Results: The proportion of dogs reaching the primary endpoint was not significantly different between groups (P = .1). The median time to the primary endpoint (onset of CHF or sudden death) was significantly longer in the pimobendan (718 days, IQR 441–1152 days) versus the placebo group (441 days, IQR 151–641 days) (log-rank P = 0.0088). The median survival time was significantly longer in the pimobendan (623 days, IQR 491–1531 days) versus the placebo group (466 days, IQR 236–710 days) (log-rank P = .034).</p> <p>Conclusion and Clinical Importance: The administration of pimobendan to Dobermans with preclinical DCM prolongs the time to the onset of clinical signs and extends survival. Treatment of dogs in the preclinical phase of this common cardiovascular disorder with pimobendan can lead to improved outcome.</p&gt