1,184 research outputs found

    Superfluidity and spin superfluidity in spinor Bose gases

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    We show that spinor Bose gases subject to a quadratic Zeeman effect exhibit coexisting superfluidity and spin superfluidity, and study the interplay between these two distinct types of superfluidity. To illustrate that the basic principles governing these two types of superfluidity are the same, we describe the magnetization and particle-density dynamics in a single hydrodynamic framework. In this description spin and mass supercurrents are driven by their respective chemical potential gradients. As an application, we propose an experimentally accessible stationary state, where the two types of supercurrents counterflow and cancel each other, thus resulting in no mass transport. Furthermore, we propose a straightforward setup to probe spin superfluidity by measuring the in-plane magnetization angle of the whole cloud of atoms. We verify the robustness of these findings by evaluating the four-magnon collision time, and find that the time scale for coherent (superfluid) dynamics is separated from that of the slower incoherent dynamics by one order of magnitude. Comparing the atom and magnon kinetics reveals that while the former can be hydrodynamic, the latter is typically collisionless under most experimental conditions. This implies that, while our zero-temperature hydrodynamic equations are a valid description of spin transport in Bose gases, a hydrodynamic description that treats both mass and spin transport at finite temperatures may not be readily feasible

    Magnon spin Hall magnetoresistance of a gapped quantum paramagnet

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    Motivated by recent experimental work, we consider spin transport between a normal metal and a gapped quantum paramagnet. We model the latter as the magnonic Mott-insulating phase of an easy-plane ferromagnetic insulator. We evaluate the spin current mediated by the interface exchange coupling between the ferromagnet and the adjacent normal metal. For the strongly interacting magnons that we consider, this spin current gives rise to a spin Hall magnetoresistance that strongly depends on the magnitude of the magnetic field, rather than its direction. This Letter may motivate electrical detection of the phases of quantum magnets and the incorporation of such materials into spintronic devices.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Spin motive forces and current fluctuations due to Brownian motion of domain walls

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    We compute the power spectrum of the noise in the current due to spin motive forces by a fluctuating domain wall. We find that the power spectrum of the noise in the current is colored, and depends on the Gilbert damping, the spin transfer torque parameter β\beta, and the domain-wall pinning potential and magnetic anisotropy. We also determine the average current induced by the thermally-assisted motion of a domain wall that is driven by an external magnetic field. Our results suggest that measuring the power spectrum of the noise in the current in the presence of a domain wall may provide a new method for characterizing the current-to-domain-wall coupling in the system.Comment: Submitted to "Special issue: Caloritronics" in Solid State Communication

    Quasiparticle Berry curvature and Chern numbers in spin-orbit coupled bosonic Mott insulators

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    We study the ground-state topology and quasiparticle properties in bosonic Mott insulators with two- dimensional spin-orbit couplings in cold atomic optical lattices. We show that the many-body Chern and spin-Chern number can be expressed as an integral of the quasihole Berry curvatures over the Brillouin zone. Using a strong-coupling perturbation theory, for an experimentally feasible spin-orbit coupling, we compute the Berry curvature and the spin Chern number and find that these quantities can be generated purely by interactions. We also compute the quasiparticle dispersions, spectral weights, and the quasimomentum space distribution of particle and spin density, which can be accessed in cold-atom experiments and used to deduce the Berry curvature and Chern numbers

    Many-body aspects of coherent atom-molecule oscillations

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    We study the many-body effects on coherent atom-molecule oscillations by means of an effective quantum field theory that describes Feshbach-resonant interactions in Bose gases in terms of an atom-molecule hamiltonian. We determine numerically the many-body corrections to the oscillation frequency for various densities of the atomic condensate. We also derive an analytic expression that approximately describes both the density and magnetic-field dependence of this frequency near the resonance. We find excellent agreement with experiment.Comment: 4 pages, revtex 4, v2: minor changes: corrected some typos/omissions, Discarded use of the term 'Rabi frequency' to avoid confusio

    Microscopic many-body theory of atomic Bose gases near a Feshbach resonance

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    A Feshbach resonance in the s-wave scattering length occurs if the energy of the two atoms in the incoming open channel is close to the energy of a bound state in a coupled closed channel. Starting from the microscopic hamiltonian that describes this situation, we derive the effective atom-molecule theory for a Bose gas near a Feshbach resonance. In order to take into account all two-body processes, we have to dress the bare couplings of the atom-molecule model with ladder diagrams. This results in a quantum field theory that exactly reproduces the scattering amplitude of the atoms and the bound-state energy of the molecules. Since these properties are incorporated at the quantum level, the theory can be applied both above and below the critical temperature of the gas. Moreover, making use of the true interatomic potentials ensures that no divergences are encountered at any stage of the calculation. We also present the mean-field theory for the Bose-Einstein condensed phase of the gas.Comment: Submitted to the Journal of Optics B special issue on the 7th International Workshop on Atom Optics and Interferometr

    Phenomenology of current-skyrmion interactions in thin films with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy

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    We study skyrmions in magnetic thin films with structural inversion asymmetry perpendicular to the film plane. We determine the magnetization texture of a single skyrmion and its dependence on the strength of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction relative to the magnetostatic energy. Furthermore, we construct a phenomenological model that describes the interaction between the motion of skyrmions and electric currents to lowest order in spin-orbit coupling. We estimate the experimental verifiable velocities for current-driven motion of skyrmion textures based on available results obtained from domain walls dynamics
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