70 research outputs found

    Image resizing with minimum distortion

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    Displays became cheap and were combined with many devices, like camera, mobile, and so on…, so there has been an increased interest on resizing methods to make the image suitable and fill any screen size. Common and known methods like cropping or resampling can cause undesirable effects such as: losses in information or distortion in perception. Recently, content-aware image resizing methods have been proposed to get rid of these problems and produce exceptional results. Seam-carving produced by Avidan and Shamir has gained attention as an effective solution. This paper discussed about this method and used it to resize (minimize and maximize) four colored images vertically and horizontally respectively, and maintained the main features of the images by deleting or repeating only the uninfluenced features. The energy map was calculated that described the basic and influential details of the image using energy function. But instead of gradient function (as in Avidan and Shamir) entropy function was used to compute the energy of the images. A vertical or a horizontal seam of pixels with minimum energy values was either deleted or inserted to resize the image. Good results were obtained especially when the image contains spaces within its details. The work was programmed using Matlab2018a

    Nonplannar Nonlinear Dust ion Acoustics Solitary and Shock Waves in a Dusty Multi-ion Plasma

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    We have presented a stern theoretical exploration of the nonplannar and nonlinear propagation of dust-ion acoustic (DIA) waves in a dusty multi-ion plasma. We studied the progation of nonplannar non-linear DIA waves by the reductive perturbation method which leads to the the derivation of the Burgers [Korteweg de-Vries (K-dV)] equation for the shock (solitary) wave propagation. The shock (solitary) waves are found to be formed in a multi-ion dusty plasma due to the balance between nonlinearity and dissipation (dispersion), and that the dissipation (dispersion) arises due to the dust charge fluctuation (deviation of charge neutrality condition). We have analized the effects of nonplannar and nonlinear geometry on the DIA shock and solitary waves propagating in such a dusty multi-ion plasma. We have shown that the nonplanar (cylindrical and spherical) solitary and shock structures are significantly different from planner one

    Phytochemical Characterization using GC-MS Analysis of Methanolic Extract of Moringa oleifera ( Family Moringaceae) Plant Cultivated in Iraq

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    Objective: The aim of the present study was to characterize the Moringa oleifera plant cultivated in Iraq for the presence of biologically active phyto-chemicals using methanolic extracts of the plant (leaves and seeds)  . This study was determined by using Gas Chromatography –Mass spectrometry, while the mass spectra of the compounds found in the extract was matched with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) library. Methods: In the present investigation, methanolic extracts of Moringa oleifera were screened for the presence of steroids, alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids, terpenoids, anthraquinoin and cardiac glycosides  by standard qualitative test procedures and further this study was extended by analyzing the potent bioactive compounds in the methanolic extract of plant using GC-MS analysis. Results:  reveal the presence of different compounds (about 100 compound)  in the Moringa plant extract  among them alkaloids, terpenoids  steroids, saturated and unsaturated fatty acid, aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbon, polyphenolic compounds . GC-MS was done using the database of National Institute of standard and Technology (NIST). Conclusion: Results confirmed the presence of therapeutically potent compounds in the Moringa extract predominantly steroids, flavonoids and terpenoids. Keywords: Moringa oleifera, biologically active, Phytochemicals, GC-MS analysis

    Analisis Pelaksanaan Penilaian Autentik Kurikulum 2013 Mata Pelajaran Biologi di SMA Negeri 9 Gowa

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    Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan dapat diperoleh informasi bahwa (1)Pelaksanaan penilaian autentik dalam pembelajaran biologi kurikulum 2013 di SMA Negeri 9 Gowa sudah terlaksana sesuai tuntutan kurikulum 2013. (2) Hambatan-hambatan yang dialami guru biologi dalam pelaksanaan penilaian autentik yaitu daya serap siswa berbeda-beda, prosedur penilaian yang terlalu banyak, serta banyak waktu yang digunakan membuat beban guru bertambah dan waktu siswa untuk mengerjakan tugas juga terbatas

    Preparation and study of the Structural, Morphological and Optical properties of pure Tin Oxide Nanoparticle doped with Cu

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                 في هذه الدراسة، تم تصنيع جزيئاتSnO2  النانويه النقيه والمشوبة بالنحاس بواسطة طريقه الترسيب الكيميائي . تم استخدام SnCl2.2H2O , CuCl2.2H2O  كمواد خام . تم تلدين المواد عند°C 550 لمدة 3ساعات من اجل تحسين التبلور. اظهرت نتائج حيود الاشعه السينية ان العينات تبلورت في طورمن نوع  رباعي الروتيل , SnO2  نظرا ان متوسط الحجم البلوري لSnO2 النقي 9 نانومتر ويختلف مع تغير منشطات النحاس (0.5%, 1%, 1.5%, 2%, 2.5%, 3%) , ، ( 8.35 ,8.36 ,8.67 , 9,7 ,8.86) نانومتر على التوالي والتركيب البلوريSnO2  لا يتغير مع ادخال النحاس , أكدت نتائج SEM للنقاوة والمخدر أن حجم الجسيمات يقع في نطاق (25-56) نانومتر داخل الحجم النانوي .كانت دراسات UV-ViS  حيث كشف التحليل الطيفي للانعكاس ان طاقه فجوة النطاق تزداد مع زيادة نسب المنشطات (4.18,4.33 ,4.21 , 4.21 4.35,4.23 ) الكترون فولت للنقي والمشوب بالنحاس ( (0.5%, 1%, 1.5%, 2%, 2.5%, 3%) على توالي . واظهرت نتائج AFM معدل الخشونة، SPMوحجم الحبوب للعينات النقيه والمشوبة وان معدل الخشونة نانومتر و (3.04, 25,27,16,41.8,23.6,25.2) ومعدل القطر (98.9, 72.56,92.91, 88.38, 76.79, 70.94, 71.21) نانومتر للنقي والمشوب على التوالي.                   In this study, pure SnO2 Nanoparticles doped with Cu were synthesized by a chemical precipitation method. Using SnCl2.2H2O, CuCl2.2H2O as raw materials, the materials were annealed at 550°C for 3 hours in order to improve crystallization. The XRD results showed that the samples crystallized in the tetragonal rutile type SnO2 stage. As the average SnO2 crystal size is pure 9nm and varies with the change of Cu doping (0.5%, 1%, 1.5%, 2%, 2.5%, 3%),( 8.35, 8.36, 8.67, 9 ,7, 8.86)nm respectively an increase in crystal size to 2.5% decreases at this rate and that the crystal of SnO2 does not change with the introduction of Cu, and SEM results of the pure and doped confirmed that the particle size is within the range (25-56)nm within the nanosize. UV-Vis studies of reflection spectroscopy revealed that energy of band gap increased with increasing doping ratios (4.33,4.18 ,4.21, 4.21 4.23,4.35) ev For pure and doped with Cu (0.5%, 1%, 1.5%, 2%, 2.5%, 3%) respectively. Results of AFM show roughness rate, SPM and grain size of pure samples doped with Cu where the roughness rate of SnO2 is (3.04, 25,27,16,41.8,23.6,25.2) nm and average diameter is (98.9, 72.56 ,92.91, 88.38, 76.79, 70.94, 71.21) nm for pure and doped with Copper (0.5%, 1%, 1.5%, 2%, 2.5%, 3%) respectively

    Almond, Hazelnut, and Pistachio Skin: An Opportunity for Nutraceuticals

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    Nuts are dry, single-seeded fruits, with a combination of beneficial compounds that aid in disease prevention and treatment. This review aims to summarize the antioxidant components and the nutraceutical properties and applications of hazelnut, almond, and pistachio skins, as well as discuss their ability to prevent and treat specific diseases based on in vitro and in vivo studies. The search strategy included searching PubMed database and Google Scholar for relevant articles published in English. Research articles focusing on hazelnut, pistachio, and almond were included. The nut skin extracts were considered and other by-products were excluded from this search. Pistachio and almond skin hydroalcoholic extracts have antibacterial effects and decrease the risk of liver cancer by eliminating reactive oxygen species. Moreover, hazelnut skin can lower plasma against low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol, thus reducing the risk of colon cancer, and its polyphenolic extract can also decrease the formation of advanced glycation end products in vitro with multidimensional effects. Overall, hazelnut, pistachio, and almond skins are a great source of antioxidants, making them suitable for nutraceuticals’ development

    Studying the Effect of Glass - Fiber on Electrical Conductivity of Polyamide Composite Material

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    The electrical conductivity of glass fibre reinforced polyamide composite materials was investigated for both weight fraction of glass fibre and frequency. This study is focused on various types of glass fibres (S, E&C) and different weight fractions (10, 20, 30 &40) at frequencies (50, 500, 1000, 105 &106) Hz. The results exhibited addition glass fibre fillers on matrix material were apparent good electrical conductivity at high weight fraction comparing to their low percentage account of the fillers created conductive path in the matrix material, it reached to (2.52, 2.1&2.21)* 10-10 S/cm for C-glass fiber, E-glass fiber and S-glass fiber; respectively at %40 weight fraction. Also that electrical conductivity increased with increasing in frequency due to charges movement in the dielectric material