24 research outputs found

    Importance of the Public Service in Achieving the UN SDGs

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    Public service is the engine of effective governance delivery in the world economy; governments across the world cannot function well without the enabling structures of public administration to deliver on their mandate as set out mostly in (political) manifestos, while also making sure the core mandate for meeting citizens’ basic welfare needs are made available through an efficient market system. The operation of such a market system must enable entities or agents to act in the best interest of delivering high services, which would have already been set as dictated through regulation of the legal system – this should also facilitate the presence of information symmetry for agents to operate (Jackson and Jabbie, 2019; Winston, 2006; Weiner and Vining, 2004)


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    Is privatization related to corruption? An empirical analysis of European countries

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    [EN] This study analyses the relationship between privatization and corruption in Europe over the period 1995 to 2013, taking into account the problems surrounding the issue of causality. There have been researches into the role of privatization in reducing corruption, but decisions about privatization itself are made by politicians, so corruption could affect also decision-making about privatizations. The empirical findings suggest that perceived corruption decreases as the number of privatization transactions increases, but the effect is contrary when privatizations are a more important in terms of annual revenues. Furthermore, our results indicate that overall, privatizations carried out since the early 1980s have not been effective in reducing corruption in Europe. Indeed, privatizations reforms are more carried out in the less corrupt countries.Consolidated Research Group EJ/GV: IT 897-16