6 research outputs found

    Belt buckle with almandine ornament and pieces of fabric from a warrior grave discovered in Novi Čeminac, in Baranja

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    Tema je članka jedinstveni nalaz kopče pronađene na brojčano malom groblju germanske pripadnosti u Novom Čemincu u hrvatskoj Baranji. Željezna, almandinima bogato ukraÅ”ena pojasna kopča pronađena je in situ iznad zdjelice pokojnika i djelomično ispod mača, a bila je dio vojnog pojasa. Kopča iz Novog Čeminca nema neposredne paralele, a prema tipoloÅ”kim i stilskim karakteristikama, pripada krugu mediteranskih kopči druge polovine 5. i početka 6. stoljeća. Analiza očuvane tkanine na stražnjoj strani kopče pokazala je da je riječ o dijelu odjeće pokojnika, a vjerojatno je riječ o dijelu gornjeg, Å”irega odjevnog predmeta, skupljenog i opasanoga pojasom. Tkanina je fine, vjerojatno lokalne proizvodnje te relativno tipičnih tehničkih karakteristika za srednju Europu onoga razdoblja.The topic of the article is the unique find of a buckle, discovered at a small Germanic cemetery in Novi Čeminac, in Baranja, Croatia. An abundantly decorated iron belt buckle was discovered in situ above the pelvis of the deceased, and partially under the sword, and was a part of a soldierā€™s belt. The buckle from Novi Čeminac does not have related examples at other sites; and, according to typological and stylistic characteristics, it belongs to the circle of Mediterranean buckles of the second half of the 5th century and the beginning of the 6th. Analysis of the fabric discovered on the back of the belt buckle shows that it was part of the deceasedā€™s clothes, and it is possible that it was the upper garment, a wider piece of attire, gathered and girded with a belt. The cloth is of fine manufacture, probably local, and shows technical characteristics relatively typical of the Central Europe of that period

    Field reconnaissance, geophysical survey and trial excavations within the project ā€œArchaeological topography of the island of Rabā€ in 2017

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    Tijekom rujna 2017. godine terenskim je pregledima i geofizičkim istraživanjima obuhvaćeno viÅ”e lokaliteta na otoku Rabu s naglaskom na loparski poluotok, gdje su provedena i sondažna istraživanja na lokalitetu Podkućine u uvali PodÅ”ilo. Mahom su obuhvaćeni lokaliteti antičke i kasnoantičke datacije i to oni ruralno-gospodarskoga karaktera, a zahvaljujući interdisciplinarnom istraživačkom pristupu prikupljeni podaci ukazuju na njihovo prostiranje, kronologiju i međusobni suodnos. Dio aktivnosti proveden je u sklopu projekta RED ā€“ Rimska ekonomija u Dalmaciji Hrvatske zaklade za znanost (IP-11-2013-3973).A series of field and geophysical surveys were carried out in September 2017 on multiple sites on the island of Rab, in particular within Lopar peninsula, where trial excavations have also been conducted. The activities were carried out thanks to the collaboration of the Institute of archaeology in Zagreb (Dr. A. Konestra), the Institute of Archaeology of Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw (Dr. hab. F. Welc, geophysical measurements and data processing) and the Archaeological Museum in Zagreb (A. Dugonjić). All sites included in the activities are of Roman - late Roman date and of probable rural-productive character. Thanks to the interdisciplinary approach, data gathered allows to shed light on the sites\u27 extent, chronology and inter-site relations. Part of the activities were carried out within the framework of project RED ā€“ Roman economy in Dalmatia of the Croatian science foundation (IP-11-2013-3973). Geophysical surveys, including Ground - Penetrating Radar (GPR) and the magnetic (gradiometer) method, were conducted on the sites Za Markovićem (Konestra et al. 2017), Lukovac (ČauÅ”ević-Bully, Bully 2014) and in six areas within PodÅ”ilo bay on Lopar (Fig. 1). On the basis of their results, a trial trench has been positioned at the Podkućine site (Area 1) (Fig. 4), yielding architecture and stratigraphic remains of the eastern section of a quadrangular 11 x 11 m sized building. Small finds suggest the construction and use of the building within the 4th - 6th c., while the find of a column base indicates the possibility of the existence of a porch or colonnade (Fig. 5). Prospections carried out at two other locations within PodÅ”ilo bay (Areas 3 and 5) (Fig. 3), resulted in definition of two rectangular structures on the northern slopes of the bay and, nearby a previously excavated pottery kiln (Lipovac Vrkljan, Å iljeg 2012), the badly preserved remains of another kiln. Field survey on the shores in the Barbat area located a scatter of pottery finds, probably pertaining to a coastal settlement of late Roman date and destroyed by later infrastructural activities

    Research within the ā€œArchaeological topography of the Island of Rabā€ project at Lopar in 2018: new data on Prehistoric and late Antique sites

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    Istraživanja u sklopu projekta ArheoloÅ”ka topografija otoka Raba provode se, u posljednjim kampanjama, nizom interdisciplinarnih metoda koje olakÅ”avaju kako identifikaciju, tako i dokumentiranje utvrđenih lokaliteta i položaja te uz njih povezanoga krajolika. Također, od 2016. godine pristupilo se probnome sondiranju pojedinih lokaliteta u svrhu provjere podataka i dobivanja jasnije kronologije. Slijedom tako postavljene metodologije, pristupilo se istraživanjima lokaliteta loparskoga poluotoka i tijekom kampanje 2018. godine, odnosno provedena su probna sondiranja i geoarheoloÅ”ka istraživanja u uvali PodÅ”ilo, geofizička mjerenja na rtu KaÅ”telina kao i reambulacija Å”irih područja rta Å ilo i uvale Dubac. Rezultati, iako joÅ” uvijek preliminarni, daju naslutiti kompleksno koriÅ”tenje uvale PodÅ”ilo u kasnoantičkome razdoblju, dok su na rtu KaÅ”telina zabilježeni mogući ostaci željeznodobne naseobinske arhitekture.The latest research campaigns within the project Archaeological Topography of the Island of Rab have included a series of interdisciplinary methods facilitating the identification and documentation of the determined sites, locations, and their surroundings. Also, test trenches have been made on certain sites since 2016 to verify the data and obtain a clearer chronology. On the basis of this methodology, sites on Lopar peninsula have been researched in the 2018 campaign too. The works included test trenches and geoarchaeological research in PodÅ”ilo bay, geophysical measurements on cape KaÅ”telina, and a survey of the wider areas of cape Å ilo and Dubac cove. The results are still preliminary, but they already point to a complex use of PodÅ”ilo bay in late antiquity, while possible remains of Iron Age settlement architecture have been recorded on cape KaÅ”telina

    Multidisciplinary insight into late Roman rural settlement on the northeastern Adriatic coast of Croatia: Island of Rab case study

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    Results of multidisciplinary research conducted on the island of Rab (Northeastern Adriatic, Croatia) are presented with particular focus on late Roman rural settlements and their economic activities. The settlement in PodŔilo bay, Lopar peninsula, is analyzed in more detail, providing evidence on a vibrant local community engaged in diversified craft activities and the exploitation of local land and marine resources. Along with the specificities of its layout and organization, this site also presents unique possibilities to study environmental factors that influenced its setup and economy, but also its demise, tentatively placed within the 6th century AD

    Research within the ā€œArchaeological topography of the Island of Rabā€ project at Lopar in 2018: new data on Prehistoric and late Antique sites

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    Istraživanja u sklopu projekta ArheoloÅ”ka topografija otoka Raba provode se, u posljednjim kampanjama, nizom interdisciplinarnih metoda koje olakÅ”avaju kako identifikaciju, tako i dokumentiranje utvrđenih lokaliteta i položaja te uz njih povezanoga krajolika. Također, od 2016. godine pristupilo se probnome sondiranju pojedinih lokaliteta u svrhu provjere podataka i dobivanja jasnije kronologije. Slijedom tako postavljene metodologije, pristupilo se istraživanjima lokaliteta loparskoga poluotoka i tijekom kampanje 2018. godine, odnosno provedena su probna sondiranja i geoarheoloÅ”ka istraživanja u uvali PodÅ”ilo, geofizička mjerenja na rtu KaÅ”telina kao i reambulacija Å”irih područja rta Å ilo i uvale Dubac. Rezultati, iako joÅ” uvijek preliminarni, daju naslutiti kompleksno koriÅ”tenje uvale PodÅ”ilo u kasnoantičkome razdoblju, dok su na rtu KaÅ”telina zabilježeni mogući ostaci željeznodobne naseobinske arhitekture.The latest research campaigns within the project Archaeological Topography of the Island of Rab have included a series of interdisciplinary methods facilitating the identification and documentation of the determined sites, locations, and their surroundings. Also, test trenches have been made on certain sites since 2016 to verify the data and obtain a clearer chronology. On the basis of this methodology, sites on Lopar peninsula have been researched in the 2018 campaign too. The works included test trenches and geoarchaeological research in PodÅ”ilo bay, geophysical measurements on cape KaÅ”telina, and a survey of the wider areas of cape Å ilo and Dubac cove. The results are still preliminary, but they already point to a complex use of PodÅ”ilo bay in late antiquity, while possible remains of Iron Age settlement architecture have been recorded on cape KaÅ”telina

    A genetic history of the Balkans from Roman frontier to Slavic migrations

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    The rise and fall of the Roman Empire was a socio-political process with enormous ramifications for human history. The Middle Danube was a crucial frontier and a crossroads for population and cultural movement. Here, we present genome-wide data from 136 Balkan individuals dated to the 1st millennium CE. Despite extensive militarization and cultural influence, we find little ancestry contribution from peoples of Italic descent. However, we trace a large-scale influx of people of Anatolian ancestry during the Imperial period. Between 250 and 550 CE, we detect migrants with ancestry from Central/Northern Europe and the Steppe, confirming that ā€˜ā€˜barbarianā€™ā€™ migrations were propelled by ethnically diverse confederations. Following the end of Roman control, we detect the large-scale arrival of individuals who were genetically similar to modern Eastern European Slavic-speaking populations, who contributed 30%ā€“60% of the ancestry of Balkan people, representing one of the largest permanent demographic changes anywhere in Europe during the Migration Period