464 research outputs found

    Prospects and Pitfalls of Desalination Development: Insights From Three States

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    Like Coleridge’s sailor in the Rime of the Ancient Mariner, burgeoning coastal communities in the United States have long lamented the fact that while situated by vast expanses of ocean water, they could not slake their growing thirst with it. Increasing populations, steady demand, and declining. Freshwater sources have amplified the problem across the U.S., particularly in the country’s three most populous states: California, Texas, and Florida. This paper examines efforts in three states to bring desalination plants online to transform saline water into a secure water supply

    Superspace approach to the renormalization of the O'Raifeartaigh model up to the second order in the LDE parameter

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    We adopt a superspace/supergraph formalism to pursue the investigation of the structure of one- and two-loop divergences in the frame of the minimal O'Raifeartaigh model that realizes the F-term spontaneous supersymmetry breaking. The linear delta expansion(LDE) procedure is introduced and renormalization is carried out up to the second order in the LDE expansion parameter. In agreement with the nonrenormalization theorem for the (chiral/antichiral) matter potential of N=1, D=4{\mathcal N}=1, \ D=4 supersymmetry, our explicit supergraph calculations confirm that only the K\"{a}hler potential is actually renomalized.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures, revtex4. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:0904.467

    Book Reviews

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    PUBLIC PLANNING AND CONTROL OF URBAN AND LAND DEVELOPMENT. CASES AND MATERIALS. By Donald G. Hagman. St. Paul: West Publishing Co., 1973. Pp. 1208. 18.50.UNIONPOWERANDTHEPUBLICINTEREST.ByDr.EmersonP.Schmidt.LosAngeles:NashPublishing,1973.Pp.204.18.50. UNION POWER AND THE PUBLIC INTEREST. By Dr. Emerson P. Schmidt. Los Angeles: Nash Publishing, 1973. Pp. 204. 10.00. THE BENCHWARMERS: THE PRIVATE WORLD OF THE POWERFUL FEDERAL JUDGES. By Joseph C. Goulden. New York: Weybright and Talley, 1974. Pp. 375. $12.50

    Book Reviews

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    FEDERAL JUDGES: THE APPOINTING PROCESS. By Harold W. Chase. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1972. Pp. xiii, 240. CORPORATE LIB: WOMEN\u27S CHALLENGE TO MANAGEMENT. Edited by Eli Ginzberg and Alice M. Yohalem. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1973. Pp. x, 153. URBAN JUSTICE: LAW AND\u27 ORDER IN AMERICAN CITIES. By Herbert Jacob. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1973. Pp. viii, 145. THE CONSCIENCE OF A LAWYER. By David Mellinkoff. St. Paul: West Publishing Company, 1973. Pp. x, 304

    The ‘caged torch procession’: Celebrities, protesters and the 2008 Olympic torch relay in London, Paris and San Francisco

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    Along with the opening and closing ceremonies, one of the major non-sports events associated with the modern Olympic Games is the torch relay. Although initiated in 1936, the relay has been subject to relatively little academic scrutiny. The events of April 2008 however will have cast a long shadow on the practice. This essay focuses primarily on one week (6–13 April) in the press coverage of the 2008 torch relay as the flame made its way from London to Paris in Europe and then to San Francisco in the USA. It discusses the interpretations offered in the mediated coverage about the relay, the Olympic movement, the host city and the locations where the relay was taking place, and critically analyses the role of agencies, both for and against the Olympics, that framed the ensuing debate

    Phosphorus retention in a lowland Neotropical stream following an eight-year enrichment experiment

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    Human alteration of the global P cycle has led to widespread P loading in freshwater ecosystems. Much research has been devoted to the capacity of wetlands and lakes to serve as long-term sinks for P inputs from the watershed, but we know much less about the potential of headwater streams to serve in this role. We assessed storage and retention of P in biotic and abiotic compartments after an 8-y experimental P addition to a 1st-order stream in a Neotropical wet forest. Sediment P extractions indicated that nearly all P storage was in the form of Fe- and Al-bound P (∼700 μg P/g dry sediment), similar to nearby naturally high-P streams. At the end of the enrichment, ∼25% of the total P added over the 8-y study was still present in sediments within 200 m of the injection site, consistent with water-column measurements showing sustained levels of high net P uptake throughout the experiment. Sediment P declined to baseline levels (∼100 μg P/g dry sediment) over 4 y after the enrichment ended. Leaf-litter P content increased nearly 2× over background levels during P enrichment and was associated with a 3× increase in microbial respiration rates, although these biotic responses were low compared to nearby naturally high- P streams. Biotic storage accounted for \u3c0.03% of retention of the added P. Our results suggest that the high sorption capacity of these sediments dampened the biotic effects of P loading and altered the timing and quantity of P exported downstream

    Towards a just and fair Internet: applying Rawls’ principles of justice to Internet regulation

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    I suggest that the social justice issues raised by Internet regulation be exposed and examined by using a methodology adapted from that described by John Rawls in A Theory of Justice. Rawls’ theory uses the hypothetical scenario of people deliberating about the justice of social institutions from the ‘original position’ as a method of removing bias in decision-making about justice. The original position imposes a ‘veil of ignorance’ that hides the particular circumstances of individuals from them so that they will not be influenced by self-interest. I adapt Rawls’ methodology by introducing an abstract description of information technology to those deliberating about justice from within the original position. This abstract description focuses on information devices that users can use to access information (and which may record information about them as well) and information networks that information devices use to communicate. The abstractness of this description prevents the particular characteristics of the Internet and the computing devices in use from influencing the decisions about the just use and regulation of information technology and networks. From this abstract position, the principles of justice that the participants accept for the rest of society will also apply to the computing devices people use to communicate, and to Internet regulatio

    The value of Statistical Shape Models to Spine Surgery

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    The increased use of 3D models of organs or bones by the surgeon has lead to rapid development of new methods to automaKze model generaKon
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