9 research outputs found

    A fast analytical dose calculation approach for MRI-guided proton therapy.

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    Objective.Magnetic resonance (MR) is an innovative technology for online image guidance in conventional radiotherapy and is also starting to be considered for proton therapy as well. For MR-guided therapy, particularly for online plan adaptations, fast dose calculation is essential. Monte Carlo (MC) simulations, however, which are considered the gold standard for proton dose calculations, are very time-consuming. To address the need for an efficient dose calculation approach for MRI-guided proton therapy, we have developed a fast GPU-based modification of an analytical dose calculation algorithm incorporating beam deflections caused by magnetic fields.Approach.Proton beams (70-229 MeV) in orthogonal magnetic fields (0.5/1.5 T) were simulated using TOPAS-MC and central beam trajectories were extracted to generate look-up tables (LUTs) of incremental rotation angles as a function of water-equivalent depth. Beam trajectories are then reconstructed using these LUTs for the modified ray casting dose calculation. The algorithm was validated against MC in water, different materials and for four example patient cases, whereby it has also been fully incorporated into a treatment plan optimisation regime.Main results.Excellent agreement between analytical and MC dose distributions could be observed with sub-millimetre range deviations and differences in lateral shifts <2 mm even for high densities (1000 HU). 2%/2 mm gamma pass rates were comparable to the 0 T scenario and above 94.5% apart for the lung case. Further, comparable treatment plan quality could be achieved regardless of magnetic field strength.Significance.A new method for accurate and fast proton dose calculation in magnetic fields has been developed and successfully implemented for treatment plan optimisation

    Technical note: Towards more realistic 4DCT(MRI) numerical lung phantoms.

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    BACKGROUND Numerical 4D phantoms, together with associated ground truth motion, offer a flexible and comprehensive data set for realistic simulations in radiotherapy and radiology in target sites affected by respiratory motion. PURPOSE We present an openly available upgrade to previously reported methods for generating realistic 4DCT lung numerical phantoms, which now incorporate respiratory ribcage motion and improved lung density representation throughout the breathing cycle. METHODS Density information of reference CTs, toget her with motion from multiple breathing cycle 4DMRIs have been combined to generate synthetic 4DCTs (4DCT(MRI)s). Inter-subject correspondence between the CT and MRI anatomy was first established via deformable image registration (DIR) of binary masks of the lungs and ribcage. Ribcage and lung motions were extracted independently from the 4DMRIs using DIR and applied to the corresponding locations in the CT after post-processing to preserve sliding organ motion. In addition, based on the Jacobian determinant of the resulting deformation vector fields, lung densities were scaled on a voxel-wise basis to more accurately represent changes in local lung density. For validating this process, synthetic 4DCTs, referred to as 4DCT(CT)s, were compared to the originating 4DCTs using motion extracted from the latter, and the dosimetric impact of the new features of ribcage motion and density correction were analyzed using pencil beam scanned proton 4D dose calculations. RESULTS Lung density scaling led to a reduction of maximum mean lung Hounsfield units (HU) differences from 45 to 12 HU when comparing simulated 4DCT(CT)s to their originating 4DCTs. Comparing 4D dose distributions calculated on the enhanced 4DCT(CT)s to those on the original 4DCTs yielded 2%/2 mm gamma pass rates above 97% with an average improvement of 1.4% compared to previously reported phantoms. CONCLUSIONS A previously reported 4DCT(MRI) workflow has been successfully improved and the resulting numerical phantoms exhibit more accurate lung density representations and realistic ribcage motion

    The impact of motion on onboard MRI-guided pencil beam scanned proton therapy treatments.

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    Objective.Online magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) guidance could be especially beneficial for pencil beam scanned (PBS) proton therapy of tumours affected by respiratory motion. For the first time to our knowledge, we investigate the dosimetric impact of respiratory motion on MRI-guided proton therapy compared to the scenario without magnetic field.Approach.A previously developed analytical proton dose calculation algorithm accounting for perpendicular magnetic fields was extended to enable 4D dose calculations. For two geometrical phantoms and three liver and two lung patient cases, static treatment plans were optimised with and without magnetic field (0, 0.5 and 1.5 T). Furthermore, plans were optimised using gantry angle corrections (0.5 T +5° and 1.5 T +15°) to reproduce similar beam trajectories compared to the 0 T reference plans. The effect of motion was then considered using 4D dose calculations without any motion mitigation and simulating 8-times volumetric rescanning, with motion for the patient cases provided by 4DCT(MRI) data sets. Each 4D dose calculation was performed for different starting phases and the CTV dose coverageV95%and homogeneityD5%-D95%were analysed.Main results.For the geometrical phantoms with rigid motion perpendicular to the beam and parallel to the magnetic field, a comparable dosimetric effect was observed independent of the magnetic field. Also for the five 4DCT(MRI) cases, the influence of motion was comparable for all magnetic field strengths with and without gantry angle correction. On average, the motion-induced decrease in CTVV95%from the static plan was 17.0% and 18.9% for 1.5 T and 0.5 T, respectively, and 19.9% without magnetic field.Significance.For the first time, this study investigates the combined impact of magnetic fields and respiratory motion on MR-guided proton therapy. The comparable dosimetric effects irrespective of magnetic field strength indicate that the effects of motion for future MR-guided proton therapy may not be worse than for conventional PBS proton therapy

    Implementation and experimental validation of a robust hybrid direct aperture optimization approach for mixed-beam radiotherapy.

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    PURPOSE The objectives of the work presented in this paper were to (1) implement a robust-optimization method for deliverable mixed-beam radiotherapy (MBRT) plans within a previously developed MBRT planning framework; (2) perform an experimental validation of the delivery of robust-optimized MBRT plans; and (3) compare PTV-based and robust-optimized MBRT plans in terms of target dose robustness and organs at risk (OAR) sparing for clinical head and neck and brain patient cases. METHODS A robust-optimization method, which accounts for translational setup errors, was implemented within a previously developed treatment planning framework for MBRT. The framework uses a hybrid direct aperture optimization method combining column generation and simulated annealing. A robust plan was developed and then delivered to an anthropomorphic head phantom using the Developer Mode of a TrueBeam linac. Planar dose distributions were measured and compared to the planned dose. Robust-optimized and PTV-based plans were developed for three clinical patient cases consisting of two head and neck cases and one brain case. The plans were compared in terms of the robustness to 5 mm shifts of the target volume dose as well as in terms of OAR sparing. RESULTS Using a gamma criterion of 3%/2 mm and a dose threshold of 10%, the agreement between film measurements and dose calculations was better than 97.7% for the total plan and better than 95.5% for the electron component of the plan. For the two head and neck patient cases, the average clinical target volume (CTV) dose homogeneity index (V95%-V107%) over all the considered setup error scenarios was on average 19% lower for the PTV-based plans and it had a larger standard deviation. The robust-optimized plans achieved, on average, a 20% reduction in the OAR doses compared to the PTV-based plans. For the brain patient case, the CTV dose homogeneity index was similar for the two plans, while the OAR doses were 22% lower, on average, for the robust-optimized plan. No clear trend in terms of electron contributions was found across the three patient cases, although robust-optimized plans tended toward higher electron beam energies. CONCLUSIONS A framework for robust optimization of deliverable MBRT plans has been developed and validated. PTV-based MBRT were found to not be robust to setup errors, while the dose delivered by the robust-optimized plans were clinically acceptable for all considered error scenarios and had better OAR sparing. This study shows that the robust optimization is a promising alternative to conventional PTV margins for MBRT

    Liver-ultrasound based motion modelling to estimate 4D dose distributions for lung tumours in scanned proton therapy

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    Motion mitigation strategies are crucial for scanned particle therapy of mobile tumours in order to prevent geometrical target miss and interplay effects. We developed a patient-specific respiratory motion model based on simultaneously acquired time-resolved volumetric MRI and 2D abdominal ultrasound images. We present its effects on 4D pencil beam scanned treatment planning and simulated dose distributions. Given an ultrasound image of the liver and the diaphragm, principal component analysis and Gaussian process regression were applied to infer dense motion information of the lungs. 4D dose calculations for scanned proton therapy were performed using the estimated and the corresponding ground truth respiratory motion; the differences were compared by dose difference volume metrics. We performed this simulation study on 10 combined CT and 4DMRI data sets where the motion characteristics were extracted from 5 healthy volunteers and fused with the anatomical CT data of two lung cancer patients. Median geometrical estimation errors below 2 mm for all data sets and maximum dose differences of = 43.2% and = 16.3% were found. Moreover, it was shown that abdominal ultrasound imaging allows to monitor organ drift. This study demonstrated the feasibility of the proposed ultrasound-based motion modelling approach for its application in scanned proton therapy of lung tumours.</p

    Liver-ultrasound-guided lung tumour tracking for scanned proton therapy: a feasibility study

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    Pencil beam scanned (PBS) proton therapy of lung tumours is hampered by respiratory motion and the motion-induced density changes along the beam path. In this simulation study, we aim to investigate the effectiveness of proton beam tracking for lung tumours both under ideal conditions and in conjunction with a respiratory motion model guided by real-time ultrasound imaging of the liver. Multiple-breathing-cycle 4DMRIs of the thorax and abdominal 2D ultrasound images were acquired simultaneously for five volunteers. Deformation vector fields extracted from the 4DMRI, referred to as ground truth motion, were used to generate 4DCT(MRI) data sets of two lung cancer patients, resulting in 10 data sets with variable motion patterns. Given the 4DCT(MRI) and the corresponding ultrasound images as surrogate data, a patient-specific motion model was built. The model consists of an autoregressive model and Gaussian process regression for the temporal and spatial prediction, respectively. Two-field PBS plans were optimised on the reference CTs, and 4D dose calculations (4DDC) were used to simulate dose delivery for (a) unmitigated motion, (b) ideal 2D and 3D tracking (both beam adaption and 4DDC based on ground truth motion), and (c) realistic 2D and 3D tracking (beam adaption based on motion predictions, 4DDC on ground truth motion). Model-guided tracking retrieved clinically acceptable target dose homogeneity, as seen in a substantial reduction of the D5%-D95% compared to the non-mitigated simulation. Tracking in 2D and 3D resulted in a similar improvement of the dose homogeneity, as did ideal and realistic tracking simulations. In some cases, however, the tracked deliveries resulted in a shift towards higher or lower dose levels, leading to unacceptable target over- or under-coverage. The presented motion modelling framework was shown to be an accurate motion prediction tool for the use in proton beam tracking. Tracking alone, however, may not always effectively mitigate motion effects, making it necessary to combine it with other techniques such as rescanning

    Synthetic 4DCT(MRI) lung phantom generation for 4D radiotherapy and image guidance investigations.

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    PURPOSE Respiratory motion is one of the major challenges in radiotherapy. In this work, a comprehensive and clinically plausible set of 4D numerical phantoms, together with their corresponding 'ground truths', have been developed and validated for 4D radiotherapy applications. METHODS The phantoms are based on CTs providing density information and motion from multi-breathing-cycle 4DMRIs. Deformable image registration (DIR) has been utilized to extract motion fields from 4DMRIs and to establish inter-subject correspondence by registering binary lung masks between CT and MRI. The established correspondence is then used to warp the CT according to the 4DMRI motion. The resulting synthetic 4DCTs are called 4DCT(MRI)s. Validation of the 4DCT(MRI) workflow was conducted by directly comparing conventional 4DCTs to derived synthetic 4D images using the motion of the 4DCTs themselves (referred to as 4DCT(CT)s). Digitally reconstructed radiographs (DRRs) as well as 4D pencil beam scanned (PBS) proton dose calculations were used for validation. RESULTS Based on the CT image appearance of 13 lung cancer patients and deformable motion of 5 volunteer 4DMRIs, synthetic 4DCT(MRI)s with a total of 871 different breathing cycles have been generated. The 4DCT(MRI)s exhibit an average superior-inferior tumor motion amplitude of 7 ± 5 mm (min: 0.5 mm, max: 22.7 mm). The relative change of the DRR image intensities of the conventional 4DCTs and the corresponding synthetic 4DCT(CT)s inside the body is smaller than 5% for at least 81% of the pixels for all studied cases. Comparison of 4D dose distributions calculated on 4DCTs and the synthetic 4DCT(CT)s using the same motion achieved similar dose distributions with an average 2%/2mm gamma pass rate of 90.8% (min: 77.8%, max: 97.2%). CONCLUSION We developed a series of numerical 4D lung phantoms based on real imaging and motion data, which give realistic representations of both anatomy and motion scenarios and the accessible 'ground truth' deformation vector fields of each 4DCT(MRI). The open-source code and motion data allow foreseen users to generate further 4D data by themselves. These numeric 4D phantoms can be used for the development of new 4D treatment strategies, 4D dose calculations, DIR algorithm validations, as well as simulations of motion mitigation and different online image-guidance techniques for both proton and photon radiation therapy. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved