13 research outputs found

    Development of areas of World Exhibitions: search of urbanity: case study of Milan

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    Great events, which the World Exhibitions, held periodically since the end of the 18th century, certainly are, occupy a position somewhere between science and entertainment, culture and consumption. Facilities erected especially for this occasion and development of the allocated areas are by definition temporal structures, which are to be disassembled or transformed after they have fulfilled their function. These areas, even after dozens of years, or even more, still remain areas that stand out in the structure of the city. Milan, the capital of the Italian region of Lombardy, so far has been the host of the World Exhibitions twice, with the time interval of over 100 years. The areas and facilities that remained after the first of them were subjected to a secondary development. In one of the locations of the exhibition from 1906 a large-scale mixed-use development is being implemented, which is intended to create a great part of the future urban fabric of the city. In this paper, the Author shall analyse the current spatial structure, in particular the quality of the emerging tissue, the relations that occur within it, and the possible links with the neighbouring areas. On the basis of the literature available, the Author shall distinguish several criteria which should be satisfied by systems described as urban and shall specify how they are implemented and whether it is possible to find the concept of urbanity in the described area

    Investigating urban form, and walkability measures in the new developments: the case study of Garnizon in Gdansk

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    Sustainable transport choices are gaining much attention as they may support the global shift towards reducing the carbon footprint and developing more energy-efficient cities. The relation between urban form and sus- tainable transport has been discussed by academics and practitioners and there is a consensus that specific pa- rameters of urban form can encourage walking and discourage car use. Following global recommendations on sustainable development, countries take steps towards strengthening pedestrian accessibility by implementing spatial characteristics of walkable neighbourhoods, but also by mobility and urban design strategies. This issue, however, is not properly recognised in countries with short experience in sustainable urban development, such as former socialist countries. In Poland no studies on walkability-related parameters of urban form have been carried out, hence the knowledge in this field is limited. This paper aims to address this gap by providing evi- dence of a newly built urban district located in Gdansk, Poland. We present the Polish case with three examples of new urban districts from Western Europe, that are designed as sustainable and walkable environments. The methodology is based on the descriptive case study. It includes characteristics of design parameters namely the components of the “walkability index” as well as mobility solutions and urban design guidelines. The results show the current position of Garnizon development in relation to the Western European cases with regard to the existing post-communist legacy and allow for indicating differences and possible shortcomings. Additionally, the study results can be discussed in the context of improving the quality of the housing environment in Poland through pedestrian-oriented development strategiesPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Urban Development and Population Pressure: The Case of Młynówka Królewska Park in Krakow, Poland

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    Green areas are necessary components of contemporary cities. They have a positive impact on the climate, ecological balance and resilience of the city structure, and provide numerous benefits to inhabitants. However, progressing urbanisation and a rise in urban population leads to increasing pressure on existing green spaces. Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, but especially over the past decade, the number of new developments in Krakow has been successively increasing. New multi- and single-family housing complexes are built not only in peripheral areas, but also as infilling and development of areas closer to the historical city centre. Simultaneously, the number of urban green spaces has increased only insignificantly. This paper analyses the example of Młynówka Królewska Park, located in the western part of Krakow, Poland. It focuses on city expansion processes and their relationship with public greenery. Furthermore, his study examines spatial and demographic issues that may have an impact on accessibility of the park area. The study was based on statistical data, analyses of recent planning documents, procedures and practices, as well as research performed in situ. The results indicate that the population pressure in the area under analysis changed significantly. According to the results, a correlation can be found between the latest urban development and population dynamics

    Public Space and Urban Barriers in Cracow. Analysis of the Existing State

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    Over the last twenty years Cracow has been experiencing changes associated with the dynamic spatial development. Together with the demographic growth, mobility patterns, change as well as defining the size and volume of transport. As a result of the process, they are often transformed into the space of the city. Attractive public spaces forming logical, continuous sequences could contribute to a more harmonious, sustainable development and rehabilitation of previously neglected neighborhoods. The article will be presented in the case of the transport infrastructure. These areas will be subject to the availability of the pedestrian public space

    Effect of accessibility in housing complexes on shaping of beauty in the urban environment. Selected examples from Cracow

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    Attractiveness of the urban environment, most of all as a place of residence, but also as a place of recreation, work, and everyday activities is moulded by numerous factors, only some of which are purely aesthetic in nature. An important role can be also played by the functional aspect – that of accessibility as a possibility of moving around the urban structure freely. A tendency which is still commonly observed in contemporary housing investments is their complete or partial fencing. It is applied in suburban projects, as well as in broadly understood city centres. In the latter case it results in a private space with limited access, which often constitutes an actual barrier for pedestrian traffic and local traffic within the territory of the city district. This paper presents and analyses selected examples of several housing projects implemented in recent years in Cracow, as well as it examines the role which can be played by specific urban-planning and architectural aspects in moulding of the beauty of the city

    Transformations of the immediate surroundings of the Piast Castle in Legnica after the Second World War

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    Na przemiany struktury przestrzennej miast wpływa wiele czynników; należą do nich także działania wojenne, które są zaliczane do tzw. megatrendów. Najtrwalszym elementem tej struktury jest plan urbanistyczny historycznych obszarów miasta, natomiast procesowi destrukcji i wymiany najczęściej ulega wypełniająca go tkanka zabudowy. W artykule przedstawiono studium przypadku odbudowy centrum Legnicy po zniszczeniach wojennych i powojennych, obrazujące zmianę paradygmatu związanego z kreowaniem współczesnego środowiska urbanistycznego w ostatnich 60 latach w odniesieniu do cennego dziedzictwa architektoniczno-urbanistycznego. W przywołaniu pamięci nieistniejącej struktury miasta pomocna okazuje się retrowersja. Jednak koegzystencja zabytków i współczesnych obiektów o historyzującym kostiumie zawsze budzi kontrowersje i pytania o granice autentyzmu w architekturze. Współczesne, twórcze interpretacje klimatu architektury historycznej, dzięki technologiom i rozwiązaniom materiałowym oraz możliwościom ekonomicznym, dają nadzieję na przywrócenie genius loci dawnej Legnicy.Transformations of the spatial structure of towns and cities are affected by numerous factors. One of them is warfare, classified as a “megatrend.” The urban plan of historic urban areas turn out to be the most durable element of this structure, the process of destruction and replacement most often affects its building tissue. This paper presents a case study of reconstruction Legnica’s center after the war, depicting a paradigm shift associated with the process of creating a contemporary urban environment over the last sixty years, with reference to valuable architectural and urban heritage. Retroversion is a tool that proves to be useful in restoring memory of no longer existing urban infrastructure. Nevertheless, the coexistence of historic and contemporary buildings clad in a historicizing costume is always controversial and raises questions as to limits of authenticity in architecture. Contemporary, creative interpretations of the climate of historical architecture, thanks to the available technologies and material solutions as well as economic opportunities, give hope for restoring the genius loci of former Legnica

    Development of areas of World Exhibitions: search of urbanity: case study of Milan

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    Great events, which the World Exhibitions, held periodically since the end of the 18th century, certainly are, occupy a position somewhere between science and entertainment, culture and consumption. Facilities erected especially for this occasion and development of the allocated areas are by definition temporal structures, which are to be disassembled or transformed after they have fulfilled their function. These areas, even after dozens of years, or even more, still remain areas that stand out in the structure of the city. Milan, the capital of the Italian region of Lombardy, so far has been the host of the World Exhibitions twice, with the time interval of over 100 years. The areas and facilities that remained after the first of them were subjected to a secondary development. In one of the locations of the exhibition from 1906 a large-scale mixed-use development is being implemented, which is intended to create a great part of the future urban fabric of the city. In this paper, the Author shall analyse the current spatial structure, in particular the quality of the emerging tissue, the relations that occur within it, and the possible links with the neighbouring areas. On the basis of the literature available, the Author shall distinguish several criteria which should be satisfied by systems described as urban and shall specify how they are implemented and whether it is possible to find the concept of urbanity in the described area

    Study of Centrality Measures in the Network of Green Spaces in the City of Krakow

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    Access to and interaction with natural blue or green spaces is a critical factor in quality of life and overall well-being. Studies have shown that exposure to natural areas has health benefits for individuals and society. Incorporating interconnected natural ecosystems into the urban fabric is recognized as a means of building urban resilience and mitigating climate change. It is therefore essential to strengthen and expand existing networks. Mathematical measures of centrality provide a valuable approach to analyzing networks, based on the assumption that certain nodes are more central due to better connectivity. However, due to their complexity, centrality measures are not widely used in urban planning studies, and no research has been conducted in specific Polish conditions. This study aims to fill this gap by testing the usefulness of centrality measures in Krakow’s system of green spaces. The results show that there are few well-connected green areas and that the centrality measures vary. The information provided by this study can contribute to a better understanding of the spatial distribution of green spaces in Krakow and in future to better management and decision-making processes aimed at improving the accessibility of green spaces and the quality of life of residents

    Abandoned breweries and distilleries: adaptation of historic structures and continuation of the urban fabric as a part of the sustainable development of historic cities

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    Artykuł przedstawia autorskie badania nad rewitalizacją przemysłowego dziedzictwa z XIX i XX wieku w kilku krajach europejskich. W szczególny sposób zostały omówione przykłady wprowadzania funkcji mieszkaniowej do takich zespołów. Zakłady przemysłu spożywczego, w tym dawne browary i destylarnie, znacznie bardziej niż garbarnie, fabryki chemiczne czy zakłady związane z przemysłem ciężkim i wydobywczym nadają się do tego typu przekształceń. Mają na to wpływ zarówno uwarunkowania środowiskowe, jak i struktura obiektów, a także rachunek ekonomiczny. Współczesne kreacje architektoniczne i urbanistyczne uzupełniają zabytkową tkankę, wpisując się w nurt zrównoważonego rozwoju, ponownego wykorzystywania istniejących struktur i rozwoju miasta „do wewnątrz”. Na przykładach kilku zespołów zabudowy mieszkaniowo-usługowej powstałych jako adaptacje i rozbudowy historycznych browarów i destylarni pokazane zostały odtworzone i wykreowane na nowo związki przestrzenne, dzięki którym wartościowe obiekty postindustrialne stały się elementami współczesnej tkanki miejskiej, kształtując tożsamość miejsca odwołującą się do dziedzictwa.The article presents original research on the revitalization of industrial heritage from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries in several European countries. Specifically, examples of the introduction of residential functions to such complexes are discussed. Food processing plants, including former breweries and distilleries, are much more suitable for this type of transformation than tanneries, chemical factories, or plants associated with heavy industry and mining. This is influenced by both environmental conditions and the structure of the facilities, as well as economic calculations. Contemporary architectural and urbanist creations complement the historical fabric, fitting into the trend of sustainable development, reuse of existing structures and inward city development. Examples of several complexes of residential and commercial developments created as adaptations and extensions of historical breweries and distilleries show the reconstructed and re-created spatial relationships through which valuable post-industrial buildings have become elements of the contemporary urban fabric, shaping the identity of the place referring to the heritage

    Spatial distribution of places of religious worship in the housing environment of contemporary Krakow

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    Obecność obiektów sakralnych w strukturze miasta jest zazwyczaj dobrze widoczna. Świątynie i kaplice dopełniają przestrzenie publiczne, stanowiąc o ich wyjątkowości. Prócz reprezentacji wymiaru duchowego i religijności, wszystkie działające zgodnie z przeznaczeniem obiekty sakralne należą do grupy budynków użyteczności publicznej, zatem powinny cechować się dobrym dostępem i logiczną dystrybucją w tkance miasta. Obecnie badania poświęcone dostępności obiektów usługowych w Krakowie są wycinkowe i nie tworzą kompleksowego obrazu. Celem niniejszej pracy jest uzupełnienie istniejącej luki badawczej przez wyjaśnienie, w jaki sposób kształtuje się dostępność obiektów kultu religijnego w relacji do środowiska mieszkaniowego Krakowa. Metoda badawcza opiera się na koncepcji stref buforowych w celu wskazania obszarów o różnym stopniu dostępności do badanych obiektów. Rezultaty analiz ukazują aktualną dystrybucję obiektów sakralnych w tkance miasta. Dodatkowo wyniki badań umożliwiły identyfikację obszarów mieszkaniowych o bardzo dobrej i akceptowalnej dostępności, jak również tych, znajdujących się poza wyznaczonymi buforami.The presence of sacred objects in the city structure is usually clearly visible. Temples and chapels complete public spaces, making them unique. Apart from the representation of the spiritual dimension and religiosity, all sacred buildings which are functioning as intended belong to the group of public buildings, therefore they should be characterized by good access and logical distribution in the city structure. Currently, research on the availability of service facilities in Krakow is fragmentary and does not create a comprehensive picture. The aim of this study is to fill the existing research gap by explaining the accessibility of religious objects in relation to the housing environment in Krakow. The research method is based on the concept of buffer zones which allow to identify areas with varying degrees of accessibility to the studied objects. The results of the analysis show the current distribution of religious and sacred objects in the city. In addition, the results of the research made it possible to identify residential areas with very good, good and acceptable accessibility, as well as those outside the designated buffers