250 research outputs found

    Network diversity and maritime flows

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    Coupled and interdependent networks constitute a relatively recent research field that has been so far little invested by port and maritime specialists. The extent to which certain ports benefit from being connected to multiple commodity flows in the maritime network has in fact been poorly addressed. A global database of merchant vessel inter-port movements that occurred in October and November 2004 allows building the respective weighted graphs of solid bulk, liquid bulk, container, general cargo, and passenger/vehicles. Main results underline a very strong influence of commodity diversity on the distribution of maritime traffics among ports and links between them. The research also underlines the role of different regional settings in the specialization of traffic flows

    Les zones franches coréennes

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    The free economic zones of North and South Korea are approached through economic development and national planning policies in the respective countries. Each category of free-zone is analyzed according to its specific rules, whereas Masan and Incheon receive more detailed attention.Les zones franches de Corée du Nord et du Sud sont abordées sous l'angle des politiques de développement économique et d'aménagement du territoire dans les deux pays. Chaque catégorie de zone franche est passée en revue selon ses spécificités tandis que Masan et Incheon font l'objet d'une analyse plus fine

    The port city in multidisciplinary analysis

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    The inherent complexity of the port city has drawn attention from a vast number of scholars belonging to a variety of scientific fields. While a full and exhaustive review would reach beyond the scope of this chapter, it proposes evaluating the level of cohesion of port-city research through a classification of main study areas and their outcomes. Multiple definitions of the port city are both a cause and a consequence of the fragmentation of port-city research. There is a necessity refining the status of port-city research within mainstream approaches on either ports or cities

    Inside the pond : an analysis of Northeast Asia’s long‐term maritime dynamics

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    International audienceThe analysis of historical vessel movements is proposed in this paper to compare recent Northeast Asian port and maritime dynamics with previous development stages back to the late nineteenth century. The changing distribution of vessel calls at and between Northeast Asian ports reveals important shifts of maritime connectivity over time, from the emergence of Japan as the dominant player in the region to a present-day more complex pattern with Hong Kong, Busan, and Shanghai as the major hubs. The analysis also underlines the uneven importance of domestic, intraregional, and extraregional flows as well as the existence of localized, peripheral subnetworks including small and medium-sized ports

    Approche comparée du développement des villes-ports à l'échelle mondiale : problÚmes conceptuels et méthodologiques

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    Communication aux JournĂ©es Nationales de GĂ©ographie des Transports, Cergy-Pontoise, France, Septembre 14-15 (2005). Site de la revue : http://afitl.ish-lyon.cnrs.fr//index.php/presentation-de-la-revue.htmlNational audienceInternational comparison of port cities is founded on growing spatial and economical similarities between them. Despite the diversity of local and national systems, this article aims at measuring at a global scale, from available data on a sample of 330 nodes, the nature of ongoing trends underlying the complex relationships between urban, port and maritime systems. A factor analysis highlights some fundamental issues linked with port/city opposition, together with various degrees of interdependency to be seen at a regional levelLa comparaison internationale des villes-ports se justifie par la similitude croissante des phĂ©nomĂšnes spatiaux et Ă©conomiques auxquelles celles-ci sont confrontĂ©es. MalgrĂ© la diversitĂ© des configurations et des mĂ©canismes que connaissent les villes-ports dans leur individualitĂ© et au sein de leur espace national, ce travail tente de mesurer Ă  l'Ă©chelle mondiale, Ă  partir des donnĂ©es disponibles pour un Ă©chantillon de 330 nƓuds, la nature des structures actuelles et des Ă©volutions en cours guidant les rapports complexes entre l'urbain, le portuaire et le maritime. L'analyse en composantes principales souligne certains aspects fondamentaux de l'opposition ville/port, ainsi que leur dimension fortement rĂ©gional

    Asian cities in the global maritime network since the late nineteenth century

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    Asian cities have long concentrated a significant share of world maritime trade and the current situation in the early XXIth century is by no means new. This research proposes an empirical analysis of global maritime flows with a particular focus on Asian cities between 1890 and 2008, based on available information on merchant vessel movements obtained from Lloyd's List. The research maps and compares noticeable traffic shifts among Asian port cities as well as their individual port growth trajectories.Les villes d'Asie concentrent depuis longtemps une part non négligeable du commerce maritime mondial, et la situation à l'aube du XXIÚme siÚcle n'a en effet rien de trÚs nouveau. Cette recherche fournit une analyse empirique des flux maritimes mondiaux de 1890 à 2008 à partir des archives de Lloyd's List sur les mouvements de navires. Les résultats principaux permettent de visualiser l'évolution des trafics entre villes asiatiques et leurs trajectoires portuaires individuelles

    Simplification et partitionnement d'un graphe

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    This document from the fmr group introduces four types of methods for simplifying and/or partitioning graphs. Two methods produce tree-like structures that are easy to visualize: the minimum spanning tree (introduced among other classic methods of path detection), and the nodal regions algorithm (i.e. single or multiple linkage analysis). Two other methods provide groups of nodes characterized by a variety of structures: the filtering of links through a cohesion level based on the proportion of common neighbours of nodes, and the topological decomposition (i.e. looking at links among nodes having similar degree centrality). The application of the two latter methods in geography remains rather limited.Ce document du groupe fmr (flux, matrices, réseaux) présente quatre méthodes de simplification et/ou de partitionnement de graphes. Deux d'entre elles produisent des structures en arbre facilement visualisables : l'arbre d'étendue minimum (l'une des méthodes possibles de recherche d'un chemin reliant tous les sommets) et l'algorithme des régions nodales (flux majeurs ou dominants). Deux autres méthodes produisent des sous-graphes caractérisés par des structures variées : le filtrage des liens par l'application d'un indice de cohésion basé sur la proportion de voisins communs, et la décomposition topologique (liens entre sommets de degré comparable). L'application par les géographes de ces deux derniÚres méthodes reste encore limitée

    Activité portuaire et villes

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    On connaßt rarement le poids de la ville littorale dans l'activité du port ; encore moins celui du port dans l'activité de la ville littorale, en termes de flux de marchandises. Le trafic portuaire, malgré de nombreuses imprécisions quant à sa valeur réelle et aux origines et destinations précises des flux, reste une donnée riche en enseignements. Comparer le volume et la structure du trafic portuaire à la population des villes permet de mesurer leur spécialisation portuaire et de mettre en valeur certaines spécificités régionales et trajectoires remarquables en Europe et dans le monde

    The polarization of global container flows by interoceanic canals: geographic coverage and network vulnerability

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    International Colloquium organized by the The Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences (Kaowarsom). Conference programme available at: http://www.kaowarsom.be/documents/programma_interoceanic_canals_03-2012.pdfInternational audienceIt is widely acknowledged that the two major interoceanic canals of Suez and Panama play a central role in global shipping flows. However, this role has rarely been measured with precision both in terms of the geographic coverage and network topological properties of canal-dependent flows. Based on vessel movement data for containerships, this research clarifies the weight and share of canal-dependent flows globally and at the level of world regions, routes, and ports. It also estimates and maps the effects of removing canal-dependent flows from the network by means of graph-theoretical methods. While main results converge in showing a decreasing importance of canal shipping in the context of growing south-south trade exchanges, certain areas remain more dependent than others, such as Asia, Europe, and North America. The research also underlines factors of port vulnerability across the globe in relation with the two canals

    Reti marittime e gerarchie portuali in Europa: un confronto tra Nord e Sud

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    NumĂ©ro spĂ©cial "Sistema Portuale", Mancuso ed., disponible en ligne : http://www.mancosueditore.eu/riviste/lingegnere/Ingegnere_30-34_mar-dic2010.pdfCette recherche compare la situation respective des ports d'Europe nordique et mĂ©ridionale au sein de leurs rĂ©seaux conteneurisĂ©s respectifs (Manche/Mer du Nord/ Baltique et MĂ©diterranĂ©e/Mer Noire). L'article interroge la configuration spatiale des rĂ©seaux maritimes en termes de forces et faiblesses des ports connectĂ©s. Des indicateurs de centralitĂ© sont proposĂ©s, tandis la structure de chaque rĂ©gion est Ă©tudiĂ©e en 1996 et 2006. Hormis la confirmation de certaines tendances bien connues (stabilitĂ© de la concentration portuaire, Ă©mergence des hubs mĂ©diterranĂ©ens), cette recherche met en lumiĂšre l'extrĂȘme polarisation de l'Europe nordique par Hambourg et Rotterdam par rapport Ă  la structure polycentrique de l'Europe mĂ©ridionale. L'interdĂ©pendance observĂ©e entre l'architecture des rĂ©seaux maritimes et le niveau d'intĂ©gration des territoires connectĂ©s est l'un des rĂ©sultats principauxQuesto studio mette a confronto la situazione relativa dei porti del Nord e del Sud Europa, nell'ambito delle loro rispettive reti containerizzate (Manica/Mare del Nord/Baltico e Mediterraneo/Mar Nero). L'articolo esamina la configurazione spaziale delle reti marittime in termini di potenzialita e criticita di porti tra loro connessi. Vengono proposti alcuni indicatori di centralita, mentre la struttura di ogni regione analizzata in riferimento al 1996 e al 2006. Oltre a confermare alcune tendenze ben note (la stabilita della concentrazione portuale, l'emergere di hub mediterranei), questa ricerca mette in evidenza l'estrema polarizzazione del Nord Europa con i porti di Amburgo e Rotterdam in rapporto alla struttura policentrica dell'Europa meridionale. L'interdipendenza osservata tra l'architettura delle reti marittime e il livello di integrazione dei territori connessi uno dei risultati principal
