1,514 research outputs found

    Automatic building detection from aerial images for mobile robot mapping

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    To improve mobile robot outdoor mapping, information about the shape and location of buildings is of interest. This paper describes a system for automatic detection of buildings in aerial images taken from a nadir view. The system builds two types of independent hypotheses based on the image contents. A segmentation process implemented as an ensemble of SOMs (Self Organizing Maps) is trained and used to create a segmented image showing different types of roofs, vegetation and sea. A second type of hypotheses is based on an edge image produced from the aerial photo. A line extraction process uses the edge image as input and extracts lines from it. From these edges, corners and rectangles that represent buildings are constructed. A classification process uses the information from both hypotheses to determine whether the rectangles are buildings, unsure buildings or unknown objects

    Sharing Polarization within Quantum Subspaces

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    Given an ensemble of n spins, at least some of which are partially polarized, we investigate the sharing of this polarization within a subspace of k spins. We assume that the sharing results in a pseudopure state, characterized by a single purity parameter which we call the bias. As a concrete example we consider ensembles of spin-1/2 nuclei in liquid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) systems. The shared bias levels are compared with some current entanglement bounds to determine whether the reduced subspaces can give rise to entangled states.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Universities Confront ‘Tech Disruption’: Perceptions of Student Engagement Online Using Two Learning Management Systems

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    This article is a teaching note on the experiences of students and professors as they adapted to the use of a new learning management system (LMS). Using pedagogical theories of student engagement and the online learning process, we explore how the design of an LMS affects student satisfaction and interaction with peers and the instructor. This descriptive, qualitative study reports student and instructor experiences in four hybrid sociology courses that used Google Classroom as an experimental LMS. These same students also used Blackboard, a more traditional LMS, in their other sociology classes, establishing a quasi within-subject point of comparison for these two systems. A survey (n=72) and four focus groups (n=54) were conducted among students to determine how student engagement is experienced differently on Classroom and Blackboard. Eighty-three percent of students reported feeling satisfied with Classroom over Blackboard. Focus groups revealed themes relating to usability and learnability; interaction and individuality; and facilitation of learning. Students and instructors responded more positively, with some exceptions, to Classroom’s reliability and interface, but claims about the transformative power of online tools are not wholly supported by student or instructor experiences. The study advances our understanding of how the LMS interface, design, and functionality play a role in student engagement online. Further research is needed to understand the full extent of Classroom’s impact on learning in the higher education landscape

    ICarbS, Volume 1, Issue 2

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    Contents Piscator and Brecht: Closeness Through Distance by John Willett / 79 Erwin Piscator: A Checklist by Jurgen Stein / 95 Town Life in Southern Illinois during the Great Depression by David E. Conrad and Glen M. Jones / 121 Walt Whitman Answers a Collector by E. Earle Stibitz / 141 The Mexican Revolution of 1910: Perspectives from the Francisco Vazquez Gomez Papers by Anthony Bryan /145 Manuscript Collections in Morris Library by Ralph E. McCoy / 153 Illustrations Erwin Piscator in 1964 / 80 Erwin Piscator in 1941 / 86 Piscator t.l. to Brecht / 92 Nollendorfplatz theater poster / 100 Caricature of Erwin Piscator / 110 Herrin coalmine crew / 124 Flood ravaged Southern Illinois family / 130 Walt Whitman a.l.s. to a book collector / 142-143 Vazquez Gomez appointed Professor / 146 Teo Otto set design / Cove

    ICarbS, Volume 4, Issue 1

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    Contents Ulysses S. Grant and the Ship Railway by John Y. Simon / 3 James Joyce\u27s Exiles and the Incorporated Stage Society by John MacNicholas I 10 Francis Stuart: From Laragh to Berlin by J. H. Natterstad / 17 The Dewey School Photographs by Ruth Bauner / 24 The Herbert Marshall Collection by Susan Siebert / 41 Henry Blake Fuller and the Bookman by Lee Deckelnick / 49 The Southern Illinois University Map Library by Jean M. Ray / 55 Contributors / 64 Illustrations Stage Society ballot for Exiles, 1916 / 10 The Dewey School, 1900-1903 / 24, 29-40 Paul Robeson, Herbert Marshall and Fredda Brilliant, ca. 1938 / 42 Ira Aldridge in Othello; broadside, Edinburgh, 1849 / 44 Henry Blake Fuller draft of letter, 1901 / 52-53 The New World, Amsterdam, 1698 / 5

    ICarbS, Volume 1, Issue 1

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    Contents Excerpts from The Underground Woman by Kay Boyle / 3 The Lawrence Durrell Collection by Ian MacNiven / 10 The John Dewey Papers Come to SIU-C by Jo Ann Boydston / 26 William James and George Santayana by Sidney Hook / 34 Hemingway\u27s Metaphysics in Four Stories by John M. Howell / 40 Robert Graves: The Artist and the Personality by Ted E. Boyle & Richard F. Peterson / 52 The Artist as Rebel: Francis Stuart by Jerry H Natterstad / 61 Pluses and Problems at Morris Library by Ralph E. McCoy / 67 Contributors / 75 Illustrations Durrell\u27s cover page for The Black Book typescript / 10 Durrel\u27s sketch for Justine dust jacket / 14 Working drafts for Uncebunke / 20 John Margulies drawing of John Dewey / 26 Dewey\u27s syllabus for Columbia lecture / 28 Dewey\u27s notes for Sarus lectures / 30 Presentation page of Principles of Psychology / 34 James a.l.s. to Santayana Hemingway\u27s After the Storm / 40 Hemingway\u27s a.d. in Africa / 44 Page 19 of the Macomber typescript / 46 Grave\u27s drawing for I, Claudius / 52 Manuscript cover for Claudius the God / 56 Cover Drawing of Kay Boyle by Werner Mer

    ICarbS, Volume 3, Issue 1

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    Contents The Not-So-Retiring Ralph E. McCoy by Sidney E. Matthews / 5 The One Hundred Days by John Howard Lawson / 11 John Howard Lawson\u27s A Calendar of Commitment by Lee Elihu Lowenfish / 25 John Howard Lawson: Hollywood Craftsmanship and Censorship in the 1930s by Gary Carr / 37 Censorship in Chicago: Tropic of Cancer by Elmer Gertz / 49 The Richard Aldington Collection at Morris Library by Norman T. Gates / 61 T. S. Eliot, Robert Graves and The Criterion by Richard F. Peterson / 69 The Cairo of Maud Rittenhouse by Johnetta Jones / 74 Contributors / 86 Illustrations Ralph E. McCoy and the often-banned Ulysses / 4 John Howard Lawson / 12 John Howard Lawson picketing in the late 1940s / 26 Mordecai Gorelik set design for Processional! / 38 Henry Miller a.l.s., 16 March 1962, to Elmer Gertz / 52 Henry Miller t.l.s., 28 June 1964, to Elmer Gertz / 56 Richard Aldington as a successful young novelist / 60 Mordecai Gorelik set design for Processional! / Cove

    ICarbS, Volume 2, Issue 2

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    Contents The Library of Living Philosophers: From a Personal Memoir by Paul Arthur Schilpp / 79 Einstein and the Library of Living Philosophers by Paul C. Rasmussen / 95 Philip E. B. Jourdain and the Open Court Papers by Elizabeth R. Eames / 101 Henry Nelson Wieman at Ninety by John Albin Brayer / 113 Unintentional History: Photographs of Litchfield by William F. Morton / 119 Robert Graves: The Art of Revision by John W. Presley / 133 The Open Court Papers by Claudia McKenzie Foster / 146 Contributors / 152 Illustrations Ernst Cassirer, Paul A. Schilpp, and G. E. Moore / 84 Albert Einstein and Paul Schilpp in Einstein\u27s study / 96 Albert Einstein to Paul Schilpp, t.l.s., 18 December 1949 / 98 Photographs of Litchfield, lllinois / 121-132 Early holograph draft of Between Hyssop and Axe / 140 Intermediate draft of the same Graves poem / 14

    ICarbS, Volume 3, Issue 2

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    Contents A Note on Hal Trovillion and the Powys Brothers by Kenneth Hopkins / 89 Harry Crosby, His Death, His Diaries by Edward B. Germain / 103 Harry Crosby\u27s Sun Code by Sasha Newborn / 111 The Crosbys: An Afterword by Kay Boyle / 117 The Later Caresse Crosby: Her Answer Remained Yes by Harry T. Moore / 127 A Letter from Voltaire by Henry Vyverberg / 135 Masters Works on Toward the Gulf by Herb Russell / 149 The Southern illinois University Library: A Century of Growth and Service by Kenneth G. Peterson / 152 Contributors / 166 Illustrations John Cowper Powys and Violet Trovillion, 1938 / 96 Pastel of Harry Crosby by Bradford Johnson, ca. 1923 / 102 Pastel of Caresse Crosby by Bradford Johnson, ca. 1923 / 104 Kay Boyle and Harry Crosby at LeMoulin du Soleil,. 1927 / 118 Caresse Crosby by Manuel Angeles Ortiz, 1928 / 126 Ezra Pound and Caresse Crosby, the 1960s / 132 Voltaire a.l.s., 14 April1754, to Father Joseph de Menoux / 142-144 Wheeler Library reading room, 1904 / 152 Flutes and Bones by Romare Bearden / Cove

    ICarbS, Volume 2, Issue 1

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    Contents General Grant and Mark Twain by John Y. Simon / 3 Ben L. Reitman, M.D.: Portrait of a Pseudo-Anarchist by Paul E. Kuhl / 11 Brian O\u27Nolan: The Privacy of His Mind by Miles Orvell / 23 Borstal Revisited by Corey Phelps / 39 James Joyce and James Stephens: The Coincidence of the Second of February by Alan M. Cohn / 61 James Joyce Collections at Morris Library by Steven P. Lund and Alan M. Cohn / 67 Illustrations Line drawing of Samuel Clemens by Werner Mertz / 4 Samuel Clemens to Julia Dent Grant, 3 February 1886 / 6-8 Irish Times (dummy) crowns Myles King of Ireland / 24 Manuscript of O\u27Nolan article on James Joyce / 28 Typescript of O\u27N alan light poem on Ezra Pound / 32 Manuscript opening for The Courteous Borstal / 40 Typescript from Behan\u27s Bridewell Revisited / 48 Behan typescript, Deliverance / 54 James Stephens\u27 Sarasvati / 62 Minuette, with comments by Stephens / 64 John Sullivan, James Joyce and James Stephens in Paris / 6
